I've already gone through the sexy mesmer thread, but i'd love some people to show me their 15k Male Enchanters sets, im looking for colours, and the difference between full 15k, and some pieces of 15k, some of 1.5k (to save cost)
15k Enchanters pics needed
Toxic RD
Try GWO~ Lotsa males mesmers thar.
Stalker Haras
Toxic RD
I already know what 15k ench. looks like dyed silver with a full silver dye set, im no newbie, and guildwiki is a regular stop for me
Unlucky Slayer
Originally Posted by Toxic RD
I already know what 15k ench. looks like dyed silver with a full silver dye set, im no newbie, and guildwiki is a regular stop for me
Then why create an entirely new thread when more research would find you what you're looking for?
Eragon Dragonslayer
Mods...Close Plx..
MY recommendation is to check Guild Wiki again, and also the Mesmer thread again.
If you already know what it looks like then ask in the mesmer thread for the colour your looking for.
If you already know what it looks like then ask in the mesmer thread for the colour your looking for.