READ BEFORE POSTING: Screenshot Request Guidelines and Rules [Update: 7-23-11]



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Hello all,

Please carefully read this guide to posting any screenshot request threads within this sub-forum. A request thread such as for example:

"Request: Male 15K Cathan Elementalist Armour Dyed Blue"

We allow these types of threads to be posted here and of course many people are willing to provide screenshots on request if they have the screenshot available.

However before posting please read the following:


Before creating any requests thread please do the following first:

1. Check out the list of the most popular threads (Forum sticky in the main Screenshot forum), particularly the armour threads. Because 90% of the time you will find what you are looking for in those threads:

2. Check on the armour section of GuildWiki, our trusted partner site. Again you will often find what you are looking for there:

3. Use the GWG forum search function and see if someone else has already made a similar request in the past:

If you still can't find what you are looking for, then and only then may you post a thread requesting a screenshot.

Your request thread could be closed or deleted by mods if you fail to consider trying the above steps first.



So keep the following in mind:

1. Always read and follow the above steps first before making a thread!

2. Keep your thread simple. Make sure your request thread title is clear and simple to understand. In other words don't ask for anything random or complex. Because chances are if you ask for something random, expensive or complex no one is going to provide it.

3. NO BUMPING! Don't bump your request thread more then once in a single 24 hour period for the original post or thread bump. Bumping of threads before 24 hours has past is not allowed!

4. Always be polite. Make sure to say please and thank you for screenshots; often people are more willing to post screenshots if you do so. Also flaming someone's request is also not allowed. Keep your rude comments to yourself and don't be a troll.

5. Don't ever repost your request if a mod has closed or deleted your thread. All closed threads are done with reason, same goes if you find that your thread has been deleted. If you disagree with any forum mod's decision, then PM them directly.

6. Once your request has been provided by someone, please don't request something else in the same thread, post a new one.

7. Don't ever request more then one thing in a single request thread. See rule number 6! (There is a couple of compilation threads which have been pre-authorised, so PM a mod before making multiple requests.

8. Once you request as been posted, please do not begin a discussion in the thread itself in regards to the screenshot(s) provide or any other random off topic rubbish. This rule applies to everyone, even to other forum users who didn't request the screenshot.

Reminder: Screenshot forum limitations

If you're going to post screenshots over 600 pixels in width, please make sure that you use the [url] tag and not the [img] tag. When a wide image is displayed within a post it messes with the forum alignment and can load in a chaotic fashion when there are multiple images present in a thread.

This forum is not exempt from the forum guidelines listed here:

Forum Rules, User Agreement, and Privacy Policy

Specifically, the follow rule:

7. Screenshots

Sexually Explicit or other Offensive Material
Do Not post screenshots that abuse various emotes to simulate characters engaging in sexual activities. This INCLUDES personal Avatars.

Please follow forum rules, or your posts will be deleted and your account will be user noted. Banning can also be handed out without warning.

ADDITION 7-23-11: Please do not talk about GW Dressup. If someone wishes to use it that's fine, but do not just make a post in a thread to just use it instead of being helpful.