Alliance identification problem: looking for solutions



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

N. Carolina

Band of Mystical Brothers


I am a Guild Officer in a 4 Guild Alliance. All 4 Guilds are together to expand the player base and have fun, not for FF. However, we have a problem.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep track of who is who? With Guild Chat, if you don't who someone is by the present IGN, you can just open the Guild Roster and look at what their 'invited IGN' is. The only thing you can see in AC is what Guild they are in, no other information. Someone is always making a new character, becoming a new member in one of the Guilds, or something else that makes it hard to know who is chatting on AC. Do we really have to memorize 300+ IGNs?

Anyone else run into this problem? Anyone have any ideas on how to make it LESS of a problem?

[To Anet: Is there a way to add an Alliance Roster screen?]


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006




i have wished for an alliance roster screen as well...but for the moment their is no way to know exactly who everyone is...however if u play wit some people from some of the other guilds who u enjoy playing wit...add them to ur friends list that way u know when those people are on....but besides that ur out of luck



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

I don't view my alliance as a close organization. It's just a bigger pond to shout "LFG" in, knowing that you'll find reasonably skilled people, so I don't see the need for identifying everyone.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

A simple list box in the Guild Dialog to select which guild's roster you wish to view would be very nice. Of course the only options you have for those not in your guild are to whisper to them, no promoting, etc of non-guildies.

I share your pain, with a large alliance it is hard to know who's who.

Opal Bridewood

Opal Bridewood

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Guardians of the Stars - SoF alliance


I think this was mentioned already, but signed again for those who view their alliance as a community