Profession Suggestion--Chronosage



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Tyrian Realms of Terra [Tera]

One concept that hasn't seen much coverage in the Guild Wars series so far is the integral nature of a seamless past and present--after all, the Ascalon Vanguard Academy is virtually a one-way time machine. This, the Chronosage class, attempts to work with that idea somewhat. If this class gets some feedback, I may post the new-chapter concept intended to accompany this class, as well, so please mention if you like that idea when you comment.

Comments and criticism welcomed, but please go into specifics when you respond, so that I can fine-tune the works that I create based upon your responses (rather than hearing "wow that's detailed," which just tells me I have lots of details--something I already know). And yes, it's a bit on the long side--cookies go to people who actually read the whole thing, but please at least read the general description and some skills, if I could ask that much.
I'm also aware that there are more skills here than would be absolutely necessary, but then some are going to be weeded out as impossible no matter what, so please bear that in mind.

Key: For descriptions where specific values are to be determined primarily by factors regarding game balance, variables will be used. X will be used for damage, with X- being a reduction in the original number as attribute level increases and X+ being an increase. H, M, and L correspond to high, medium, and low (respectively) with relation to energy costs, casting times, and recharge times. For “instant” skills/spells, the letter I will also be used. “Attack” and “Stance” abilities with no Cast time listed are assumed to be “instant.” Comments in brackets are parenthetical and designed for reader enlightenment, but are not intended to be included in final versions of skill descriptions.

Chronosage Class

This class can only exist if the “Tempora” expansion or other future-based expansion is created. Its history is dependent upon the existence of a time rift or other chronological disturbance, at the very least.
Assuming the “Tempora” scenario is carried out, the Chronosage profession exists as a result of powerful mages from alternate futures who have elucidated the existence of Kyrias, vengeful goddess of time (albeit a “lesser” goddess in overall rank), and have escaped to a stronger past and future to decrease their chances of sudden Dexistence [dee-ZIST-ence] (that is, a sudden disappearance of a person or persons due to an alteration of the past that removes the possibility of his/her/their present from existing as it does). Only by virtue of their powerful ability to manipulate time have they managed to overcome the paradox-forming difficulty of shifting timelines, and as punishment for their defiance of the flow of time, Kyrias saps their abilities, making them again equal in strength to the novices of other professions. In the “Tempora” scenario, Chronosages have stepped into the main Tyrian/Canthan/Elonian-sphere’s timeline so as to reverse the damage Kyrias is carrying out to the past, and are the sworn enemies of the Tempus Order (that is, the beings who carry out Kyrias’ bidding in the material world). Chronosages face an uncertain future, as irreversible damage may have occurred to the past, preventing their return to their original timelines, but they recognize that Kyrias’ wrath must be defused and her damage undone as much as possible, and thus they are willing to sacrifice their ordinary futures so as to save the world at large.
Additionally, Chronosages have a great number of skills that feature the number 12 as upper boundaries for time effects, as 12 is the number of hours in one traversal of the face of a clock. 7, 24, and 60 are also important numbers to Chronosages.
Chronosages, whether native or taught by the true Chronosages (that is, secondary-profession Chronosages) wield skills in the categories of Clock Force, Future Calling, and Past Presence. “True” Chronosages also hold the attribute of Time Siphoning.
Clock Force skills are primarily related to dealing damage through impacts from the flow of time. Additionally, they affect attacks used with Chronosage weapons, which are time-based themselves. For each rank in Clock Force, Chronosage weapons have an additional 0.5% of causing a Time Chasm strike, which does double damage on ordinary foes and has a 10% chance of completely eliminating Tempus Order enemies.
Future Calling skills typically deal with advanced speeds, health degeneration, and causing the Aged Condition. [This Condition would have to be added to the GW framework, as it does not yet exist, but is integral to this suggestion.] Aged creatures move 10% slower, do 10% less damage with all attacks, and have 10% less maximum health, but cast Spells 20% faster, and use other abilities and recharge skills 10% faster. [It is suggested that the character names of individuals suffering from Aged will be changed in color from white to grey, to show that Aged is the Condition in question.]
Past Presence skills often slow foes, interfere with actions, rejuvenate allies, and cause the Juvenile Condition. [This Condition would have to be added to the GW framework, as it does not yet exist, but is integral to this suggestion.] Juvenile creatures move 10% faster and have +1 Health regeneration, but cast Spells 20% slower and do 20% less damage in melee. [It is suggested that the character names of individuals suffering from Juvenile will be changed in color from white to green, to show that Juvenile is the Condition in question.]
For each rank in Time Siphoning, Chronosages gain 0.1 energy for each second spent casting Spells, if the Spell is not interrupted (maximum 15). Additionally, Chronosages gain 5 Health each time they end being affected by Juvenile and Aged for each rank of Time Siphoning. Time Siphoning abilities typically bestow blessings upon allies for time spent in Spell-casting or steal time’s effects from foes.

Jargon: “Wisdom” skills can only be used when the caster is being affected by Aged.
“Demi” skills can only be used when the caster is being affected by Juvenile.
“Clock” skills can only be used while the caster is wielding a non-projectile, non-melee weapons, such as Chronosage weapons [or those of the to-be-proposed “Artisan” class; one that I may or may not flesh out eventually]–that is, ones that apply damage directly, usually as a factor of time.

Time Siphoning

Nick in Time. Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: I. Recharge: M. This Hex is only applied to target foe if foe is casting a skill. That skill will be interrupted just before it has finished casting, and you gain (1..5) Energy for each second it was being cast (maximum 30). If that skill is interrupted by another source instead, you steal (2..9) Energy from target foe and this Hex ends. [This “Nick” refers to the British colloquial term for rapidly stealing something.]

Predation of Haste. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: I. Recharge: H. Interrupt target foe. If target foe is using a skill, that skill is disabled for 10 seconds, and the next skill that you cast of that skill type (i.e. Skill, Spell, etc.) casts in (2..0.25) seconds.

Siphon Timeprint. Elite Hex Spell. Energy: H. Cast: M. Recharge: H. For (1..4) seconds, target foe is immobilized, and you move 100% faster.

Split Time Presence. Stance. Energy: M. Recharge: H. For (5..20) seconds, while casting any skill, you have +(10..40) Armor and have a (25..55)% chance to “dodge” incoming projectiles.

Temporal Theft. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: H. For (3..12) seconds, target foe will cast and recharge abilities (25..100)% slower, and you will cast and recharge abilities (33..75)% faster.

Theft of Time’s Might. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For (5..20) seconds, each time target foe uses a skill, all allies in the area gain (0.5..2) Energy for each second that skill was being cast.

Clock Force

Chronos Nova. Elite Spell. Energy: H. Cast: M. Recharge: H. Send a Chronos Nova to target foe. Chronos Nova hits target foe for (10..25) damage, then explodes, hitting target foe and all nearby foes for (20..65) damage and immobilizing them for (1..4) seconds. This skill does 1.5 times as much damage to Tempus Order creatures. [Recall that “Tempus Order” are creatures from a new-chapter suggestion I may not have posted/will ever post, so don’t get your knickers knotted.]

Clock Tower. Spell. Energy: H. Cast: M. Recharge: M. Create a Clock Tower that ensconces and immobilizes target ally for (3..12) seconds, giving that ally +12 Armor. If that ally is hit (3..6) times while inside the Clock Tower, the Tower will break and deal (30..120) damage to all adjacent foes. Otherwise, the Clock Tower deals (20..65) damage to all foes in earshot and inflicts 15 seconds of Aged on adjacent foes when it disappears.

Deteriorate Immunity. Clock Attack. Energy: M. Recharge: M. This attack hits for +(3..10) damage. If this attack hits a foe under the effects of anything else, that foe suffers from Disease for (3..18) seconds.

Direct Couple. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For 10 seconds, if you use an ability that takes (3..1) seconds or more to cast, you do not gain any Energy benefit from Time Siphoning for it, and this Enchantment ends. Your next non-melee-weapon attack will hit a second time for (3..8) damage for each second that ability took to cast.

Double Time. Stance. Energy: M. Recharge: H. For (1..12) seconds, your Clock-attacking weapons will apply damage at twice the normal rate, and you move 25% faster.

Hasten Friction. Clock Attack. Energy: M. Recharge: M. This attack hits for +(2..17) damage and sets struck foe on fire for (1..6) seconds if that foe is not using a Stance.

Hasten Gravity. Clock Attack. Energy: M. Recharge: M. If this attack hits a foe using a Stance, that Stance is ended, and that foe takes (5..20) damage and is knocked down for 1 second.

Hasten Pulse. Clock Attack. Energy: M. Recharge: M. If this attack hits a foe has more than (5..2) adrenaline, that foe is interrupted and suffers from Bleeding for (5..15) seconds.

Hasten Tears. Clock Attack. Energy: L. Recharge: M. If this attack hits a foe under an Enchantment, that foe suffers from Blindness for (5..20) seconds.

Hurl Timepiece. Skill. Energy: L. Recharge: M. Throw a clock at target foe, striking foe for (20..80) blunt damage and interrupting foe. If foe is casting a Spell when struck, target foe suffers from Dazed for (3..12) seconds. [This attack is intended to be somewhat amusing and should have a variety of clocks produced in the animation.]

Rivulet of Deterioration. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. Rivulet of Deterioration flies out slowly, interrupting target foe and striking target foe for (10..55) damage. Any foes in the area of target foe who are casting a skill while Rivulet of Deterioration is taking effect will also be interrupted and damaged in the same fashion.

Solar Dial. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. Create a Solar Dial at target foe’s location. Foes near Solar Dial are hit for (7..15) damage each second for 12 seconds, and are knocked down at each second divisible by (4..3). [This basically creates a damaging sundial, which advances a luminescent clock hand by one hour’s division once per second, damaging all foes in its radius.]

Superfluous Delay. Skill. Energy: L. Cast: I. Recharge: M. If target foe is casting a skill, that skill’s casting is suspended mid-cast for (0.5..3.5) seconds, after which point it will continue casting normally.

Timecast Penalty. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For 15 seconds, each time target foe uses an ability that takes (5..1) or more seconds to cast, target foe and all adjacent foes are hit for (10..25) damage for each second it took to cast that ability (maximum 125).

Touch of Time. Skill. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. Target touched foe takes (15..30) damage once per second for (1..3) seconds. This skill does 1.5 times as much damage to Tempus Order creatures.

Future Calling

Alternate Timelines. [Elite?] Spell. Energy: M. Cast: H. Recharge: H. Summon a Level (1..8) Alternate Self, which appears adjacent to you, follows you, and attacks your target with your weapon when you are not attacking normally. This Alternate Self dies after (10..25) seconds. If it is killed by an enemy prematurely, you take (125..80) damage. [No Soul Reaping bonuses are granted when it dies.]

Anticipation. Skill. Energy: L. Cast: L. Recharge: H. Remove one Enchantment from target touched ally. If an Enchantment is removed in this way, all allies in the area gain (10..70) Health if the Enchantment bestowed healing/Health regeneration, (3..12) Energy if it bestowed Energy regeneration, and 10 seconds of +(5..10) damage done by their attacks for all other Enchantments.

Arthritic Precipitation. Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (5..12) seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes move and attack 20% slower. If target foe is Aged when this Hex ends, target foe suffers from Crippled for 10 seconds.

Beckon Completion. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For (5..15) seconds, target ally’s abilities cast (25..50)% faster. If target ally is casting a skill when this Enchantment is cast upon them, the skill cannot be interrupted and the ally cannot be knocked down until that skill is finished being cast.

Beckon Refreshment. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For (5..15) seconds, target ally’s abilities recharge 50% faster. If target ally is Aged when this Enchantment is cast, the remaining duration of that Condition is immediately halved.

Deteriorate Afflictions. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: H. All Conditions on target other ally and all allies nearby target ally are immediately halved in remaining duration, and removed if that remaining duration is then less than (0.5..2) seconds, up to a maximum of (3..8) Conditions affected per ally.

Deteriorate Auras. [Elite?] Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. The Enchantments, Chants, Echoes, Shouts, Howls, Preparations, Conduits, and Weapon Spells affecting target foe and all nearby foes are immediately halved in remaining duration, up to a maximum of (1..5) of these per foe, and removed if the remaining duration on any of these after this Spell takes effect is (0.5..2) seconds or less.

Deteriorate Hexes. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. All Hexes on all allies within earshot are immediately halved in remaining duration, and removed if their remaining durations after this Spell takes effect is (0.5..2) seconds or less.

Fossilize Weaponry. Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (3..15) seconds, target foe’s ballistic weapon becomes a melee weapon dealing blunt damage, in the amount of (100..70)% of the original damage it would do.

Groans of the Ancient. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (15..30) seconds, if target foe is suffering from Aged, that Condition will remain at least as long as this Hex remains, and each time target foe uses a Spell, Chant, Shout, Howl, or Echo, all nearby foes will also become Aged for the same duration as target foe.

Gout. [Elite?] Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: H. For (5..30) seconds, target foe moves 50% slower and takes (2..17) damage per second while moving. When this Hex ends, target foe is no longer Aged.

Jig of Acceleration. Chant. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: H. For the next 12 seconds, if any ally within earshot is interrupted while casting a skill, that skill will cast instantly the next time it is used, and that ally moves 25% faster for (5..12) seconds.

Omen of Grim Fate. Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (3..12) seconds, if target foe dies, all nearby foes take (10..40) damage and are re-hexed with this skill.

Overwhelming Outcomes. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: I. Recharge: M. If target foe is casting a Spell, that Spell will take (2..4) times as long to recharge the next (1..4) times it is used, and target foe suffers from Dazed for (5..12) seconds.

Progression of Digits. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (10..25) seconds, all statistics relating to target ally’s skills are increased by (25..40)%, minimum 1. [This includes duration, damage, and costs. It may also not be workable.]

“Return to the Future!” Elite Shout. Energy: M. Recharge: H. For (5..15) seconds, if any allies within earshot stop being affected by Aged, they immediately become Aged again for (5..20) seconds and gain Energy regeneration of +(1..6) for (3..12) seconds. [This skill should be tongue-in-cheek, in the style of the “They’re on Fire!.” Paragon skill, in that it should have Doc from “Back to the Future”cleverly used as part of the skill icon.]

SAGE. Enchantment Spell. Energy: L. Maintenance: -1. Cast: M. Recharge: M. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally is treated as Aged, but does not suffer it as a normal, removable Condition [that is, the Enchantment causes the same effects as Aged, and the game treats it the same with regards to conditional skills, etc., except that it cannot be removed as if it were a Condition–it can only be removed as an Enchantment]. When this Enchantment ends, ally loses (1..3) negative Conditions and gains (2..7) Energy.

Sap Lifespan. Wisdom Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (5..15) seconds, target foe suffers from -(1..4) Health degeneration, which you gain as Health regeneration. This Hex will only affect non-Aged foes.

Scramble Order. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: I. Recharge: M. If target foe is using a Skill, you steal (1..8) Energy from that foe, and that foe and all nearby foes are interrupted. If target foe is attacking, that attack has a (25..75)% chance to miss.

Stifling Strands. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (5..12) seconds, target foe has a 10% chance to suffer from Blindness for 3 seconds when hit by ballistic attacks, and will be interrupted when casting Spells, Shouts, Chants, or Echoes if hit with melee attacks. [The “strands” refers to strands of hair; the victim is supposed to suffer from a proliferation of Rip Van Winkle-esque hair. It might be funny if the icon worked in Cousin It from “The Addams Family.”]

Suspend Animation. [Elite?] Enchantment Spell. Energy: L. Cast: I. Recharge: H. For (1..4) seconds, if target ally dies, that ally receives only (15..10)% Death Penalty. This Spell consumes (100..55)% of your maximum Energy when cast, and resurrection skills cast on target ally will take (3..2) times as long to cast. [This may be completely unworkable.]

Torrent of Years. Spell. Energy: L. Cast: L. Recharge: M. Target foe takes (10..40) damage and suffers from Aged for (10..25) seconds.

Vigor of Youth. Demi Echo. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. Sacrifice 10% maximum Health and 10% maximum Energy. All Aged allies within earshot will have the movement speed and maximum health penalties associated with that condition annulled for (3..10) seconds. This Echo is reapplied each time affected allies move for 1 second while still Aged.

Vortex of the Mists. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. Create a Vortex of the Mists at target foe’s locations. After 2 seconds, all foes in the area of Vortex of the Mists who are suffering from Aged are hit for (25..85) damage and suffer -3 Health degeneration, while all Hexed foes in the area who are not already suffering from Aged become Aged for 15 seconds.

Wisdom of the Elders. Wisdom Chant. Energy: L. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For each ally in earshot who is Aged, all other party members gain +(1..3) Energy regeneration for (5..12) seconds.

Past Presence

Bitter Memories. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. If target foe is using a Spell, Chant, Echo, or Ritual, target foe is interrupted. Target foe loses (2..9) Energy, and the next (1..6) skills target foe attempts to use that have a casting time of 1 second or longer will take 100% longer and +(1..3) Energy to cast.

Blended Discipline. Wisdom Echo. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. All Juvenile allies within earshot will have the melee damage and skill-casting penalties of that Condition annulled for (3..10) seconds. This Echo is reapplied whenever each ally casts a Spell while still Juvenile.

Carefree Youth. Elite Enchantment Spell. Energy: H. Cast: M. Recharge: H. For (3..12) seconds, target other ally cannot be targeted by enemy Spells or attacks, has 20% less maximum health, cannot be the target of further Enchantments, and cannot attack or use skills. Ally also becomes Juvenile for the duration of this Enchantment, plus 10 seconds. [Enchanted creature can still be hit by AoE skills and others that do not require actual targeting of that particular creature.]

Chasm of Childhood. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. Create a Chasm of Childhood at target’s location. After a 2-second delay, all foes suffering from Juvenile in the area of Chasm of Childhood are hit for (25..85) damage and suffer -3 Health degeneration for (5..15) seconds, while all Hexed foes not already suffering from Juvenile will become Juvenile for 15 seconds.

Contagious Giggles. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (15..30) seconds, if target foe is suffering from Juvenile, that Condition will remain at least as long as this Hex remains, and each time target foe uses a Spell, Chant, Shout, Howl, or Echo, all nearby foes will also become Juvenile for the same duration as target foe.

Dialback. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (10..25) seconds, all statistics relating to target foe’s skills are reduced by (10..25)%, minimum 1. [This includes duration, damage, and costs. It may also not be workable.]

Dilate Suffering. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. All Conditions and Hexes that target foe is suffering from are increased in duration by (1..6) seconds. If target foe is not under the effects of Conditions or Hexes, target foe takes (10..25) damage.

Echoes of the Past. Skill. If target touched foe is under the effects of a Shout, Chant, Echo, or Howl, you remove one of these from that foe and all foes also affected by that same skill in earshot, causing (10..40) damage to each one from whom the skill’s effects are removed.

Harken to Yesteryear. Enchantment Spell. Energy: L. Maintenance: -1. Cast: M. Recharge: M. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally is treated as Juvenile, but does not suffer it as a Condition [that is, the Enchantment causes the same effects as Juvenile, and the game treats it the same with regards to skills, except that it cannot be removed like a Condition]. When this Enchantment ends, ally is healed for (10..40) and gains (2..5) Energy.

Historic Hit. Spell. Energy: L. Cast: L. Recharge: M. Target foe takes (10..40) damage and suffers from Juvenile for the next (10..25) seconds.

Innocence. Hex Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: H. For (3..10) seconds, target foe cannot target allies below 10% maximum Health with attacks or Spells. This duration is doubled if the foe is suffering from Juvenile.

Merriment. Demi Shout. Energy: L. Cast: L. Recharge: M. All allies within earshot who are Juvenile are healed for (20..50) and gain (2..7) Energy.

Paradoxical Alteration. Spell. Energy: M. Cast: H. Recharge: M. Target ally is resurrected and teleported to your current location with (33..100)% Health and zero Energy. Target ally’s skills are disabled for (10..3) seconds, and target ally suffers from either Juvenile or Aged for (30..15) seconds. This spell consumes all your remaining energy before any Time Siphoning bonuses are granted.

Piper’s Tune. Skill. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: H. All foes suffering from Juvenile in earshot are forced to walk towards you until they are adjacent to you, at (100..50)% normal movement speed. You cannot use skills during that time.

Rewinding Ditty. Chant. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For 12 seconds, the next time any ally within earshot is interrupted while casting a skill, that skill recharges immediately and they gain (2..9) Energy.

Revert Health. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: M. Recharge: H. For (5..12) seconds, this Enchantment causes no benefit. When it ends, target ally’s health is returned to the level it was when this Enchantment was first cast.

Snatch Vim. Hex Spell. Energy: L. Cast: M. Recharge: M. For (5..15) seconds, target non-Juvenile foe moves 10% slower and has -1 Energy degeneration, which you gain as increased movement speed and Energy regeneration.

Tantrum. Enchantment Spell. Energy: M. Cast: L. Recharge: M. For (3..12) seconds, target ally can only attack in melee fashion. Target ally attacks 50% faster, but does 50% less damage. If target ally is Juvenile, that ally will gain 25% more benefit from healing while under this Enchantment.

Tendency to Normalcy. Enchantment Spell. Energy: L. Maintenance Cost: -1. Cast: M. Recharge: M. While you maintain this Enchantment, target ally has Health regeneration of +(1..4). If target ally becomes Aged while under this Enchantment, this Enchantment causes +(1..2) Energy regeneration instead. When this Enchantment ends, target ally is no longer Aged or Juvenile.

Suggested Accessories

Chronosages will be, ideally, the first profession bearing Clock-style weaponry. Instead of hurling orbs of elemental damage or beating foes into submission with sharp objects and brute force, Chronosage weapons apply damage to foes in a method that takes time into effect. When “attacking” with weapons specific to their class, Chronosages essentially enter a meditative state, synchronizing with the flow of time (in the form of seconds) to drain away the health of foes. Thus, Chronosage weapon damage is applied every certain number of seconds. The primary variation in Chronosage weapons will thus be how often the damage is applied, and thus (to maintain balance) how much damage will be given, based upon the length of that interval. (That is, weapons that apply damage each second will do less damage each time they “hit,” while weapons that apply damage every 3 seconds will do more damage each time.)
Chronosages, being the first class to fully recognize the existence of Kyrias (and her wrath) in the “Tempora” scenario, will ideally also have weapons and accessories that harken to her traits. This will mean, however, that their nature and appearance will be largely affected by the manifestation of Kyrias as determined by the talented artists at NCSoft.
Chronosages will have typical “caster” Energy maxima and regeneration rates. Their armor should be heavier than that of Elementalists, but perhaps similar to those of Mesmers. This decision, however, should ultimately be left to the programmers, in the interest of balance. Their Health levels should be similarly-determined.
It is suggested that Chronosages, like Mesmers, have gloves for hand-armor and full-arm skins for torso armor. However, due to the nature of Chronosages, it is also suggested that Chronosages have at least one armor suite of robe-like garb, but without the hoods characteristic of Dervishes. Another set might be a trenchcoat with luminescent green shifting patterns on the outside (reminiscent of the falling code from “The Matrix”), a third could be something that looks vaguely Elonian with numbers in strips cascading down it, and a fourth could be centered around a matched pair of rotating rings that float around the mage’s torso.
Chronosage headgear could perhaps be headbands, with twelve divisions around the outside (the hours) and an oscillating glowing effect on the front (which shows seconds of time), or a dissociated “halo” of numerals (similar in effect to the Elementalists’ Storm Artifact) reminiscent of the face of a clock.

Two-handed Weapons
(all dependent on Clock Force):

Artifact Staff.
Comes in three different skins, determined by the artifact housed at the tip (which also determines the speed of damage application). Artifacts are Flute (that is, Gwen’s Flute, which applies damage once per second), Stormcaller (per two seconds), and Jadesoul (per three seconds). Grants bonuses to Past Presence skills.

Baton & Metronome.
A pair of conductor’s implements, used to keep time and denote when damage should be applied. It is suggested that it come in three speeds (dmg. per 1, 2, or 3 seconds): Allegro, Andante, and Largo. The metronome should emit clicks every second when attacking, regardless of damage application rate, and a shower of sparks should be emitted from the baton each time damage is applied. It should also give bonuses to Time Siphoning and/or skills from that category, where applicable.

Sundial Staff.
A large stone staff with a sundial on the top. Available in three speeds–Polar, Temperate, and Equatorial–which also determine the animation when used, with Polar being the fastest. When attacking with this weapon, it is suggested that the Chronosage should hold it in both hands and slam the end onto the ground each time damage is applied, perhaps raising it an increment on seconds when damage is not applied. Grants bonuses to Clock Force skills.

Tempus Staff.
A grey, swirling-wrapped staff that ends in an orb that spins once per second, emitting a random-trajectory spark from the tip each time a rotation is completed. Comes in one speed (dmg. per 2 seconds). Like the Sundial Staff, its base should be slammed into the ground each time damage is applied. Gives bonuses to Future Calling skills.

One-Handed Weapons:

Chronos Pendulum.
A simple pendulum that leaves a glowing trail as it swings back and forth. Its color determines its speed of damage application (Gold is slower than Jade, which is slower than Platinum).When not attacking, the Pendulum dangles from the wrist. Animation is similar to that of the Baton & Metronome. Grants bonuses to Time Siphoning.

One-Hand Gong.
A simple cymbal that hangs from the wrist and emits a clang each time damage is applied. Size of cymbal relates to rate of damage application (Small is faster than Medium, which is faster than Large), as well as tone emitted. Gives bonuses to Past Presence skills.

Other Notes

Chronosages are not too complicated of a class, behavior-wise, aside from the unusual paradigm of Clock attacks. However, it is only fair that their animation styles (like those of all classes) be unique. When casting spells of moderate duration, it is suggested that Chronosages perform an animation much like that of a conductor, synchronized to actual seconds, and ending in a dramatic flourish. Shorter spells could occur with a simple directed gesture, almost as though the caster were tapping the target on the head with an extremely long pointer.
Bow and other melee weapon animations should be the same as those for other “caster” classes (such as those of the Elementalist). Attacking with non-Chronosage, non-melee weapons, such as the Mesmer’s Inscribed Staff, could be done by raising the weapon in question vigorously into the air, like one might do with a scepter, or like Warriors when using Signets while equipped with a sword. However, Chronosage/Dervishes should be just as articulate in the use of Scythes as regular Dervishes, with regard to animations.
Additionally, it is quite permissible for them to look somewhat awkward when running. They’re mages—not triathletes.

Your discussion is what comes next.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Tyrian Realms of Terra [Tera]

Again, I would like to emphasize here that this particular class may be contingent on the addition of a new chapter, being the same or similar to the idea I'd originally planned for this class. I'm thinking I may create a second thread with that new-chapter-suggestion, and post it somewhere on the Sardelac threads, following that with a link to that thread to keep these two together. Input is appreciated.

Dean Harper

Dean Harper

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


The Killer Clan Musketeers [TKCM]


i think this class is a great idea, but may be too overpowered, i dont knwo, but it may work with the 4th chapter, well have to see.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



should ask Ken Dei to add it to the list



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Tyrian Realms of Terra [Tera]

Originally Posted by actionjack
should ask Ken Dei to add it to the list
I did already. Of the three concept classes I've put up so far, he's only listed one. I don't know if he's just slow on the draw or what.

More are on the way~