Im getting FoW armor for my Warrior (female) and have my ectos and shards rdy, but I tryed finding what other materials I need for the armor, but Can't find anything.
would anyone know what I need ?(iron ingots, steel ingots?)
tryed using search, no results
Added by Chief: Read the FAQs. This is a very common question. Secondly, Search does work. Either you did not know what to search for or were just lazy.
Armor that is crafted in Fissure of Woe is called Obsidian Armor.
Warrior FoW Armor-materials needed
Anarion Silverhand
This should suit your needs:
woot thanx anarion,
already tryed looking on wiki, getting glasses tomorrow orso O.o
already tryed looking on wiki, getting glasses tomorrow orso O.o
That's weird, I did a search for "warrior fow armor materials" and got 21 results back, the first result having the answer.