

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Spirit of Norwood



I want to know how to make or farm gold easily...
I have tryed everything Griffon farming, Faction farming and now im trying Mountain trolls...I am rly stuck with this:S

So please help me with my problem...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


If you want a lot of money, I'd reccomend you get down to some high end farming. My personal favourite is Fissure of Woe solo - about 15-25k an hour. However, you can also farm several places with a 55hp monk, or do 2 man Underworld farming with an SS necro.

There's lots of ways to make money I haven't listed here, but are more specialised. Farming greens by soloing Cantha bosses can also be profitable. (search the forums for builds and methods).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


I also had issues at first and now it seems easy learning curve I guess

This is what I use for trolls outside of Drok’s

Axe warrior / monk

Max axe Attribute plus superior rune
9 in healing
Remainder in Tactics

Skills –
Cyclone Axe
Triple Chop
Bonettis Defense
Live Vicariously
Vigorous Spirt
Heal signet (Actually not really needed)

Optional if attacking (Warrior Boss)
Drunken blow

Above plus following for (Ranger Boss)
Disrupting chop

1. Start Live Vicariously then run to the cave (run through the tengu or avoid them) stop once they stop following you. Heal yourself
2. Aggro the first mob of trolls wait for them to come to you hit Vigorous Spirt.
3. Target troll and use Cyclone axe and then Triple Chop after this hit Bonettis Defense wait do not use a skill.
4. Wait for Cyclone axe to recharge and strike again always hitting Bonettis Defense after an attack.
5. After a few times you will have to recharge the vigorous spirit. If you time it right the best time to do this is when both cyclone and triple chop are recharged and Bonettis defense is warring off. They seem to disrupt your next action so hit Triple chop then cyclone then Bonettis defense.
6. Toggle between cyclone or triple chop. As time permits and skills recharge.
7. When numbers of trolls start dropping you really do not need to recharge vigorous spirit just finish them off
8. When attacking a boss it is easiest to kill all the little trolls first then boss last using all skills listed above.

I farm with Totem axe for the 20 % duration boost in enchanting and Malinons Shield for the health boost while enchanted

Hope this helps



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

cyclone axe
sprint (to run past birds)
triple chop
Bonetti defense

these are really all you need, if you want to kill the ranger boss bring

Disrupting chop (stops troll unguent)

Wild blow(stops ESCAPE)

I do not know why people bother with vigorous spirit, it is inferior for this task.

8 healing is all you need (for 3 pip mending)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

There's the Farming forum if you want to know more about farming. Closed.