Many questions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I asked someone what good armor was for me (elementalist)
they said I shouldn't concentrate on just one stat (fire magic)
So my questions are:

1. should I get some of each kind of armor or full sets of each kind of armor (vendored armor im talking about)

2. this seems like kind of a lot. is it really neccasary to get all the skills and all the armor for all the different types of stats?

3. if this is really the case, can someone link me to a site that has monsters and their weaknesses (for the factions campaign) so i know when and where to respec?

4. people said i should decide what mods i want on the armor (im guessing that means like armor vs physical defense or health or whatever..)
so what is best for an elementalist (if there is a right choice) health, armor vs physical or armor vs elemental stuff?

5. what does it mean when it says "while enchanted?" does that mean you a hve to have an enchantment on you for it to work or does it mean you have to customize it or upgrade it or something?

6. some items that are for sale (for example, hunters ale) dont have descriptions. is there a button or something i hold to make a description come up or do i just have to know what it does?

7. what does stacking / non-stacking mean?

8. i chose mesmer for my 2nd job but i have never really used any of the skills. i feel like why should i spread all my points out to be mediocre in mesmer skills and mediocre in elementalist skills when i could be really good in one or the other. is this wrong?

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


1. You can get multiple sets to reroll but you're probably better off picking one to specialize in

2. Not entirely neccessary; just find a build that works and buy what you need

5. While you have an enchantment on you

6. most items like that are holiday items, hunter's ale is same as all ale (different duration but basically the same)-no description

7. Stacking means if you have multiple mods or enchantments they work together. Runes of vigor don't stack so only put one on one armor piece.

8. Not necessarily wrong, but you could try a build that does use your secondary like an echo nuker.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


1. It depends on what element you like to play. You can dabble in the other elements all you want, but you really only need to buy that armor when you want to start experimenting with it.

2. No, you definitely don't need to buy all of the skills for a particular element - simply figure out which ones you want by their description, and purchase only those. If you find yourself wanting another skill later, you can always go back and purchase it.

3. has a description of all of the monsters (and their weaknesses), but I don't think they have a weaknesses table.

4. There is no best armor modifier. You generally see people trend toward the higher armor ones (especially versus physical) versus the health ones, as they are more useful. It's your choice there.

5. While enchanted means that you have an enchantment spell cast upon you.

6. What you see is what you get - some items have descriptions if you hover over them, but for the most part if it isn't described then you probably need to go to to see what that item does.

7. Stacking means that the effects of the item in question can be added to another item with similar effects. So, for example, if you have head armor that provides +1 to your Fire Magic attribute, it says "stacking". So, if you also put a Minor Rune of Fire Magic on that head armor, it will provide you a total of +2 to your Fire Magic attribute.

Conversely, your Minor Rune of Fire Magic says that it is "non-stacking". So, if you have a Minor Rune of Fire Magic on your head armor and a Minor Rune of Fire Magic on your leg armor, you will still only get +1 to your Fire Magic attribute even though you are wearing two runes.

8. Only allocate attribute points to the attributes you are going to use. If you're not going to use any mesmer skills (which is very common), then don't allocate those attributes any points. Many elementalists, however, enjoy using Arcane Echo with some of their longer recharge skills so that they can cast them twice in a short period of time.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


To answer half your questions in 1 sentence:

The only Elementalist armor that most people would say is worth buying is The Battlemage type (+health).

The other armors like +AL vs certain things or under certain conditions (like while enchanted) are just too limited in where they are useful.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Note that the elemental armors (pyromancer, hydromancer, etc) have nothing to do with which elements you are using, rather they are protection from thos elements (pyromancer is higher armor vs fire, etc).

The only important piece related to an element is the head piece or "hat" as I like to call them. You want a hat with the +1 and generally a superior rune for +3 for each of the elements you wish to make a build for, I get one of each so as to take air, earth, fire or water to 16.

I haven't bought a Canthan elementalist armor yet, but would think the Tempest with its +10 AL while enchanted would be best. Yes there are some enchantment strippers out there but by and large elementalists almost always run an enchantment of some sort. AL vs physical and AL vs elemental are also conditional, so go for AL vs anything.

In the end it is a matter of preference and opinion.