Quick noob questions

DnD fanatic

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006


Nites Royal Gard


2 real quick questions guys, if u got do a PC on a Golden Vampiric 5/1 War Hammer dmg 15% 50^ req 8.

And 2nd question I was recently scammed by an asassin. H etold me he couldnt see in trade so i went outside and recalled and grabbed it. Although i have no proof there is no way i can report him...is there? And if i did what would be his punishment all answers would be greatly appreciated thanks alot!

Monk Mystic

Monk Mystic

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

The Ka-Tet of Gilead


NEVER drop an item in front of ANYONE just equip it and let them see if they want a better look. as far as i know if you dont have proof nothing you can do about it sorry. actually even if you DID have proof im not sure what they would do if anything. cause technically if i understand you correctly you set it down and he picked it up. he didnt STEAL it(well he did but you understand i hope)so as immoral as it may have been im not sure he actually broke any actually rules as set down by A-Net. id still have all of your friends spam him to hell and back but i dont think the administrators could do anything. not sure so anyone feel free to dissagree or set the facts straight, this is just my thoughts.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Read the FAQs and you will see the procedures for reporting. Even though you may not have screen shots, you can provide them with all the other details which will help the GMs to review DB and log files.

Originally Posted by Chief
How do I report violations?
Originally Posted by http://support.plaync.com
If you encounter any players who you believe violate our guidelines with inappropriate actions, vulgar language, offensive character or guild names, advertising of cheats or exploits, or any breaches of our User Agreement or Rules of Conduct, we'd like to know about it. Please note the details of the situation and use our online help tool's Ask a Question form at http://www.guildwars.com/support/ to inform us of the violation.

Here are some examples of violation details that you should send along with your report:

* The name of the character being reported
* The name of the character you were playing at the time of the encounter
* The time of the incident (with time zone)
* The name of the map zone where the incident took place (or even the location within the zone)
* A description of the offending action, dialogue, or name
* A screenshot of the incident (please ensure any screenshots are in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and under 2 megabytes in size before you attach them to your message)
* Any other details that you feel are relevant

We will use the information you have provided to investigate whether a violation of the rules has occurred. If we do find any rules have been broken, we will take action.

However, due to our Privacy Policy (http://www.guildwars.com/support/legal/privacy-policy.php), we will not be able to provide you with any details of the investigation. This means that we will not be able to confirm if any action was, or was not, taken. This is because all information related to the discovery and disciplining of an account will only be discussed between the violator and customer support.

Please be assured that the Guild Wars team takes User Agreement and Rules of Conduct violations very seriously. We thank you in advance for helping us maintain an enjoyable playing environment.

If you need instructions on how to use the Ask a Question form, our "How do I contact someone in Guild Wars Support?" Knowledge Base article may be able to help you.

For an index of our guidelines, including links to our User Agreement and Rules of Conduct, please go to http://www.guildwars.com/support/legal/.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

PC on a Golden Vampiric 5/1 War Hammer dmg 15% 50^ req 8.

PC forum exsists for a reason