Hi Folks!!! I see alot has changed in the 6 months I have been gone from Guildwars. My son got Factions, but of course I cannot use the key code of his... Is there a place that I can pay online and get the code ?
Also, it appears that there are alot of changes since I was gone, anything I really should know about? I was thinking of starting my characters over and starting fresh. Seems I forgot alot about how to play this game. I dont do PVP but just the regular game play..
Thanks for your time, and look forward to diving back into the game again
Gone So Long
Extreme Measures
You can sign on and from the charcter selection screen you will see a store in the top right corner. Click that and buy your key. Have fun and welcome back.
For updates to game play I would suggest checking out www.guildwars.com/updates
Guildwiki also lists updates with some commentary.
The in-game store is best as far as purchasing online but you might get it cheaper at a store, maybe $40 instead of $50?
The in-game store is best as far as purchasing online but you might get it cheaper at a store, maybe $40 instead of $50?
Extreme Measures
Originally Posted by tommarrow
You can sign on and from the charcter selection screen you will see a store in the top right corner. Click that and buy your key. Have fun and welcome back.
Great, thanks