Originally Posted by Jessyi
I hedged my bets anyways. I paid 60K for an IDS (not a horrible price) and now either one of two things will happen: they keep dropping, in which case I'll resell my sword for about the same price I paid for it and find a new one at my leisure....
-Jess |
IDS will stay!
Manic Smile
Has anyone added a pommel to an IDS? if so which ones? I know Hilts can not be added but was curious where to find pommels already salvaged ready to add.
aron searle
Well i hope it stays, because the drops have been nerfed beyond belife.
On the first day they were "discovered" i went in teams and saw 3 drop on 2 runs (none for me). After that i have done about 15 solo runs (1 drop), and 10 team runs (0 drops), everyone i talk to is having the same problem.
If it dosnt stay some people wont get them just because the drop rate sucks now, unless there either really lucky or are prepared to go on 10 team runs approx or solo it.
On the first day they were "discovered" i went in teams and saw 3 drop on 2 runs (none for me). After that i have done about 15 solo runs (1 drop), and 10 team runs (0 drops), everyone i talk to is having the same problem.
If it dosnt stay some people wont get them just because the drop rate sucks now, unless there either really lucky or are prepared to go on 10 team runs approx or solo it.
Sonya of Red
Today was the first time I've done an ids run. Wasn't really intersted in the sword but wanted to try it out (solo the cave). Wouldn't you know it an IDS drops.
When I went back to town, I looked at it and decided I really didn't like the graphic and sold if for 60k (almost imediately). So for those who have spent the last day hunting for this item without luck sorry they only drop to people like me who don't appreciate them.
When I went back to town, I looked at it and decided I really didn't like the graphic and sold if for 60k (almost imediately). So for those who have spent the last day hunting for this item without luck sorry they only drop to people like me who don't appreciate them.
Originally Posted by oscarmk
How would it be unfair?, i mean this weapon is nothing overpowered, if anything its worst than the other ones out there simply because you cannot change the icy on them.
Icy mod is not so bad. Ice elemental damage is better against any fire monsters and warriors. It is only worser against rangers and some elementalists which happen to have extra protection against elemental damage.
My suggestion is that they should leave IDS as it is now or add it to weapon crafter collection. They probably made a mistake because it always drop with perfect stats. Too late to correct that.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
I was in Lions Arch Int'l Dist 1 two nights ago when Gaile was there. I pointedly asked her the question whether the IDS would (1) still be available outside Lyssa's cave and (2) whether existing IDS's would stay in inventory.
She responded that (1) the IDS "may" be a wintersday item only and (2) that the IDS would continue to stay in your inventory, along with all other Christmas items. She did not indicate, however, whether the candy canes would continue to remove DP (although I asked her that question multiple times). |
Originally Posted by sickkk
is there a place where it says when gaile gray does things like these when she goes to LA and anwsers questions?
The IDS item will stay purely for the facts that ANet would lose out if they remove the item from the game firstly from the players that will be complaining that they couldn't get one and its not fair that they reward farmers who farm over and over instead of sharing it around (i.e. through reduced drops) etc. Secondly they will be indirectly saying its okay to farm because by removing the item the prices will skyrocket therefore sending a message out to the players that farming reaps rewards (such as gold/ectos/shards). Thirdly by doing so it indirectly causes gold to be more valuable hence more people will hoard money in order to afford a "Unique" item, (can be offset with good AND decent accessible gold sinks). Fourthly the item was already seemingly place into the game before the Wintersday Update, who is to say there isn't a random cave that drops Ebon/Shocking Dragon Swords already in the game. Fifthly the sword doesn't cause any imbalances in the game, 4 weapons slots 4 different elemental weapons 4 different dragon swords 1 sword for each situation.
My 2cents
My 2cents
Originally Posted by VampiricuS
Has anyone added a pommel to an IDS? if so which ones? I know Hilts can not be added but was curious where to find pommels already salvaged ready to add.
tia! |
Originally Posted by -Loki-
No, you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
Ellix Cantero
Originally Posted by Merry Madrigal
Yes, yes, and yes.
I have spoken to GG in-game about this TWICE, and the IDS is a new item that is a permanent addition to the game. It was actually added BEFORE the Xmas event (did you know that?) |
Originally Posted by aron searle
Well i hope it stays, because the drops have been nerfed beyond belife.
On the first day they were "discovered" i went in teams and saw 3 drop on 2 runs (none for me). After that i have done about 15 solo runs (1 drop), and 10 team runs (0 drops), everyone i talk to is having the same problem. If it dosnt stay some people wont get them just because the drop rate sucks now, unless there either really lucky or are prepared to go on 10 team runs approx or solo it. |
Thursday 12/22: 5
Friday 12/23: 1
Saturday 12/24: 0
Sunday 12/25: 6
Monday 12/26: 0
Tuesday 12/27: 0
Wednesday 12/28: 5
Thursday 12/29: 3
Friday 12/30: TBA (still at work...)
I'm not doing anything special, just runing to the cave and killing all the imps like everybody else. Some days I didn't get squat, some days I found plenty. I don't see any signs of nerfage.
Good thing I played the market to make buckets of gold from buying and selling them.
dont feel no pain
well something that i always believed is we "nerf" them ourselves.
i dont know if it's true but.
Areas have thier own drop rate in "time" , say a area can olny allow a certain amount of drops and the area is never farmed (eg: the cave before it was found) then one person soloing it (and i one person in GW) would get lots of IDS drops because he is not sharing the drop rate , by showing that this new IDS is real and that it can only be farmed there , the areas drop rate stays the same and gets shared by the amount of people farming it, therefore making the chances of a drop smaller , the only thing that is effecting the drop rate is the amount of people farming it spreading the rate , and the ammount of people farming it changes all the time , in those low amounts u will have more chance , but since we can never tell it will just be luck for the time we farm it.
like think about it 1000 people farming the place , emm wild guess 300 droped , 100000 people farming the place 300 dropped. well thats my thoery.
it explains the fact that:
1.griofns drop golds like never LOL
2. i solo'd borlis pass for a guildy and got 3 golds armors
3.why ectos dont drop often.
4.why IDS have got less commom
i dont know if it's true but.
Areas have thier own drop rate in "time" , say a area can olny allow a certain amount of drops and the area is never farmed (eg: the cave before it was found) then one person soloing it (and i one person in GW) would get lots of IDS drops because he is not sharing the drop rate , by showing that this new IDS is real and that it can only be farmed there , the areas drop rate stays the same and gets shared by the amount of people farming it, therefore making the chances of a drop smaller , the only thing that is effecting the drop rate is the amount of people farming it spreading the rate , and the ammount of people farming it changes all the time , in those low amounts u will have more chance , but since we can never tell it will just be luck for the time we farm it.
like think about it 1000 people farming the place , emm wild guess 300 droped , 100000 people farming the place 300 dropped. well thats my thoery.
it explains the fact that:
1.griofns drop golds like never LOL
2. i solo'd borlis pass for a guildy and got 3 golds armors
3.why ectos dont drop often.
4.why IDS have got less commom
Of course the IDS you find will remain in your possesion after the event, however, I think the area will be nerfed after Wintersday.
The IDS is part of the Wintersday event and was just the first thing added. If you noticed, they added things slowly day after day...like the 12 days of Christmas...as implied on the GW website. They added decorations, then collectors, then quests, then candy cane weapons, then snowball fights...etc.
Keeping it open after Wintersday will drop the value of the sword and the memories/excitement we all had when farming this area. I for one think it holds more prestige as an event only item, although I would not mind if they brought it back every Wintersday.
It is not the best sword in the game even if modded, so having it as a novelty (due to it's look) is the only real reason to have one. Making it available after Wintersday would nullify this.
The IDS is part of the Wintersday event and was just the first thing added. If you noticed, they added things slowly day after day...like the 12 days of Christmas...as implied on the GW website. They added decorations, then collectors, then quests, then candy cane weapons, then snowball fights...etc.
Keeping it open after Wintersday will drop the value of the sword and the memories/excitement we all had when farming this area. I for one think it holds more prestige as an event only item, although I would not mind if they brought it back every Wintersday.
It is not the best sword in the game even if modded, so having it as a novelty (due to it's look) is the only real reason to have one. Making it available after Wintersday would nullify this.

I've had 2 really strange runs.
One one, I had a group of Avacara in front of the cave followed by a group of imps then another group of Avacara right at the mouth of the cave. I was able to fight the middle group of imps but had to do some major healing because of the degen from the first group of Avacara and a troll hitting on me from the imp group. I ended up getting an IDS from this group!
The second one had the Avacar and imps in the same group intermingled. I tried to pull an imp with an arrow but both groups came!...I rezoned.
One one, I had a group of Avacara in front of the cave followed by a group of imps then another group of Avacara right at the mouth of the cave. I was able to fight the middle group of imps but had to do some major healing because of the degen from the first group of Avacara and a troll hitting on me from the imp group. I ended up getting an IDS from this group!
The second one had the Avacar and imps in the same group intermingled. I tried to pull an imp with an arrow but both groups came!...I rezoned.
Originally Posted by kvndoom
I'm still not following this "nerfed" logic. I've gotten [20] of the damn things so far.
Thursday 12/22: 5 Friday 12/23: 1 Saturday 12/24: 0 Sunday 12/25: 6 Monday 12/26: 0 Tuesday 12/27: 0 Wednesday 12/28: 5 Thursday 12/29: 3 Friday 12/30: TBA (still at work...) I'm not doing anything special, just runing to the cave and killing all the imps like everybody else. Some days I didn't get squat, some days I found plenty. I don't see any signs of nerfage. |
i've been there 8 times.
4 with groups of 5 no drop for anyone
4 with a full group same
dont feel no pain
yep he goes solo and so do i , it's quite easy as a w/mes , when u got doylak sigit and pshyocal resistance up with a stance sheild and armor +5 or armor +7 vs ele , its like 0-5 dmg on anything. and as for running i use sprint and charge (lots of people dont but i prefer it) a fiery haft/hilt my attack skills are penatrating blow , executionsers strike and deep wound/desperation blow.
ah! i thought he was a W/Mo since that what says in his profile.
as a W/Me i know its easy, but unfortunatly atm i cannot change my secondary.
as a W/Me i know its easy, but unfortunatly atm i cannot change my secondary.
Gildor Took
well i dunno how u got so many ids. Currently i have 1 IDS and that was after 23 runs. Anyway if they nerfed the IDS quite a few ppl would be unhappy. I think they should just nerf it from dropping in 15>50 form. BTW when is wintersday?
Guardian of the Light
I noticed a lot of people are complaining on this thread but no one is signing my pension

Merry Madrigal
Actually if you read ALL the quotes from Gaile, you will clearly see that she supports what many people have posted above - the IDS is a permanent addition to the game.
It's only quoting out of conext which is making people panic.
It's only quoting out of conext which is making people panic.
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by jimmy_logic
The IDS item will stay purely for the facts that ANet would lose out if they remove the item from the game firstly from the players that will be complaining that they couldn't get one and its not fair that they reward farmers who farm over and over instead of sharing it around (i.e. through reduced drops) etc. Secondly they will be indirectly saying its okay to farm because by removing the item the prices will skyrocket therefore sending a message out to the players that farming reaps rewards (such as gold/ectos/shards). Thirdly by doing so it indirectly causes gold to be more valuable hence more people will hoard money in order to afford a "Unique" item, (can be offset with good AND decent accessible gold sinks). Fourthly the item was already seemingly place into the game before the Wintersday Update, who is to say there isn't a random cave that drops Ebon/Shocking Dragon Swords already in the game. Fifthly the sword doesn't cause any imbalances in the game, 4 weapons slots 4 different elemental weapons 4 different dragon swords 1 sword for each situation.
My 2cents Regards |
Thats my 25 cents!

Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
I noticed a lot of people are complaining on this thread but no one is signing my pension
![]() |

Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
Agree with your post. It make more sense to keep IDS in game since peoples who never got one can have a chance to at least get one after wintersday. Also, it would stop the possible gold sink when it get remove from the game and people start selling it for 100k or more. Secondly, am i the only one who think the sword might not be a drop but rather a collector items in one of those towns. The sword is blue, and have a perfect stats. Therefore making it an collector item is better for A-Net since people don't need to solo farm for it. Two, it wouldn't cost that much to craft it since you just need some materials (maybe frigid hearts) to get one. But be advise, if IDS become a collector item (not saying it would) than all the value for IDS will drop drastically. Another solution is to open up the drop rate for IDS after Wintersday event so that people can get one. Either way, i think the sword shouldn't be remove since its not costing that much problem or balance issues. Except people who don't have one would pay 60k or more for it. Also, if this sword become part of a reward for wintersday event than it give more incentive for peoples to join the event.
Thats my 25 cents! ![]() |
If you have been playing GW for a bit, you will come to see that 60k really is not much money to make. Any lvl 20 should be able to afford it and make it in a few days. Besides we need MORE gold sinks, why do you think they added chests?
On top of that it is a sword...this means it was primarly meant for a warrior and any ascended lvl 20 warrior should be able to solo the area and get the sword if they REALLY want it.
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by ChoKILLate[FDG]
Why do some of you insist on wanting to make the game too easy?! If everything were easy to get and buy no one would continue to play the game because everyone would have the same stuff! The reason I am still around playing GW is because there is a challenge in getting some items like the IDS, ecto, shards, and green items. When I am not doing missions with guild mates, I enjoy in solo'ing in these challenging areas, however expect a reward for my hard work like a unique sword or an obsidian shard every now and then.
If you have been playing GW for a bit, you will come to see that 60k really is not much money to make. Any lvl 20 should be able to afford it and make it in a few days. Besides we need MORE gold sinks, why do you think they added chests? On top of that it is a sword...this means it was primarly meant for a warrior and any ascended lvl 20 warrior should be able to solo the area and get the sword if they REALLY want it. |
But if IDS turn out to be a reward for the wintersday event, its a slap to all the farmer's face for spending that much time getting it thinking they can sell it after wintersday for tons of golds.

Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by DevilStick
Pension... or petition?
![]() |

it's not like anet to rob some players with the chances of getting a good sword. besides i don't think they want to see anything hike in price.
I'm so frustrating farming IDS. This is crazy, i cant get any IDS. wHY ? IS there any trick or im just bad luck.
Sonya of Red
Ok, I have a theory. Considering the fact that chapter 2 is coming out soon the developers of GW may be testing a couple ideas out seeing if there new implementations are popular.
As people have noted IDS drops with perfect stats and look like a collector swords. Perhaps the reason is, is that A-net is giving people another way of getting perfect stat swords that is not just through a collector or random gold drop. I would not be surprised to see in chap 2 that instead of giving materials to collectors for collector type swords you could also complete a certain mission or map area to get a collector sword. While this might not explain the rarity of the sword in the area (except that the developers are experimenting with drop frequency) it would explain why it always drops blue with perfect stats.
Again, if I were a developer I might try out a couple of things first before implementing it so that I could test their popularity.
Anyway, food for thought.
As people have noted IDS drops with perfect stats and look like a collector swords. Perhaps the reason is, is that A-net is giving people another way of getting perfect stat swords that is not just through a collector or random gold drop. I would not be surprised to see in chap 2 that instead of giving materials to collectors for collector type swords you could also complete a certain mission or map area to get a collector sword. While this might not explain the rarity of the sword in the area (except that the developers are experimenting with drop frequency) it would explain why it always drops blue with perfect stats.
Again, if I were a developer I might try out a couple of things first before implementing it so that I could test their popularity.
Anyway, food for thought.
Originally Posted by ChoKILLate[FDG]
Besides we need MORE gold sinks, (re: ids)
Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
Also, it would stop the possible gold sink when it get remove from the game and people start selling it for 100k or more.
Easy, a collectors sword with the same stats is going to set you back a fraction of the price these ids's are going for. (I'm thinking of the weapons crafter in Droknars here... plus the icy hilt).
That's not saying I don't like them, I have one and it's not gonna get sold to anyone
It's also the second sword with decent stats on it, the other one I own is the one from the weapons guy in Droknars, the nice gold weapons I own, unfortunatly, have some bad (or interesting) stats on them.
That's not saying I don't like them, I have one and it's not gonna get sold to anyone
Ellix Cantero
Originally Posted by Merry Madrigal
Actually if you read ALL the quotes from Gaile, you will clearly see that she supports what many people have posted above - the IDS is a permanent addition to the game.
It's only quoting out of conext which is making people panic. |
Originally Posted by eom
could you guys explain how ids is a gold sink?
However, the IDS has slowed down farming alot. Too many people are foolishly going IDS farming for days. Many of the people going in groups claim they go anywhere from 30-70 runs before they get an IDS for themselves (taking as long as an hour a run to gather a party and fight to the cave). Even solo Wa/Me farmers take several runs in order to get one IDS (probably taking almost half an hour per run if you take into account the bad spawns, meaning you must restart of spend time fighting the Azure Shadows or trying to lure the Averica away from entrance). If you think about it, doing the standard Griffon runs or Droknar Troll runs are much more efficient (after you get the build and route down, troll runs take under 5 minutes and you get maybe 2k gold each run selling the items and picking up gold, thats 24k per hour, so you can probably buy an IDS within 2 hours because you will get at least one or two valuable drops through all those runs). The solo IDS farmers are probably just coming out even as it takes about 2 hours to get the sword and some more time to sell it. I think many solo farmers have realized that IDS farming isn't as profitable as it seems, because most of the people who are willing (and logical) to buy it already has brought one and the people who still don't have it are doing IDS runs on their own rather than farming for gold and buying an IDS in 2 hours work. Most of the people left who wants to buy are pressing for prices under 50k, which means it's not even worth it to go farming for the IDS, since griffon or troll farming yields more gold. But of course, most people don't do the math, so they don't act logically and end up losing out on gold.
Mr Sly
well that will make a lot of people happy, but on the flip side the value will go down a lot
Kool Pajamas
YAY! I knew it wouldnt make any sense to discontinue it.
Well, in my opinion, that sucks. I just hope that the Sword stays in the Ice Cave in Mineral Springs, and not everywhere.
Common sense. It was dropping before the event. It was not mentioned in any patch notes, or in the holiday poem (Only mentioned candy weapons).
yay! just sold my last one for 65K too