This is a worldwide scavenger hunt. The prizes are in order of those who can figure out the riddles first in order. You can get your next riddle from me by meeting me at the Great Temple of Balthazar. Once the winner has all 7 items and shows all to me, They WIN!
So here is how this works.
UPDATE: Due to high volumes of people, I am changing the way the contest works!
ALL riddles are now posted below, first person to solve all 7 and bring me their display of items wins! GL!
Some mini quests will be given also at International District 1 of The Great Temple of Balthazar. I will randomly announce these, and they will be mainly trivia games. Ale is free, but I only have so much, so don't keep asking for it, make it last please!
Anyways, so here we go!!!!!!!!
Prophecies: I see you, see you, through these. They are clouded, and take many ships, but still they see you. What am I?
Factions: I am hard, I am skaley, I am sharp and tough. I fall from the slither, and make you skin itch. What am I?
Prophecies: I stick to your skin when you sweat, I tear your flesh, I break you bone. What am I?
Factions: I may have been neglected, but it matters not, for what is inside matters most. What am I?
Prophecies: I am somewhat nasty, gooey, and gross, but I seem to be liked by at least half at most. What am I?
Factions: I am all but nice, and oh so cute, but it is what is hard about me that you seek. What am I?
Prophecies: Cut to perfection, made to last, you can't find this in Sears or Home Depot, but you can get it from a Flamekeeper! What am I?
Factions: I pinch, I pinch. I hurt you so! Wow oh wow, that sure burns, oh noes! What am I?
Prophecies: I go well on salads, although I am a bit burnt. I won't ever grow, but I most certainly can sew. What am I?
Factions: Money, money, root of all evil. I come in gold, silver, and am oh so pretty! What am I?
Prophecies: I am so soft, I am so fuzzy. I salvage into what you brush. What am I?
Factions: Stop right there thief! How dare you steal! This is for the orphans! What am I?
Prophecies: I am many things, one of which is after surgery, another which you chew with. But above all else, I come from Giants across the way. What am I?
Factions: I am the one, and the omega. With this I cause pain and agony. What am I?
You can obtain one hint from me. Add me to your party, and say HINT. I will give everyone the same hint, so don't switch characters. BUT! In order to get the tip, you have to answer my trivia question! DUN DUN DUN!
Remember, you can find ME at the Great Temple of Balthazar International District 1 at all times for the next 6 hours. Then I gotta sleep!