Q: "no lammerz pliz" - by Anet Guild in HA



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

Mods: if this is the wrong place for this please move, thx.

This is not a flame, bait, or troll, I am only looking for understanding of a situation that makes no sense to me or the other players involved.
Please leave the Flames to the Fire Ele's, Bait for the guy who set the rabbit traps in Sunqua Vale, and the Trolls in the cave outside Droknar's Forge.

This was what one of the players in a Anet connected guild said during a match in Dark Chambers. I have no idea why he/she said this. Normally I would chalk it up to an overinflated ego or spoiled brat but because this was from a guild connected to Anet, I assume a certain level of sportsmanship, and can't for life of me figure out why this was said, and wish to understand why.

Here's a rundown of the match:
dark chambers, we're running a B-spike, and doing fairly well, (managed to get 100+ fame so far in the last few runs we made).
We trade priests, then setup near bridge. They trap the bridge and try to lure us over, we don't, and eventually they come over the bridge. They have a good infuser and its difficult for us to get a decent spike in with all the trapping and degen, no prob, we've dealt with this before. We pull back counterclockwise towards their starting gate to regroup and heal, they follow, still pounding us (they were good). A couple of us were killed, and our group pulled back further couter-clockwise to regroup, heal and rez.
This is where 'no lammerz pliz' was said in all chat, it made no sense to us, one of our group even asked ?

I may be missing something, I may be overeacting, and like I said if this was any other group in HA we were up against I wouldn't have given it a second thought.
Please, (not 'pliz'), if you can see any reason for this comment respond to this message and tell me what I am not seeing.
I'm only r5 so I don't always see whats going on, but no-one on our side even said boo in all chat (i checked chatlog after match)

Thx in advance



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

This was what one of the players in a Anet connected guild said during a match in Dark Chambers
What exactly does that mean? What is an "Anet connected guild?

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


From what you said I make it out to be this in simple terms:
  • You were being slaughtered
  • You ran to heal
  • They were hot on your tail, some of you died
  • You ress#d, ran and regrouped
  • Someone apparently connected to Anet said: "No lammerz pliz"

You want to know why this guy said this. How are they connected to Anet? How is this particular guy in question connected to Anet? Was he in the Guild and not a guest? Was this guy annoyed because you kept running?

I really don't understand how we can interpret the reason for this guy saying this any more than you can.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

if he was connected to Anet in someway theirs Guild should be here then

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by Nexium
if he was connected to Anet in someway theirs Guild should be here then
Thanks. That clears up how they're connected to Anet.

However, they one thing I don't see is how the members in those guilds are "wrong" to say things such as "no lammerz pliz". I see this a a fair comment but in 'internet lingo'.

The deffinition of lamer I hope they were using is this one:
Slang. a person who is out of touch with modern fads or trends, esp. one who is unsophisticated.

So to translate "No lammers pliz" to real terms, it would be "No runners please". With running being "out of trend" for a battle.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

Makes sense Obsidian, I guess I was just not expecting it and took it out of the context you place it in.
np, just wondering, just one of those things that sticks in your head after a tough match.
thx for the response

Mods, can you please close this thread?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


"No lammers pliz" somone that don't know how to even spell his insult right - usually some 12 year old with no attantion span skipping school since he's a god in GW.



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


Also remember that only one of the members of that guild may be related to Anet at all.

I used to belong to one of those guild alliances, and there was one employee and 77 other people...lol

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by Obsidian Stealth
However, they one thing I don't see is how the members in those guilds are "wrong" to say things such as "no lammerz pliz". I see this a a fair comment but in 'internet lingo'.
It's rude, tacky, and childish. They obviously weren't running a Ranger all over the place to try to delay the match--they were trying to retreat and recover which is perfectly reasonable.

I can only guess that if this was an Anet guild the smart alleck probably will get the BOOT.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
Please leave the Flames to the Fire Ele's, Bait for the guy who set the rabbit traps in Sunqua Vale, and the Trolls in the cave outside Droknar's Forge.
Oh man. I laughed so hard I fell of my chair at that one...

Anyway, There is a guild whose' tag is [ANet]

THat might be the guild He is talking about...

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

tags can be copied...

unless its one of the specifed guilds from GW website then its just a child writing shit.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
Please, (not 'pliz')
Originally Posted by SirErnieMacGloop
Thx in advance

And Caleb hit the nail in the head, just because it's connected to ANet doesn't mean that every member in it is connected to them Every guild has just as much of a right to talk childish crap as the next, no matter who's in it

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

How do you know he was connected to Anet?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



Normaly when anyone complains about being abused this way everyone says 'grow up and ignore it' so its nice to see people having more of a discusion today. Theres idiots out there who'll spam all sorts of crap whoever they are apparently affiliated with and we all wish it would stop. However it wont so keep fighting the good fight and rise above it : )

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
How do you know he was connected to Anet?
I wondered that myself. The person who made the comment isn't actually confirmed to be with Anet. The Guild isn't actually confirmed to be connected to Anet either, we are all posting based on the, how can I put this, truthfulness of the OP.

The following Guild Wars Guilds have declared themselves ineligible for participation in the Guild Wars World Championship, due to membership in the guild by one or more ArenaNet or NCsoft employee or a family member of an employee:

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Nexium
if he was connected to Anet in someway theirs Guild should be here then
Being on this list means one thing, and one thing only: At least one member of the guild is an ANet/NCsoft employee, or otherwise directly affiliated. That doesn't mean that the whole guild is somehow entitled to speak for ANet, or anything even close to it. Not at all. When a member of one of these guilds says something, that's still just his personal opinion.