Where can i find Celestial weapons
hi all, atm im trying to find out where celestial items drop in cantha, or more specifically, where MAX DMG celestial items drop, i know the vermin on skyway occasionally drop one, and the nahpui chests drop em, but i cant find ANY max dmg ones, where else do they drop, what drops em, anything? anyplace?
Beatrix of Alexandria
I'm think celestial weapons only drop in Nahpui Quarter and in Tahnnakai Temple. There's a good bit of info on the wiki about it here http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Category:Celestial_items
huMptY DumPty
It's just on the places in the top half part of the map. Tahnakai ~ Nahpui Area; plus few other places close by.
It's just on the places in the top half part of the map. Tahnakai ~ Nahpui Area; plus few other places close by.
Yeps, Nahpui. My buddy farms it to death, he has soo many celestial weapons. However, the Celestial skin IMO is pretty ugly.
It's hard to get max ones, most are not, unfortunately.
got a near max celestrial long bow at naipui... man that's pretty 15^50, req 8... cept it's near max... but meh i don't care much...