Rez signet did not recharge after killing a boss?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Rez signet did not recharge after killing a boss?

Has anyone had this happen? I was the lone survivor after the long battle against the afflicted in mission # 3 Vizunah Square. I was an Elementalist / Ranger fighting against mobs of critters when all of my human PUG died except Me, Togo, Mhenlo, and Devona. We had 1 Ritualist, Mesmer, Elementalist, and a monk boss left. (I already used my Rez sig) We killed everyone else as Devona wacked on the monk boss, and she died at the same time as the monk boss did. I did not get a lock attack on the boss but he must have been hit by my fire storm. After he died nothing happens? No recharge on my Rez Sig? So all I have now is Me and Togo and Mhenlo. Needless to say we died in the next confrontation. Is this a bug, bad luck, or do you have to target the boss to get the recharge?

PS I had kamikaze PUG with 3 Rit and 1 monk in my party they were more interested in fighting then Rez fallen players I was the only one who was attacking from a distance/ kiting.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


If the other team killed the boss you won't gain anything from it, be it a morale boost, skills recharged or loot.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

lol monks usually don't rez mid battle any way..., they shoudl prevent ppl from dying...

it can be because this boss has being killed already, and hence already you received moral boost... and then it got rezzed by the rit boss from flesh of my flesh...

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by xiao1985
it can be because this boss has being killed already, and hence already you received moral boost... and then it got rezzed by the rit boss from flesh of my flesh...
This sounds more like the reason than this:

Originally Posted by Tyggen
If the other team killed the boss you won't gain anything from it, be it a morale boost, skills recharged or loot.
I have experienced bosses dying from other mobs, which my team had absolutely nothing to do with, and I received a 2% morale boost.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I have experienced bosses dying from other mobs, which my team had absolutely nothing to do with, and I received a 2% morale boost.
Didn't believe it myself either until I saw it happening in Vizunah. Two teams of players and it apparently handles the morale boosts separately.
But the ressing is what most likely happened to OP.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
I have experienced bosses dying from other mobs, which my team had absolutely nothing to do with, and I received a 2% morale boost.
Other mobs yes, that's different. If a group of tengus kill a yeti leader you get a morale boost, but if there are two teams of players (like in Vizunah) the team that killed the boss gets the boost.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


It is defintely related to which team kills the boss, or rather, which team deals the death blow. I went through this mission 5 times in the past two days working on getting a cap and have seen the boss die and I don't get a morale boost, thus my skills don't recharge. It was not a rez'd boss and the boss wasn't killed by any other enemy mobs.