The Claw Cesta?

Ventius Hozza

Ventius Hozza

Wilds Pathfinder

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London, UK

Powerpuff Boys [PUFF]


Anyone know if any claw-skinned grim cestas have been found Gold or near max? I've been told that they are very rare, but is there any desire for them/ collectors of these kinda things?

sorry, but I haven't got a clue about these kinda item-trader-rarity-economy-thingy-things



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Villnar's Glove is a Claw Cesta.

Ventius Hozza

Ventius Hozza

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

London, UK

Powerpuff Boys [PUFF]


Woah, I don't mean one of those Gloves seen top-middle of this picture:

I mean the one in top-right.

exiled mat

exiled mat

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Originally Posted by Ventius Hozza
Woah, I don't mean one of those Gloves seen top-middle of this picture:

I mean the one in top-right.
Found on this link
There are several other skins available for Grim Cestas in the Prophecies Campaign. One version that resembles a gorgon head and is linked to the Curses attribute. Another rare version resembles a large mummified bird talon, it is currently unknown if it is tied to Curses or Death Magic. There are also Grim Cestas that look like the stone knife variant of Idols available as a quest rewards. Tyrian Collectors offer Grim Cestas tied to every Necromancer attributes except Curses.

Seems like it is indeed a very rare thing



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I've got a white one from pre-searing, but i've never seen anything with more than +5 energy. No blues, nothing. :P

Ventius Hozza

Ventius Hozza

Wilds Pathfinder

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London, UK

Powerpuff Boys [PUFF]


Thing is, I've had this one lying around in my Nec's inventory for quite a while now. It's Energy+7 (req 4 death) and I'm wondering if it's worth keeping it for posterity or if there's anyone out there who collects stuff like this. Maybe it isn't worth it, but what the heck.



Academy Page

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I've seen plenty of purple gorgon head skins drops so I'm sure it's only a matter of luck getting a gold. The purple have always been max but with crappy bonuses. I have never seen the foot/claw before.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006



There's a green item called "Konrru's Fervor" that has a "gorgon head" skin:

But I've never seen a gold (or even purple) "mummified bird talon".
The only one I have is a blue req4 death magic that I've dropped on a charr near piken, a long time ago:

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

ive never come across one in my time of trading and ive owned just about every kind of weapon skin

i think its much like the tribal axe..none max stats white/maybe a blue


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

ive gotten gold one but whith crapy stats so merchand it never thought anything special about those cestas even if they might be a bit more rare then others.



Krytan Explorer

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All I've ever seen is a crappy white one I got from Pre-searing.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

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I hate the face ones

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

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----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

I have gotten that claw outside of Ascalon on the right near the wall. It was purple with crap stats. I believe the stats were death based on the one I got. Only time i've ever gotten that outside of pre.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Los Angeles, CA



wow amazingly this is the first time i learned that those claw cestas exist. they must be rare since i never seen one in my whole gw career.

Curse You

Curse You

Furnace Stoker

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South Pole

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Yes, WTB Gold Max Stats "Bird Claw" Cesta - 100k +40 ectos!

I doubt that would happen, mostly becuase there likely isn't a gold "Bird Claw" Cesta in existence, much less a perfect one.

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


They're common in lower level areas, I've found quite a few in Ascalon. Same goes for the Gorgon head. I've never seen one with max energy and I've never even seen a req on the claw one.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Rau was looking for one for a long time.

Rau, you ever find one?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Nov 2005

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I don't think this particular skin is that rare, only the good ones are.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]

The best one I know of is purple. I believe Rau has it. I had a +5 energy white one... but well, it's white. And crummy. But I don't believe there's a max energy one in existence. Just like sickles (Tyrian).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
They're common in lower level areas, I've found quite a few in Ascalon. Same goes for the Gorgon head. I've never seen one with max energy and I've never even seen a req on the claw one.
gold max gorgon head 1es r still dropping, i think i still have 2 of them in storage, both got max e and i think both r curses, however i saw quite a few with death req. there's a green gorgone head offhand with death req, it got nice stats as well... i cant remember seeing claw cesta for quite some time tho.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Gorgon Heads drop all over Tyria/in FoW, and I've had multiple drops of it in gold. The claw (best offhand skin ever, imo) has dropped for me in white, blue, and purple; all were in pre-searing or post-searing ascalon.