i then hit submit again. thinking that it was a fluke that i got the error. I then got the error message again.
I then went to check my account and sure as shit i had 2 charges from nc soft to my account for 42 dollars.. that is 84 bucks total.
I called my bank and asked for a reverse on the charge.. and they said only the people who you purchased it from can do that.
So i contacted nc support and told them to reverse the charges.
here is what i was sent:
Thanks for getting in touch to ask about your account. In order to better assist you with this account-related issue, we will transfer this question to our Account Support Department. An Account Support team member will be in contact with you very shortly. If you have any further questions, please let us know and we will gladly assist you. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team |
well does anyone have any clue how long it will be before i get the pending charges removed?
as far as i can tell its gonna be a bitch cause looks to me like nc is giving me the old run around bullshit... this game is no longer fun when people f^ck around with your money