Is there a point to Luxon/Kurzick Faction

Mr Moomin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Cheshire, England


My Guild is a relatively small guild, actually its tiny. It consists of me and two friends, we have our cape and hall but no alliance. We are allied to Luxons but have a grand total of about 15,000 Luxon faction . But what does it actually do? I know that having millions of faction gets you an outpost but as an alliance of 3 people we would never be able to keep up but even larger guilds who spam recruiting posts at Kaineng etc. say for example '200k+ Lux Faction!!!! 30+ peeps!!!'

Does this in any way make them a better guild?
Do they benefit from it in anyway?

I have been in larger guilds before and given faction over, i realise some people do it to get their 'Friends of the Luxon' title . But apart from the highest 20 alliances is there any point in signing your faction over to the guild?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Jersey, Channel Islands

Perfection Is Everything [PiE]


I think it's something to do with the storyline, whether you wanna take luxon or kurzick, I dunno, but that's what I do, I took the kurzick storyline and finished factions in a weekend.

About signing it to the guild, not a clue. Someone told me once, I forgot.

Aphrodite Sky

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Knights of the Alliance


Personally, the only reason I farmed faction was to get the amber and jadeite to craft my armor. Other than that it is pretty pointless unless you intend to hold a town, as you mentioned. I am of the opinion that it is not worth my time, my guild's time or my alliance's time to endlessly farm faction to hold a town when the only thing you really get is a discount at the NPCs and the ability to start a fireworks show. Of course if you hold the capitol city you can go the "The Deep" or "Urgoz Warren" but you can usually get there by tipping someone with access a few gold pieces. I have been to both several times and my alliance has never had more than 100k faction.

The only reason an actual guild would need to declare an allegience to one or the other is if you want to join or form an alliance. You need to choose a side to do so.

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


guilds who own the towns get items from merchants cheaper like keys are 450g instead of 600g i think, you can buy fireworks which are fun =D there are some postives also why does there have to be a point, theres no point at all to this game if u think about it...we spend hours farming gold/fame for weapons or a shinny tiger emote.

The point as is most things in a game is to have FUN!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


The whole idea of Factions is pointless and makes lame players feel big by calling people Kurdicks or Suxxons.....


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006




Unless u are a faction farming guild (50+ members, all donating 5k to 10k a day or so) then its pointless unless u are just going for ur title. U should grow ur guild a bit though and find ur self a luxon alliance. Basically having 20k faction to ur guild shows that u care but no more then that is needed if u are going for a town

And for all who care if u own a town then u get a 20% discount on all merchant items (u can buy and then sell them in town at a 10% discount and make a nice 10% profit :P)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


>O< The Package


You can use your faction points as follows:

1. If you earn and donate enough of them, you earn a special title for your character.

2. If your guild/alliance earns or donates enough, you can hold a town.

3. If you trade in your faction points for jade or amber, you can use the jade/amber to craft good armor or you may sell the jade/amber for good money.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

I think the most common use for factions is for armor material.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


they should have made faction farming worthwhile and made the faction be used to redeem special luxon or kurzick weapons...