Did Anet nerf the Hell's Portal Chests?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Brooklyn, NY



Nefing would be a wrong word probably, because what happened is that they simply dont appear there anymore.. much.

I get a portal chest about one time out of every five, when these chests used to appear almost every time in the old days...
If the chests were indeed nerfed, I question Anet's logic behind this.
These chests had a VERY low chance to drop anything worthy, and the run wasnt too easy either. If we gonna start nerfing chests, why dont we nerf all other chest runs like Naphui Quarter, FOW, Whitman's Folly, etc...

Also, this is the only place to get high level undead items... I really hope Nightfall will have more high level undead.

Hell's Precipice runs were fun, and they brought people together. I made many good friends doing this.

My other question is what is up with all this immence lag today?? Am I the only one getting this??



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


we are all pretty [ugly]

preping for the update tomorrow