Advice on the best place to sell high level items?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Rest En Pieces [RIP]


I've recently found a req 8 sundering zodiac bow of fortitude with 15% always armor -10 while attacking.

People tell me it's worth a good bunch of money. So now, I guess I'm asking what's the best place to get rid of it? Ventari Sell? Lion's Arch?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Mo Joe Joe Joe

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Where the sun don't shine


I recommend selling on guru auction and/or trade forum. I would suggest obtaining a price check on the guru forum (try searching first) regardless of what route you take.

If you prefer to sell in game (some people hate waiting for auctions) then go to LA, Kaineg, Drok Forge in that order for selling towns. I would not mess with Ascolon for high end stuff.

p.s. Grats on the nice drop.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

I prefer the auction, it is simpler. I'm not one for standing in a town spamming trades though.



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


The high end forum here has always been much faster and generated a higher price for me than either the auction or town spamming.

Of course I cannot sit in a town for more than 3 minutes before going insane, so YMMV.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

I say, when you pass by LA, Droks, or KC, just post a WTS of that bow. Do it 4 to 5 times. In the meantime, post the item on one of the auction sites.

huMptY DumPty

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006



post it in the sell thread ~ perhaps high end... and auctions.

Go to Kaineng D1 or any other major towns D1... and advertise your ~WTS~ item; while monitoring your threads; in case you have buyers



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Perth, Australia

If I sell an item, I would go to Kaineng, then Market Place, House Zu Helzter, Cavalon, then LA, ToA, Droks. Spam my message once, in trade channel, if no buyers, try again with reduced price untill I sell it or wait for later.