Solo Farming, list of builds.
Originally Posted by schwarz178
seriously u make like nothing from farming now and if u buy like passage scrolls ur almost losing what it takes just to get into uw or fow im just wondering why u guys still using the post for farming?
Maybe because if you know where and how to farm in hard mode, there's still money to be made. Like the req 10 max damage perfect defensive water staff of enchanting I just got.
Farming isn't dead, it's just been hindered. As long as there's a will, there's a way.
Farming isn't dead, it's just been hindered. As long as there's a will, there's a way.
wat is this a joke? weres all the derv builds
Originally Posted by jbwarrior
Why do you always flame to other ppl, don't you have better things to do
Perhaps you could elaborate on what a "ppl" is. Maybe you could do something with two E's and an O.
Xiaxhou of Trinity
i believe that this has not been updated for a while, since para and derv are not included in here
Witte Was
Originally Posted by Xiaxhou of Trinity
i believe that this has not been updated for a while, since para and derv are not included in here
true. I've been really busy with other things these days. Give me 2 days and you'll have your Para and Derv builds included

Aces Paladin
first solo assassin link has expired
How do these builds work in hard mode?
Few Mesmer links dont exist. could you fix them too?
How long has it been since this has been updated? There have been too many skill changes, and other things for a lot of these to still work.
Spirit Cookie
Lol guys u cant expect witte to update this everytime a skill changes, i think he has a life too, why dont u try and do something about it, stop whining.
Sol Deathgard
Originally Posted by Spirit Cookie
Lol guys u cant expect witte to update this everytime a skill changes, i think he has a life too, why dont u try and do something about it, stop whining.
No matter how much of a life he has, Nightfall has been out since October, it is now July, and there is nothing at all for farming in NF. Back in May he says give him a day or 2, this is now 2 months. If he can't update this for whatever reason, then someone else needs to take over.
Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
No matter how much of a life he has, Nightfall has been out since October, it is now July, and there is nothing at all for farming in NF. Back in May he says give him a day or 2, this is now 2 months. If he can't update this for whatever reason, then someone else needs to take over.
Witte's on a vacation atm. I heard that he would be away for 5 weeks, so don't expect the update to come soon.
i think someone else should make a new thread as witte did it with the first thread long ago 
about 50-60% of the links either don't work or the builds are nerfed for a long time.
Don't get me wrong: Witte did a great job and I can't expect him to update this all the time but it is really chaotic atm....
I don't have the time for it cause i'm busy with a big guide...
So we need a volunteer :P

about 50-60% of the links either don't work or the builds are nerfed for a long time.
Don't get me wrong: Witte did a great job and I can't expect him to update this all the time but it is really chaotic atm....
I don't have the time for it cause i'm busy with a big guide...
So we need a volunteer :P
Nimrod EX
witte why don't u update the thread anymore?
there are lots of dervish and para builds out there :P

Nimrod EX
witte why don't u update the thread anymore?
there are lots of dervish and para builds out there :P

Witte Was
I'm back within 2 weeks from now. I'll fully upgrade the guide.
Nimrod EX
does that mean you're back in 2 weeks? or that you're back, and over the following 2 weeks you will completly update the guide?

hyro yamaguchi
The best thing to do would be to just start a new list, since there have been tooo many farming nerfs to know which builds work, and which don't.
Originally Posted by hyro yamaguchi
The best thing to do would be to just start a new list, since there have been tooo many farming nerfs to know which builds work, and which don't.
I like that idea a lot. It would especially help newer players to the game or to farming.
Nimrod EX
well...i guess witte isn't coming back...EVER :'(
Originally Posted by Nimrod EX
well...i guess witte isn't coming back...EVER :'(
Yes it sucks having a life sometimes
cant play forever i suppose!

He is working on getting this thread in order.
He is working on getting this thread in order.
Witte Was
Hi guys, to be honest I just don't have the time anymore to fix the thread. I hope you guys understand. I would be very happy if some of you could remake or edit the thread. I'm not even sure when I'll log on into GW again.
Witte Was / Dave Tawings
Witte Was / Dave Tawings
Nimrod EX
perfect *rolls eyes*. well...any other hero? ;P
as i've already said:
if noone else wants to do the job i'll do it
Just tell me if i should start without waiting for any other volunteers
if noone else wants to do the job i'll do it

Just tell me if i should start without waiting for any other volunteers

Just get on with it!
We need a new and up-to-date list of farming builds!
You shall be paid in cookies!
.... Virtual cookies!
We need a new and up-to-date list of farming builds!
You shall be paid in cookies!
.... Virtual cookies!
D0pefish.... let me know if you want some help.
i don't have internet connection atm
i think it will work next week and I'll start with the list
i think it will work next week and I'll start with the list

Originally Posted by The.D0pefish
as i've already said:
if noone else wants to do the job i'll do it
Just tell me if i should start without waiting for any other volunteers
I wanna help you
if noone else wants to do the job i'll do it

Just tell me if i should start without waiting for any other volunteers

well i've got a good list atm and i'm looking for a few more builds 
I don't really need help by creating the list but you can all help me by keeping it up to date once it is done

I don't really need help by creating the list but you can all help me by keeping it up to date once it is done

What about your W/Rt solo UW build :O
Originally Posted by Witte Was
Hi guys, to be honest I just don't have the time anymore to fix the thread. I hope you guys understand. I would be very happy if some of you could remake or edit the thread. I'm not even sure when I'll log on into GW again.
Witte Was / Dave Tawings didnt see that
Witte Was / Dave Tawings didnt see that

monk of the godss
I have already started making a new one for you lot so if anyone is doing one they can stop as im already half way
id say at least half the builds on the list dont work. look at the sticky at the top of the farming page.