New player.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006



First of all, hello.

Today I've tried the 10 hour trial of Guild Wars and I like it alot, after I write this messege I'm going to the shop to buy it (Guild Wars: Factions). So I have a few newbie questions...

I've played Lineage 2 before, so I have some mmorpg experience. In Lineage 2, the classes were screwed, some were overpowered, some sucked. I understood that in GW they are perfectly balanced, they all have a good role in GvG. So I need a little help into deciding what class to make. In Lineage 2, I've played a Treasure Hunter, whick is a slick character, that can have high bursts of damage, but they are quite fragile. Stealthy fighters, always trying to attack from the back.
Will the Assassin be an equal character in GW? Cuz I'm thinking of making one. Another option is the Warrior. Can someone tell me the pros and cons of the both so I can decide?

And also, I'd like to hear some advices for newbies Thx.

And sorry for my english, not a native english speaker.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Assassin is, yes, it can make pretty high bursts of damage, is fragile and usually tries to attack from the "back" (meaning a way they aren't noticed/shadow stepping around)

But I wouldn't recommend assassin for a starter, better off with a warrior which can actually stay standing a little longer thanks to the higher AL. Not to mention assassins aren't very... popular in PvE. [No I am not saying all assassins are bad, but a lot of them are :b]

Of course, it's not very big loss if you try them both our somewhat and then decide which one you like better.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006



Thx for the tip, so in Factions I'll start a Warrior... Now one last question:

When I made this account, I had to chose what proffesion I have. I saw that there are also combos (W/Mo etc). You can have 2 classes in one? Or you can get the second class by chosing another class at the first quest (where you get your first skills)? If so, what do you recommend for my warrior?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



You can have (and must have in PvE) a primary profession (in your case, Warrior) and a secondary profession, after completing the initial profession quests (in Factions), Master Togo will give you quests to each of the headmasters that will teach you Secondary profession. You can use all the secondary profession skills and attributes, except their Primary attribute (Strenght for warriors, Divine Favor for monks, fast casting for mesmers etc etc). Also armor will always be the same with your primary profession, can't wear secondary's armor.

Popular, secondary for warriors is the monk (the "mighty paladin"-ideology) although it will not be a super survivor that can do everything due to warriors being very bad platform to run spellcasters on. You can change the secondary profession later on (after Nahpui Quarter-mission in Factions, after Ascension in Prophecies) so it's not that big deal. Monk is a good choise for the permanent resurrect spell which can save the day.. Monk is not a good choise for "I can fight and heal!"-mentality, you won't be very effective on either of them, and people in general tend to laugh at "healing warriors".

That's just my opinion, thenagain. You get to play around with each secondary before you have to make the final decision, so you can test it, again.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Originally Posted by Bavanai
Thx for the tip, so in Factions I'll start a Warrior... Now one last question:

When I made this account, I had to chose what proffesion I have. I saw that there are also combos (W/Mo etc). You can have 2 classes in one? Or you can get the second class by chosing another class at the first quest (where you get your first skills)? If so, what do you recommend for my warrior?
Yeah, most characters have a second class as well as a first. There is no drawback to it, and as you can change your secondary class part way through the game, it can make your character very versatile.

For a warrior rookie, I would recommend Ranger as a secondary. It has a lot of skills that can complement the warrior class.




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Good advice given so far, and wa/mo is a decent starting character. It doesn't take too long to try out all the professions to get a taste for what they are like plus there is account storage available so if you try one and don't like it then sell the gear and stash the stuff you want to keep and the gold in storage for the next one.

Don't be afraid to experiment as well, you don't have to stick to popular combos. Playing around with the various skills is the best way to learn them plus gives you an idea of how to counter them when you face them in the game.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

There is a ten hour free trial? I looked and looked and couldn't find it (for a friend).

Also, I'm suprised no one mentioned it, but it's the general consensus that GW:Prophecies is better for a new player as it gives you new skills via quests, instead of having to pay for them in Factions. Also, leveling slower, so you get to learn the game better.

I am also very new to the game, been playing for a week now. However if there is any way I can help, just send me a whisper. My in-game name is Showa Shinzan.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

A 10 hour trial came with the Factions pre-order and I believe a recent EU gaming magazine came with one as well.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The Aug/Sep issue of this magazine:
(available US/Canada)
comes with a 14 day (10 hour) trial of Factions