Just to let you know, if [email protected]_ () adds you to their MSN
Contacts, DO NOT add it; because, it's a virus. Spread the news fast;
because, if somebody on your list accepts it then you get the virus too.
Copy and paste this into a new message because some people do not read
P.S. Yes I know this doesn't go here, but this is really the only part of these forums i visit and regardless if this goes here or not, EVERYBODY needs to know this and NOW!!!!!!!!!
Msn Virus!
Flames of Sorrow
You Will Never No
id say its priceless... :P
Crystal Kowloski
rofl, nice to know
eh... for someone to just accept a friend request like that is a bit dumb imo... sorry I never add anyone or anything from people I don't know... thought that was common sense