Way back when Guild Wars came out, a friend's brother made a fortune from selling items that Rotscale dropped, eggs perhaps? I don't know if this is true or not, maybe it rings a bell with someone. It comes with an old picture too.
Maybe someone could shine a light on what the connection was?
Rotscale and Eggs?
Hephaestus Ram
Rotscale never dropped anything of value until he was upgraded.
I killed him dozens of times just for the hell of it.
Someone's been yanking your chain.
I killed him dozens of times just for the hell of it.
Someone's been yanking your chain.
That picture is OLD. It has the looks of the E3 for everyone alpha event.
I think people used to farm him for Deadbows. Which with the right stats could earn you a nice sum of moneys....
I think people used to farm him for Deadbows. Which with the right stats could earn you a nice sum of moneys....
Marty Silverblade
Rotscale has the 'undead' creature type. That means he drops dead staffs, dead bows, and sephis axes. At lvl 30, he has a good chance of dropping a max dmg gold one. He used to be able to be solo'ed, but an update that gave him a green bow also changed his proffesion. So now he can't be solo'ed.
BTW, how come divinity coast and the wilds have a city appearance? is that because the picture is just old?
BTW, how come divinity coast and the wilds have a city appearance? is that because the picture is just old?
When you say, "when GW came out," do you mean when the game was available on stores, or when people were able to play GW during the BWEs..? Because that picture says November of 2004.. GW was released in 2005..
There use to be chests there (4 I believe) it's been awhile.
That was the reason I use to go kill the dragons other than just going and beating up dragons of course.
The chests not always but often would drop some pretty nice stuff, Rotscale was the only place I ever had a swamp club drop.
That was the reason I use to go kill the dragons other than just going and beating up dragons of course.
The chests not always but often would drop some pretty nice stuff, Rotscale was the only place I ever had a swamp club drop.