Lengthening Mods and Their Relation with Skills



Join Date: Aug 2006


Although lengthening mods are amongst one of the least sought for mods, their effects can be quite useful. Crippling rangers use them, apply poison rangers use them, hell, hamstorm wars should use them too.

But how effective ARE lengthening mods?

#1)Ranger with bow compunded with crippling bow string uses "Crippling Shot". The Cripple duration inflicted in prolonged by 33%.

This is often seen, thus, it is confirmed.

#2)Ranger with bow compunded with poisoning bow string shoots a target after using apply poison(wether the bow was compunded or not during the preperation), the poison is lengthened.

While not often seen, this works.

However, my question lies here.

#3)Ranger with bow compunded with crippling bow string uses barbed trap.

Is the cripple duration lengthened?

#4)Assassin with daggers compounded with crippling mod teleports back with return; thus, crippling all enemies beside him.

Is the cripple duration lengthened?

#5)Necro with a poisoning sword mod(uhoh), uses Chillblains, removing enchantements from adjacent enemies but poisoning himself during the process.

Is the poisoning lengthened?

If those questions could be answered, it would be great, thanks.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


I would also like to to know about this, and i think this one is a no but what about if you had Lengthen posion on a bow and use posion bite with your pet, anybody know if it would increase that?



Join Date: Aug 2006


A crippling weapon will not only lengthen the crippled condition inflicted by the weapon itself, but also crippled conditions caused by skills (for example Illusion of Haste + Plague Sending combo, which lengthens the crippled condition both on causing it, and again on sending it, resulting in 77% longer crippling).
A Poisonous weapon will not only lengthen poisoning inflicted by the weapon itself, but also poisoning caused by skills (for example the Chilblains + Plague Sending combo, which lengthens the poisoning both on causing it, and again on sending it, resulting in 77% longer poisoning).
Quotes from Guildwiki.

It mentions that those mods lengthen the duration caused by "Skills", however, the examples listed were "Spells".

That solves scenario 3 and 5, however, I am still curious of how traps work out with this...Maybe some testing is called for.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Agreed. You got me wondering about the differance between lengthening crippling by 33% or having say 15 more energy from a Staff to cast a additional barbed trap.

Some how i feel there must be ppl that are way ahead of us, since trappers always use staffs, and i realy cant find anything about trappers using bows, anywhere.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


just tested it it does not work... barb or cripple bow strings does not increase the duration of cripple or bleeding from traps



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I would imagine the bow would be used to apply the lengthening. Setting traps does not use the bow.



Join Date: Aug 2006


Some trapper use a bow because they use skills like distracting shot, savage shot, and oath shot; the ideal bow for that situation would be a +5 energy recurve bow. Another alternative would be the blanket bow with some damage reduction.


Staves aren't necessary, but it is certainly handy to possess another chunk of energy. Any staff will do, but the most ideal would be the collector's staff obtained from the Fires in the East quest.

(The link brings me to a luxon banner currently, so just look it up later.)