First off, let me introduce myself to those of you that don't know me. My name is Connor (rl name), and I live in Lafayette, IN. I attend Purdue University as a Computer Engineering major, Go BOILERS! I have been playing Guildwars since beta, but quit for several months upon release, and got back into it approx 12 months ago. Since then, I have had tons of fun, sad times, angry times, funny times, and good times in Guild Wars. I have made many friends, especially one in particular named Drew.
I have 6, yes , 6 level 20 characters. My warrior, Prince Xavier V. My Monk, Lord Sojar. My Ranger, Rahja the Thief. My Ritualist, Cpt Kuchiki Byakuya. My Mesmer, Countess Corvinas. My Necromancer, Shadow Warrior Five. And last but not least, my Elementalist, Govannon Syphedious. I consider myself a very good, very friendly Guild Wars player, but certainly, I am sure, not the best. I do enjoy PvE, but also love bouts of a good PvP match, whether that be GvG, HA, or just killing people in RA (or getting my face owned).
I am not NEARLY the richest player in Guildwars, and never would aspire to be. I have worked very hard for my gold, and just feel like giving some back!
Now, onto the matter at hand I say!
Later this evening, I will be hosting a contest to rival all contests! This Contest will be a Scavenger Hunt that uses Clues and Riddles sending my contestants throughout Tyria and Cantha, looking for small trinkets and things of a rather general, but not normally picked up nature. Also, some will be riddles, as stated above. Some will be trivia as well, and knowing that Trivia will help you along in the quest. All the trivia questions can be answered using , as that is where they questions will be formulated from.
During this contest, I would like not only ingame participation, but forum participation! I want this contest to be fun for all, not just the elite players! Everything can be aquired by low level characters, and trivia answered even by new players willing to search for it! Under no circumstances, is anyone to look down on another player in this thread for being a "noob". I want all players to be on even playing ground. I want this contest to bring back the fun to Guildwars I so long have missed!
So, here are the basic things you will need to know!
Firstly! My base of operations! You can come here, have a dance party with me, drink some ale (its on me!), and talk about Guildwars in general! Where you ask? Well, for fairness sake, I am going to base this in!
This way, players from either campaign can visit me, ask questions, get small hints, and GET YOUR PARTY ON! I will be up near the top, by the statue of Balthazar!
You can address me as Sojar or Connor (my real name) during this event. I will be on my Monk (Lord Sojar) during the entire event. I ask you to address me as Sojar or Connor because no character ingame has either of those names that I have ever seen, but I have seen many many Lord xxxinsertnameherexxx. So no saying "Lord, what do you think?" etc etc
I have a few ground rules I would like to politely request of you guys.
1). Don't call anyone a noob during the event, remember, it's open to all players, new and old.
2). Don't call names in general, and keep the foul language to a minimum (aka none). I use foul language myself, but during this event, I am not going to because it will be a fun time, and there should be no reason for it.
3). Don't cheat and tell other players the wrong clues etc. Please make this a fair contest. Individual effort gets rewarded for uniqueness.
4). Have tons of fuN!
5). Party! Drink Ale! WEE!
Ok, so now that you know the basics, here are some extras. I will not request any object that cannot be obtained from either Ascalon or ShingJea! The items I request cannot be purchased either, and will be obscure. So don't think you can just go spam at LA or KC for this stuff, it AINT GONNA BE FOUND!
The riddles be seperated for each campaign. If you have both, you only need choose to do one part. This is because there are different items in each campaign, and again, this is for EVERYONE.
I will give hints guys and gals, but I am not going to give away that many, and they will only work as guides. I will post really important tips that I am asked ingame here. Check this thread a lot for updates MUCH LATER today. Till then, comments are always coo with me!
I really hope you ALL are excited about this. And if Gaile Gray or Andrew can see this, I hope maybe you guys can drop by and say hi! I'd like this to be a big community event with tons of fun games and prizes. I am not made of money though guys, so I can't keep shoveling out gold and stuff!
For my own mental sanity, I will have my status set to Do Not Disturb. This is not to ignore you guys, it is to keep my screen from becoming a mess of PMs. HAHAHA. So if you guys have questions, drop by International District 1 of The Great Temple of Balthazar and public chat me!
BTW: PM me here on the site if you have any gold you would like to donate to this cause (I am not gonna scam with it or anything silly!) or any items that you would just like to give away for the cause. I will be emptying my storage of items, so donations for giveaways are APPRECIATED! Send me a PM with what you have to offer. Donations of over 10k will be mentioned here, and any items of value over 15k will also be mentioned. But any donations are appreciated!
Grand Prize is: 100k + Ghial's Staff (or a perfect shadow bow, your choice) + 15 Shards + 1 Sapphire!
Tyrian Runner Up: Totem Axe
Canthan Runner Up: Totem Axe
Any questions that I didn't answer in the above, please post here so I can answer them when I get off work tomorrow!
EDIT: BTW guys, I am so excited ATM, you can come meet me at The Great Temple of Balthazar, Internation District 1 right now! Hope to see some eager people just as I am there!