2 Damage Mods.
So a few months ago I started playing GW again, and I recently logged on one of my old characters I made last year and found that he had a Long Sword with 2 damage mods on it, the sword is pretty crap, but I've personally never heard of such a thing and I probably didn't think much about it back then. I'm not sure where I found it exactly...
Long Sword (req.3)
Damage+15%(while hexed)
Damage+15%(while enchanted)
Long Sword (req.3)
Damage+15%(while hexed)
Damage+15%(while enchanted)
Ole Man Bourbon
Probably a quest reward from early Ascalon.
Perfect stats aren't possible on such low damage weapons, so a quest reward does fit.
+15% whilst hexed is not exactly perfect... perfect is 20%
Its a quest reward, in the old ascalon, if I remember correctly it was form Piken Square, it used to have a crystalline skin now its just long sword skin.
Tetris L
Originally Posted by xiao1985
+15% whilst hexed is not exactly perfect... perfect is 20%
Tetris L
Originally Posted by M1h4iL
Its a quest reward, in the old ascalon, if I remember correctly it was form Piken Square, it used to have a crystalline skin now its just long sword skin.
Nikki Moonlight
Originally Posted by Tetris L
+15% damage is the max possible, regardless if ^50, enchanted, hexed, stance, ...
Originally Posted by Grim Weeper
actually its +20% while hexed, or below 50, because they're..more unlikely, you should get a bigger bonus for it.
I would guess that quest reward outdates the change though.
Ole Man Bourbon
20 while hexed, 15 vs hexed
Aha, well thanks for helping me work that out. It was kinda screwing with my head trying to think of how and where the hell I had gotten it.
Most crazy modded ones come from ascalon, probably rurik's idea :P