Noob in Need of Help


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

I used to play runescape a relitively nice game, but it got boring. I'm planning on buying guildwars very soon. Unfortunatly that wil make me a noob again. I've searched various fan sites and found a bit of information.

I know i should make dyes for money, but how?
and, i think i'll be an elementalist/necromancer but what of when i run out of energy?
and just like runescape, i know to stay in town and kill rats the first few days.

i'm just a noob, any help you could give me would...uh... help

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


Elementalist Primaries get the benefit of the Energy Storage attribute, giving them more energy than other professions. Energy is also on a constant recharge. Even if you do run out, you still have the basic attack (for casters this is usually a ranged attack sending an orb of magic at the foe)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


The best advice I can give is that don't assume how things work in Guild Wars. It is not Runescape, Everquest or WoW.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


This is ABSOLUTLY nothing like Runescape.

There are lots of large diffrences. Here are a few.

#1: towns and outposts are their own, non-combat areas. You can map travel between towns and outposts, which is a HUGE plus.

#2: Combat areas are only for the people in your party! Means no drop stealing from people who arn't in your party.

#3: There are skills for each profession. there is no magic avalible for all classes, but each class has their own duty to a team.

#4: This isn't an MMORPG. You can't craft stuff yourself.

#5: This game has merchents. Meaning, If players don't want to sell the best weapon, a weapon with the same modifications are avaible to craft somewhere in the game.

This is a completly different game. I used to Play RS also. GW is MUCH better, and has MUCH better graphics.

I hope you enjoy your gaming experence!


Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


um GW is an MMORPG....

and no rat killing in towns.

and youll get a handle in the game prtty fast as they have a "noob" land (pre-sear)

and dyes dont make you good money only enough to feed and clothe you

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by Loki Seiguro
um GW is an MMORPG....
No, It's not. the party limit is 16. That's not "Massive Multiplayer"

It's an ORPG

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


X is right. GW is not an MMO. To be more accurate it is a CORPG (Cooperative/Competitive Online Role-Playing Game)

As for dyes, at the moment a Black Dye (Rarest dye in game) goes for about 8-9 platinum (1 platinum = 1,000 gold)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

We are all pretty [Ugly]


Err, where is the party limit 16? The most i have seen is 12 in the deep/urgoz.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by Venom4112
Err, where is the party limit 16? The most i have seen is 12 in the deep/urgoz.
2 parties of 8. Vizunah square and Unwaking waters.

Yeah. I knew I was missing a letter in the name. I like CORPG.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Antisocial Misfit

Make sure you get the original game, not "Factions". I'm not saying that Factions sucks (not NOT saying it though ), but the first game has a much better learning curve. You don't have any rats or anything like that, you just start off killing low-level monsters and doing easy quests. You'll level up pretty quickly and the monsters get harder.

Dyes are dropped by monsters and most are worth a few hundred gold. silver is more and black is a lot more. hang on to them all till you get to post-searing.

Eles are fun, but they are a bit of a challenge-they die easily. I'm not sure about your secondary. Most eles use mesmer for the echo skill. I don't play my ele much anymore, so maybe a pro ele could tell you a good ele/necro build. As for running out of energy, eles have lots of it, but their best skills are mana-suckers. You regenerate your energy, but it's kind of slow. You either learn to manage your energy or learn how to retreat. Sometimes it's the same thing, so don't be too proud to run away.

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by trollbrain
I used to play runescape a relitively nice game, but it got boring. I'm planning on buying guildwars very soon. Unfortunatly that wil make me a noob again. I've searched various fan sites and found a bit of information.

I know i should make dyes for money, but how?
and, i think i'll be an elementalist/necromancer but what of when i run out of energy?
and just like runescape, i know to stay in town and kill rats the first few days.

i'm just a noob, any help you could give me would...uh... help
You can't make dyes, you have to kill monsters to get them. You can buy them from the Dye Trader though. This pretty much renders relying on dyes for a steady income of money useless. I suggest you look into the more worth while farming (def: killing monsters for drops) builds as soon as you become comfortable with the game.

Elementalists use a lot of energy, but can use it since they have it, and have means of generating is faster (skill: Ether Prodigy). With all this energy they use, they throw just as much damage in ratio towards the enemy. Some skills are considered spike (def: fast damage) and some are AOE (abr: Area of Effect). They have a wide range of skills for a wide range of situations.

Necromancers' prime attribute (assuming you've looked into attributes and point distribution) is Soul Reaping (def: for each rank in SR you gain that ammount of energy when something dies near you). With the Elementalists prime attrib' being Energy Storage, the absence of SR isn't going to be a problem. Necro's use a lot of hexes to both drain health and energy from the enemy. Some skills and spells steal life, and some spells spread conditions.

I think to start out in the game, making an E/N would be a very good choice, to introduce you to both spike damage and Dot (damage over time) damage.

If you have Guildwars Prophicies (the first one) you will learn the game to a better quality than if you have Factions. I feel Factions rushes you into battles and doesn't introduce you to the Pve side of the game very well. To someone starting out Pve is a very important factor in the game, if not the most important. (This is my opinion and not a dig at the content in Factions. I need to cover myself when making statements like this).

Well, I think I've covered most things in your post that hasn't been mentioned by people previously. Good luck and have fun!

PS: Trust nobody. Do not trade anything for X gold if you don't know it's value. Do your homework and you will be fine. <-- this website will be your 2nd best friend while playing GW, with guru being the 1st obviously


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

ty lots

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


also just a suggestion that an Elementist/monk is a better comabnation then elementist/necromaster but you can always change your secandary proffesion later in the game

gl with guild wars and hope u enjoy it


Shonmi Woolyhead

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by trollbrain
I know i should make dyes for money, but how?
and, i think i'll be an elementalist/necromancer but what of when i run out of energy?
and just like runescape, i know to stay in town and kill rats the first few days.

i'm just a noob, any help you could give me would...uh... help
One can mix dyes, and sell the mixed ones, but that is never a good idea, since 99% of mixed dyes are scams.

As an aside I have to say that the town portion seems Massively Multiplayer to me... Of course in GW the only interaction in town is speech and trade (lots of trade), not fighting.