Question for Succesful guild leaders


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Sacred Heros


Hello and thank you for taking time and reading this post.

I have been playing Guild Wars for about 1 yr now. And i have been a leader of my guild for 9 months. i have 25 friendly active players including myself. But im having more trouble with helping everyone and doing things with them to keep them Happy and coming back. So i was wondering if "You Guy's" (Leaders) Can give me Some tips on how to keep the Guilds Spirt up and going. I would also Love to Get more of them into PvP. So any advice on this would be very helpful.

Farthest Point

Farthest Point


Join Date: Oct 2005



I lead one for awhile. What I found was keeping it new. Like try a contest, such as a scavenger hunt. Also do planned events like UW with all guildies on a certian day , ie Underworld Wednesday. I found those ended up keeping them happy.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

One key thing that has helped me is finding competent and reponsible folks and putting them in charge of different aspects of the guild. One person cannot do everything - so find someone who is interested in a part of what you want to get done an cut them loose to work on it. You'll be amazed at how much people can accomplish when you let them.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

[XG]X-treme Gamers


You should keep the group together, but have different people in charge of things:

1. Have someone be the go to guy/girl in PVP, GVG
2. Have someone be the go to guy/girl in PVE ( farming etc..)

Also: In our guild we host a calendar of events, like twice a week to FOW/UW, and fill in the other days with PVE, PVP, or what ever you like to do. Another thing that might be very important is have a monthly or every other week Guild Meeting. Take down names and notes to see what others would like to happen in your guild. Once you have input from others you can work on it. I would look into hosting a calendar, and also if you haven't already, find free hosting for a forum, so others can go there to see whats going on with the guild. If you want to see what I have done, since I am learning how to use a website code, my site is, feel free to go there and check out what I have done for ideas for you. Oh yeah, get some kind of TS or Vent (if you havent, for team communication... awesome works great instead of typing). Good luck.. I hope this helps.... take care... if you need help or questions my IGN is : Tim Carnage

take it easy