armor relation to damage reduction

Hand of Ruin


Join Date: Jul 2006

I'm wondering if there is a formula for how AL relates to damage reduction.

I have Geoffer's Bulawk wich gives +10 VS peircing

I also have a -2 stance sheild

I'm wondering wich will provide more damage reduction at FoW spiders. How can I determine this prior to actually testing it?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eastern USA

The Eternal Vanguard of Tyria [VNGD]

It's not very accurate, but a rough estimation is that 40 armor level is the half/double multiplier. Basically, if you have 100 armor, you'll take half the damage of someone at 60 armor, but twice as much as someone at 140 armor.

A +10 vs Piercing would mean you take about 25% less damage against piercing attacks.

I don't have too much experience with FoW spiders, but hopefully this information should help you (or someone else here) decide.

Keep in mind that the 40 AL per double/half is an ESTIMATION, and is in no way accurate.


Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


learn more on armor here:

use the search before posting here:

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

adding +10 al to something results in a 15-16% damage reduction compared to the previous amount of damage you took.

So -if- (don't know the average spider damage) a spider did 10 damage, it will probably do 9 or maybe 8 now (I don't know how GW rounds things).