Rangers Eles And Hammers Oh My?



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


Recently in the random arenas and in Aspenwood I've noticed a large number of Rangers (not touchers tho) using hammers? In the random arenas I ran into two eles with hammers? Neither build seemed to be incredibly effective but why are rangers and eles using hammers. Im kinda confused.... I could understand a toucher using a hammer but not a R/Mo R/E E/M E/R so could someone tell me what going on???



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Soul of Melandru(sOm)


The rangers were most probably thumpers, R/W using hammers and pets, and a fairly popular build in RA at the moment from what ive seen. Not too sure about the eles.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

One of the best hammer skills, Irresistable Blow, requires energy to use (as opposed to adrenaline). The Ranger's expertise attribute allows you to spam this great skill much more often than a warrior could dream of, giving you a character with a good amount of pressure. It's not as one-dimensional as that, but this is the core of it.

FYI, rangers that use hammers are R/W. If you saw any other secondary, you should be laughing at them. Also, touchers wouldn't use hammers, I don't know why you mentioned them.

People like to do crazy/stupid stuff too in RA. There are a lot of bad players there too. That might explain the hammer wielding elementalists.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


Could be knockdown eles. Using a combination of their own knockdown spells and hammer skills with the increased energy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Someone did indeed post an E/W build not long ago, going into earth and hammer. The feedback was very good, and when I faced one in RA it put up one hell of a fight before I chopped him down.

R/W's with hammers are called Bunny Thumpers are are kickass at delivering hammer pressure without the mass energy drain warriors suffer. The most simple form of it is using Expertise and Ferocious Strike to provide high energy management in order to fuel Tigers Fury, Irresistable Blow, and Wild Blow. More advanced lines use a Devastating/Crushing based combo.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

In a House...duh

Untouchable Heroes


I wouldnt judge anything in Random Arenas too much, as that place is where a lot of people test and practice builds. You'll see anything over there



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


lol thnks for the comments thumper ranger huh and as for the toucher with the hammer I killed him I thought I was really lucky but I guess he just wasn't familiar with the game.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Well.. a toucher with a hammer.. Not the most fiendish sounding of builds, unless he was R/N/W :P