just started GW from WoW and in need of help!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Secret Service (CIA)


hey guys!

i just started GW after playing WoW to lvl 45 (pally) and got kinda boring.

i was just wondering what kind of class i should play if i'm just starting out and wanting to make money

i've seen posts about W/Mo's and was thinking about playing one, but not sure b/c i've heard that not many people like them, but i need a good soloing character and one that can farm and make money and is pretty easy to play.

so if anyone has any suggestions about classes and builds and the like, that would be great!

thanks in advance

(p.s. i play GW:P)



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Your questions were answered in the Campfire I just said most newcomers post it in hear first and I said read stickies all of them the one at the top by Savio will answer a lot of your questions.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Netherlands

Crystal Gladiators


What she means is, roll a W/Mo.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Multiplay Uk [MPUK]

If you want to make money make a monk and 55 it so you can solo stuff. There are guides on them in the builds section. Id make a warrior just to get the feel for the game, and its a relativly easy class to play.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



No offence but I'd play the game through before I started worrying about making any money. You'll learn pretty quickly what works along the way



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


With the WoW background he NEEDS to grind to feel at home



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

NW Arkansas

Players And Their Handbooks


I myself started playing GW this summer after a small time in DDO and having been on WoW before that. My advice just pick something and go. IMO, the best way to learn GW is to experiment.

Tutis Evito

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006


Incredible Edible Bookah [YUM]


typical WoW player...needs money


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Don't worry about making money, that'll come. From what I've heard, it's tons easier to make money in GW than in WoW.

As for classes, most people who solo farm are either 55 monks or Warrior/Monks. There's a whole section dedicated to builds that you can look over in these forums. But a quick rundown of the one's I'm familiar with (from a PvE perspective):

Warrior - Front line fighter, can either be a damage dealer, damage absorber, or a bit of both. Most parties take a Warrior, so getting into groups isn't too hard.

Ranger - One of the more versatile professions; ranged attacks, trapping, beatmastery, or interrupting are a few options with this profession. Demand for rangers can be a a bit low

Monk - Healer or Protector are the popular builds in PvE, but Smiting is also a lot of fun! There's a huge demand for monks! Getting into groups in the higher level areas is as easy as showing up!

Mesmer - One of the most challenging professions to play. There are some very interesting things that you can do with a Mesmer and they can play several roles - anti-melee, e-denial, degen, etc. Mesmers are the least understood of all the classes (by people who've never took the time to play one, so getting into a group isn't easy. BUT the groups that do take Mesmers seem to have a higher success rate than groups that won't.

Elementalists: Damage dealing is their main thing. everyone loves a good nuker in their group!

Assassin: A hit-and-run character, can do tons of damage quickly, but can't take hanging around the front lines. Too many people who play them don't realize this so spend a lot of time dead. This makes them unpopular with the PUGs. The general skill level of Assassins has improved, and there are some awesome ones out there, but the problem remains.

Necro: Another versatile profession. The main ways that people play them are Minion Masters or Orders. Hexing is another option for these guys. Most groups - especially in Factions - look for a MM to go along with them.

I'm ignorant as to the ritualists - haven't played one and haven't played with many, so can't tell you about them.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Secret Service (CIA)


thanks for all of the information guys!

and to the statement about typical WoW player who needs money? I'm sorry, but money is a pretty big thing in WoW and i wanted to know if was as big in GW.

also, i have another question, would an Elementalist be another good class for me to play? i like to do pretty good dps and damage, and so i'm wondering if that would be a good class or not

thanks again for all the help guys!



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

LA, California



Originally Posted by Deadpoetic69
...i need a good soloing character and one that can farm and make money and is pretty easy to play.
I think you pretty much hit the nail right on the head. Wa/mo is definetly your kindof character, although its a rather...typical class to play. Its not that people dislike the class itself, but it just so happens to be the class new players/bad players stereotypically gravitate toward.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


It is actually harder to make money in GW than WoW from my sources.You can make an ele in pre and if you aren't happy with it delete it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Jersey, Channel Islands

Perfection Is Everything [PiE]


I think the best starter is W, R or E

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Cult of Doom


easy money = running people places

1. takes little time
2. you need a warrior (maybe a ranger too, but its harder)
3. start small (ascalon to yaks) and when you are really good/able you can get like 3k a head running people to droknar forge (this is where the max armor is in chapter 1)

this is all for chapter 1. if you are starting with chapter 2, you will have no problem with money and will level up quicker too (although without as much ;backing; in your experience)

AW Lore

AW Lore

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2006

Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan


Originally Posted by Age
It is actually harder to make money in GW than WoW from my sources.You can make an ele in pre and if you aren't happy with it delete it.
that depends:
if you want to get the max armor/weapons is relatively cheap, either by collectors or by crafters.

if you mean vanity skins, then its harder.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Originally Posted by AW Lore
that depends:
if you want to get the max armor/weapons is relatively cheap, either by collectors or by crafters.

if you mean vanity skins, then its harder.
I am talking solo farming they can do it in Wow and we aren't supose to do it in GW as GW is a team based game for competive play.It is not a typical MMO it is for competive play but we solo it anyway.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Kept Divinity [Paw]


Originally Posted by majoho
With the WoW background he NEEDS to grind to feel at home
Lol no kidding, I have played WoW/GW at the same time, grinds for the win!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my opinion W/Mo is the best character to start with because u do decent dmg, ability to last longer (being a newbie you won't know the monsters), the ability to heal urself (Mending ftw) and the ability to farm.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


I started off with a R/Mo, worked great for me. Just go with what you like. You'll pick up how skills work and stuff along the way.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


a W/Mo will make you alot of money in most runs, but you'll eventually get bored of running similar builds, so if you ever feel the need to, you can always change your secondary profession later in the game.

It's not that most people don't like Wammos, its just that most people have gone wammos and now it's just an overplayed class.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
Don't worry about making money, that'll come. From what I've heard, it's tons easier to make money in GW than in WoW.

As for classes, most people who solo farm are either 55 monks or Warrior/Monks. There's a whole section dedicated to builds that you can look over in these forums. But a quick rundown of the one's I'm familiar with (from a PvE perspective):

Warrior - Front line fighter, can either be a damage dealer, damage absorber, or a bit of both. Most parties take a Warrior, so getting into groups isn't too hard.

Ranger - One of the more versatile professions; ranged attacks, trapping, beast mastery, or interrupting are a few options with this profession. Demand for rangers can be a a bit low

Monk - Healer or Protector are the popular builds in PvE, but Smiting is also a lot of fun! There's a huge demand for monks! Getting into groups in the higher level areas is as easy as showing up!

Mesmer - One of the most challenging professions to play. There are some very interesting things that you can do with a Mesmer and they can play several roles - anti-melee, e-denial, degen, etc. Mesmers are the least understood of all the classes (by people who've never took the time to play one, so getting into a group isn't easy. BUT the groups that do take Mesmers seem to have a higher success rate than groups that won't.

Elementalists: Damage dealing is their main thing. everyone loves a good nuker in their group!

Assassin: A hit-and-run character, can do tons of damage quickly, but can't take hanging around the front lines. Too many people who play them don't realize this so spend a lot of time dead. This makes them unpopular with the PUGs. The general skill level of Assassins has improved, and there are some awesome ones out there, but the problem remains.

Necro: Another versatile profession. The main ways that people play them are Minion Masters or Orders. Hexing is another option for these guys. Most groups - especially in Factions - look for a MM to go along with them.

I'm ignorant as to the ritualists - haven't played one and haven't played with many, so can't tell you about them.
I agree.

Assassins CAN work in PvE, most people just forget their lower armor level (it's Hit and RUN! Get out when you've left your target dying!), and with the mobs of afflicted swarming the frontline, you'd better watch out.

As for the ritualist... you get to choose... the underpowered Channeling to deal damage (but your primary attribute is more or less unused)... the underpowered Restoration Magic (i've played it... it's pretty good, but it's not as well appreciated nor as effective as a primary monk... and again, it's kind of leaving out Spawning Power), so your basically forced to play with Communing: constantly spamming the same spirits (Shelter/Union will be on your bar 98% of the time), in the backline.
But a decent ritualist who knows what he's doing will almost ALWAYS be a great asset to any team.

Oh, and there's quite alot of Warriors in PvE, most of 'em rushing in because they see a spark of adrenaline left in their skills after they've beaten a foe... don't get tempted to not get it lost, rushing into the next mob without letting your group recover is the reason why most W/Mo's are so hated in PvE



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

When i Started guildwars, i made a Ranger, but got to lvl 16 and got bored, then made a monk, and i stuck with it, its quite hard and you get all the grief :P

but i would recomend a Warrior/Monk

Deacon Roswell

Deacon Roswell

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

San Diego

Absence of Evidence [AoE]

If you really want to farm for money, make a Ritualist/Mesmer. That would require Chapter 2: Guild Wars Factions.
This combo can solo a smite run in the UW in about 15 minutes and can also solo parts of FoW, not to mention all the bosses that can be solo'd with ease. Once you've done a few runs, you'll see that its really easy and becomes quite hard to die. A 55 monk is a good solo character but takes longer to kill things and can be easily killed by degen or a "strip enchant" spell. In my opinion, a warrior should be your 3rd or 4th choice, and only if you plan on doing some running with your farming.