why do you ask? im sure all other assassins know what im talking about.

where do i start? lets talk a wee bit about life as a sin;
I am an assassin, it is what i started playing as, its what im best at. listen ok? this is a new concept for all of you so let me explain: I like being an assassin i dont want to change. my mission: kill things fast and get the hell out. my problem: nobody likes us. its really tough getting into a group as an assassin. im not exactly sure why, i think i have a good idea though, perhaps it has something to do with the fact that some assassins tank. listen VERY carfully: assassins CAN tank in moderation get over yourself. not every assassin uses horns of the ox. theres tonsssss of other ways to knock something over. not only that but not every sin has FS. is it just they way we look? when you see an assassin, what goes through your head? do you see some childish little twerp with a mouth like eminem? ir is it just the "A" in front of their name? most sins ive met make most mesmers look like andy milinokis.
next lets go with fighting:
heres something funny i heard: "assassins are only good in pvp, in pve they are useless." AHAHAHAHAHA!!! thats rich. assassins are great in both, because as long as some npc is being distracted, an assassin can kill it in no time flat. Listen: assassins can only take one enemy at a time shut up

except oooone thing....
and thats the ultimate assassin killer: it makes me CRAZY when im swingin my knives like nuts trying to kill something and theyre like "block" "evade" "miss" "stray" "dodge". Theres too many ways to do that and theyre too effective. yes they are, i dont want to hear it. enchant removals and defence exposures kill my skill bar, and they dont last very long. not to mention, not only do they kill my skill bar, but they eat my energy. once i get all their enchants off and theyre totally exposed to my intolerable cruelty, my energy is gone. and this is coming from a sin with a +5 energy weapon thats zealous. and once your dead, what do they do? talk shit. they always do.

which brings me to my next rant:
ppl are always talking shit about sins. and it pisses me off. its always the assassins fault when a group dies, even though the sin was probably pulling his/her weight + someone elses. were not there to protect you, we dont want to heal you, we just want to kill, and move on. get it through your thick skulls. if you think we give a rats ass that "the mesmer is poisoned oh noes!" then your ****ing retardedddddd!!!!
ooh heres a good one:
arenanet did a great job of making assassins, not only hated, but squishy too. yup, assassin armor at max is 70. thats 30 less than warrior armor (every warrior should have the 100 armor btw). not only that, but its only 10 more than your average squishy armor. thats just kind of an insult really, give us a pillow and a knife and say "go get 'im!" is basically what theyre doing. at least give us 80, that would make it just a wee bit fair.
im not begging anyone to change anything, im usually not one to complain, but ive never been this angry at a game in my LIFE. (yes even more angry then playing ninja gaiden on very hard mode)
please just give us some respect, we are just doing our job, as you should be too. it totally blows my mind that all of you ppl just ignore us and never give us a chance just because we take more damage than a warrior. we arent built like them, when a sin tanks it runs in, takes a few, kills one at a time (by then the eles should be starting to rain their hell), and then let the warriors take over.yes its tanking, the definition of tank isnt "run in and die." we are intellegent, we dont want OR need you to hold our hands, we got it, its under control, go away.
thank you for your time.
plz dont reply with the following:
1) thats not tanking! (yes it is shut up)
2) theres tons of ways to avoid "dodege + the works" (are you blind!? what did i just say!? they kill our energy and skill bar)
3) assassins suck (like oprah's wooden leg they do! cold day in hell buddy.)
4) assassins cant tank because blah blah blah... (unless you actually have an intellegent reason WHY THEY CANT, they CAN!)
5) assassins die too easily, im a monk and i have to save their sorry asses. ( gaa how mindless can you be? your a monk, you have to heal us or else your useless! if your a good monk it shouldnt be a problem! stop complaining!)
6) i can own assassins! (durr, assassins can be killed, you just have to pay attention and have good skills. or be a touch ranger, which is the fastest way to get no respect.)