Cant get ice breaker.
awesome sauce
I've been attempting to get an ice breaker from the mighty at the talus chute lake for hours now. I must have done at least 10 runs clearing out everything on the bridge and fort with my spirit bond monk. All I want is 1 friggin ice breaker or even a fan for my own personal use. I dont get it. Am I just unlucky or does it take this many tries for everyone?
lol at least you got one, I get a 60% dp by the time I get to the mighty grawl, cruddy avrica tengu
He didnt get one... he want 1 to drop.
You can usually avoid most of the avicara by heading towards Ice Caves of Sorrow and turning left just before you start running into the Ice Imps. This is just before you get to the ice river.
You didnt say if you were soloing or not but if you are taking henchmen - dont.
Sometimes you can see the Mighty grawl carrying an icebreaker but Ive also heard that sometimes they drop from ones that have a differnt hammer. Anyway Ive had several Ice Breakers drop from grawl carrying an icebreaker but no fans so far.
You didnt say if you were soloing or not but if you are taking henchmen - dont.
Sometimes you can see the Mighty grawl carrying an icebreaker but Ive also heard that sometimes they drop from ones that have a differnt hammer. Anyway Ive had several Ice Breakers drop from grawl carrying an icebreaker but no fans so far.
awesome sauce
im soloing it, but im about to give up
Hyper Cutter
Quickest route to the Mighty Grawl, imo. If you're lucky you can get there without having to fight any other monsters...
You can save time by just checking the Mighty Grawls at the bridge with that one boss spawn. If you don't see any of the monsters holding the Ice Breaker, just zone back to Drok's and try again. It took me about 5 tries to get the hammer, which I'm very happy with.
Sword warrior with gladiator stance, riposte, deadly riposte, final trust, shield stance, dolyak signet, healing sig, sprint. Run in there following the instructions already provided in this thread, if you see the one holding ice breaker, pull him from the crowd, kill, get the hammer.
awesome sauce
I got one! It took 4 hours but idk. Looking back I prolly should have just bought it from someone else. It feels so much better when you get it yourself though.
Originally Posted by Sean22190
Also take 1 guildie with you, seems to improve the drop rate if you have a party size of more than one.
It doesn't seem to matter if they are holding it or not - The one i got dropped from a grawl that was using a ball hammer.