Cause to BSOD's: Temperature Related.
hmm ... overheating?
according to everest , now i've
29C on motherboard
40C on CPU
37 on HDD
?? on my graphic card ...
but at full charge i've never see it iver 53c ... but it crashes :'(
worked 2 weeks fine , horrible after that
strange thing was d2 had too a 100% but i didn't crash when playing it (even with 2 at same time)
according to everest , now i've
29C on motherboard
40C on CPU
37 on HDD
?? on my graphic card ...
but at full charge i've never see it iver 53c ... but it crashes :'(
worked 2 weeks fine , horrible after that
strange thing was d2 had too a 100% but i didn't crash when playing it (even with 2 at same time)
I have tried GW on two computers, neither had any problem with heat at all. GuildWars is actually not as intensive as most other games. This does lead me to suspect that there are come incompatibilities with the game and certain hardwares because I have friends who can run it well on pretty weak machines that have half the specs that people are posting here.
hmm .. i've tried the fan trick , that works lol
just put a desk fan ^^
didn't crash in 5 hours , nearly a record ^^
maybe that was realy motherborad that overheated
just put a desk fan ^^
didn't crash in 5 hours , nearly a record ^^
maybe that was realy motherborad that overheated
Paul Templar
Originally Posted by Sprites
hmm .. i've tried the fan trick , that works lol
just put a desk fan ^^ didn't crash in 5 hours , nearly a record ^^ maybe that was realy motherborad that overheated |
Opened case put a fan next to pc it ran for hours yesterday and for hours today but it did start to crash again a few times later on and cpu temp was only at 25C. Fan is pushing out alot of cold air over it much more than a pc fan would
Did notice an increase in lagging
Need to run it with and without fan in windows mode and watch everest for temp when it crashes and see if the playing time is reducing as it was doing before
can't drop to 25 because it's ambiant temperature
but it's obring to play in window mode , and i don't like the crashes that interfer with hattrick
but it's obring to play in window mode , and i don't like the crashes that interfer with hattrick
Paul Templar
Originally Posted by Sprites
can't drop to 25 because it's ambiant temperature
but it's obring to play in window mode , and i don't like the crashes that interfer with hattrick |
Just so others can see what people are doing and if it works
I'm experiencing porblems myself, and all of a sudden as well.
The system I'm running is an Athlon 64 3800+ on a Gigabyte Triton K8 mobo, 1 GB PC3200 ram, eVGA nVidia GeForce 6600 256 MB pci-x. I have a 450 watt power supply, and three drives in the system - a 16x DVD-Rw, and a pair of Western Digital 7200 rpm EIDE 160 GB hard drives. The system has a pair of 120mm fans, one in the rear and one in the side, as well as the cpu sink and fan and the gpu fan. And the power supply fan, but that's a gimme. I am using the stock heatsink, paste, and fan that came with the processor.
I purchased GW approximately two months ago, and everything ran quite smoothly save for the occasional "Err=7" that would inevitably strike five seconds before completing missions. Then, maybe a week and a half ago, I began to get the occasional strange graphics bug where I would see white cubes rather than avatars for mobs or players. Each time, simply shutting down GW and restarting the program would fix this problem. Also about this time, I began to see the occasional "detected a serious error" crash that would offer to send an error report to ANet. These happened very rarely, and I chalked them up to fluctuations in the Force, or something along those lines. =P Then, as of two days ago, the white-rectangle symptom began to happen every time I ran the game, and occasionally I'd also get missing landscape textures. A complete system reboot usually took care of these, and I started becoming incredibly obsessive-compulsive about keeping my system free of every last speck of dust. This didn't help.
Now, it's to the point where I can't start GW. Period. The farthest I get is the character selection screen, and then it either BSODs into a reboot or dumps me back into Windows and offers to send ye olde errore reporte. I removed my case cover to let the system breathe - same results. My processor heatsink is not overly warm to the touch, nor is my video card. The heatsink over my chipset does feel quite warm, however. I have absolutely no means of testing the exact temperature of anything installed that I am aware of.
The problem, of course, comes in when I can run everything else I want on this system with comparable temperatures gauged by touch, and not a single problem or hiccup occurs. I haven't fiddled with any settings for any hardware, just the factory defaults. Short of sticking my PC in a deep freeze and drilling a hole through for the cables, I'm running out of ideas here, and I'm not entirely certain this is a temperature-related issue. If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd be most appreciative.
The system I'm running is an Athlon 64 3800+ on a Gigabyte Triton K8 mobo, 1 GB PC3200 ram, eVGA nVidia GeForce 6600 256 MB pci-x. I have a 450 watt power supply, and three drives in the system - a 16x DVD-Rw, and a pair of Western Digital 7200 rpm EIDE 160 GB hard drives. The system has a pair of 120mm fans, one in the rear and one in the side, as well as the cpu sink and fan and the gpu fan. And the power supply fan, but that's a gimme. I am using the stock heatsink, paste, and fan that came with the processor.
I purchased GW approximately two months ago, and everything ran quite smoothly save for the occasional "Err=7" that would inevitably strike five seconds before completing missions. Then, maybe a week and a half ago, I began to get the occasional strange graphics bug where I would see white cubes rather than avatars for mobs or players. Each time, simply shutting down GW and restarting the program would fix this problem. Also about this time, I began to see the occasional "detected a serious error" crash that would offer to send an error report to ANet. These happened very rarely, and I chalked them up to fluctuations in the Force, or something along those lines. =P Then, as of two days ago, the white-rectangle symptom began to happen every time I ran the game, and occasionally I'd also get missing landscape textures. A complete system reboot usually took care of these, and I started becoming incredibly obsessive-compulsive about keeping my system free of every last speck of dust. This didn't help.
Now, it's to the point where I can't start GW. Period. The farthest I get is the character selection screen, and then it either BSODs into a reboot or dumps me back into Windows and offers to send ye olde errore reporte. I removed my case cover to let the system breathe - same results. My processor heatsink is not overly warm to the touch, nor is my video card. The heatsink over my chipset does feel quite warm, however. I have absolutely no means of testing the exact temperature of anything installed that I am aware of.
The problem, of course, comes in when I can run everything else I want on this system with comparable temperatures gauged by touch, and not a single problem or hiccup occurs. I haven't fiddled with any settings for any hardware, just the factory defaults. Short of sticking my PC in a deep freeze and drilling a hole through for the cables, I'm running out of ideas here, and I'm not entirely certain this is a temperature-related issue. If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd be most appreciative.
Paul Templar
I dont think it is heat related
my pc runs at 37C with out a fan and it will still crash after 10 minutes then I put a fan on the side (open casing) runs at 25C will crash after a few hours
These temps are not high enough to be the problem
what you have said is the same thing that happened to me after playing for awhile (as in weeks) would notice the graphics breaking down and then it will crash but now it just crashes without the graphics breaking down it was like the playing time reduces each time over a period of time
my pc runs at 37C with out a fan and it will still crash after 10 minutes then I put a fan on the side (open casing) runs at 25C will crash after a few hours
These temps are not high enough to be the problem
what you have said is the same thing that happened to me after playing for awhile (as in weeks) would notice the graphics breaking down and then it will crash but now it just crashes without the graphics breaking down it was like the playing time reduces each time over a period of time
Syno Nym
Really interesting thread, I was wondering if I was the only one with such a problem. The temperature keeps rising till I freeze, or my graphic card chain reboots (VPU recover...). Sometimes I have some strange graphic bugs after a few dozen minutes (Bug spoted ! ).
What's strange here is that I'm playing with the lowest details possible, almost the lowest resolution (1024*780), and there's nothing to do, the temperature keeps rising...
I've got a Radeon 9600XT, 1go Corsair ram, 3,2ghz Intel P4 and Asus p4p800s-x motherboard.
What's strange here is that I'm playing with the lowest details possible, almost the lowest resolution (1024*780), and there's nothing to do, the temperature keeps rising...
I've got a Radeon 9600XT, 1go Corsair ram, 3,2ghz Intel P4 and Asus p4p800s-x motherboard.
I've been seeing the same problem for about a week now, and the symptoms are very similar to a lot of things people have posted. Most commonly, the screen goes black, followed shortly thereafter by a reboot. Two times it was different, once it went black, then blue, then rebooted, and then once it had a similar error to the one pictured in Syno Nim's post. Except my lines didn't spiderweb across my screen; they were three wavy vertical columns which rippled. It seems to happen after an indeterminate time of playing. Last night, it didn't crash for an hour. Today, it crashed after 5 minutes.
Its definitely not a temperature issue. The last two times it crashed, my PC was running at 35 Celsius.
Oh, and I'm running a Radeon 9600, which seems to be the case for a lot of people who've been having this problem.
Its definitely not a temperature issue. The last two times it crashed, my PC was running at 35 Celsius.
Oh, and I'm running a Radeon 9600, which seems to be the case for a lot of people who've been having this problem.
For those who don't believe that it is temperature problem, yes it is.
I had changed the D3D graphics for better performance, and game settings at medium graphics, the game ran for 2 hours while in the other hand, it was running for 30 minutes (graphics settings set to "Auto Detect").
And after I got the BSOD, I ran everest and here are the temperatures:
Motherboard: 25 °C (77 °F)
CPU: 63 °C (140 °F)
CPU Diode: 63 °C (140 °F)
GPU: 56 °C (129 °F)
GPU Ambient: 50 °C (120 °F)
PS.: I got one side of my tower WIDE open, room temperature is set to 65º and I got two front fans and one on the back... so yes, the game somehow is making the processor/gpu temp go really high!
ANet, fix this for us please... I can't play like that
Edit: My specs are a AthlonXP 2800+, 1GB DDR333 (2x 512), ATi Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB, A7N8X-X
I had changed the D3D graphics for better performance, and game settings at medium graphics, the game ran for 2 hours while in the other hand, it was running for 30 minutes (graphics settings set to "Auto Detect").
And after I got the BSOD, I ran everest and here are the temperatures:
Motherboard: 25 °C (77 °F)
CPU: 63 °C (140 °F)
CPU Diode: 63 °C (140 °F)
GPU: 56 °C (129 °F)
GPU Ambient: 50 °C (120 °F)
PS.: I got one side of my tower WIDE open, room temperature is set to 65º and I got two front fans and one on the back... so yes, the game somehow is making the processor/gpu temp go really high!
ANet, fix this for us please... I can't play like that
Edit: My specs are a AthlonXP 2800+, 1GB DDR333 (2x 512), ATi Radeon 9800 PRO 256MB, A7N8X-X
Originally Posted by headachebr
For those who don't believe that it is temperature problem, yes it is.
Originally Posted by Kishin
Maybe for you it is, but it sure isn't for me. Last couple times its crashed, my computer's been running at 35 Celsius, which is relatively safe.
Or is it like you get a choppy image and the game freezes? - this is faulty gpu or driver
Originally Posted by headachebr
But is it THE SAME thing that is happening to us? a BSOD error and then computer restarts? - this is because of the temperature
Or is it like you get a choppy image and the game freezes? - this is faulty gpu or driver |
buy Abit and get rid of your crappy asus boards....or go the cheaper route and get a decent fan and some AS5
Originally Posted by glockjs
buy Abit and get rid of your crappy asus boards....or go the cheaper route and get a decent fan and some AS5
But if you want to give me a new Abit mobo I wouldn't mind, since you seem to be very rich talking like that... Buying a new mobo just to play GW.

Originally Posted by headachebr
Just bought AS5 on eBay ;D
But if you want to give me a new Abit mobo I wouldn't mind, since you seem to be very rich talking like that... Buying a new mobo just to play GW. ![]() |
psssh. mobo's are cheap these days. the most expensive abit with nf4 is 200 bucks :/ and thats top of the line. if you're runnin a socket A i highly recomend a nf7-s

Then give me 200 bucks -_-
Anyways guys, for you that are having this problem...
As I said, I bought the AS5 and a Quiet Boost Cooler from Thermaltake. My CPU does not go over 44º at all!
It used to go up to 70º and then restart because of GW.
Now I have been playing GW all they long with 4X AA and all maxed out. NO RESTARTS
So if you are getting the BSOD, and have a high CPU temp, then do what I did.
Gl y'all
Anyways guys, for you that are having this problem...
As I said, I bought the AS5 and a Quiet Boost Cooler from Thermaltake. My CPU does not go over 44º at all!
It used to go up to 70º and then restart because of GW.
Now I have been playing GW all they long with 4X AA and all maxed out. NO RESTARTS
So if you are getting the BSOD, and have a high CPU temp, then do what I did.
Gl y'all

Paul Templar
Originally Posted by headachebr
Then give me 200 bucks -_-
Anyways guys, for you that are having this problem... As I said, I bought the AS5 and a Quiet Boost Cooler from Thermaltake. My CPU does not go over 44º at all! It used to go up to 70º and then restart because of GW. Now I have been playing GW all they long with 4X AA and all maxed out. NO RESTARTS I REPEAT, NO RESTARTS! So if you are getting the BSOD, and have a high CPU temp, then do what I did. Gl y'all ![]() |
it is not over-heating I placed a fan on the open case it worked for awhile cooling it down to 28C, then after a few weeks it was back to crashing in shorter intervals
Best thing I did was Dump Radeon card and got another card no more problems the problem is with the graphics card.
It ran better with the onboard graphics with no crashing at all without a open case and no fan so it is not over heating.
I do not believe this problem is related to strictly one thing or another, and here's why.
Last year I built myself a new PC. In June, I wanted to upgrade my processor (which, in retrospect, I shouldn't have ever done), so I bought a new chip and installed it in my old board, which was supposed to be able to handle the chip. It couldn't. I ended up having to spend, on top of the CPU cost, another $140 to get another MB. The computer was still acting wonky, and I made a decision last week that there was a slim chance my chip was messed up from the previous board, and not knowing if the current board had issues with my choice of CPU (AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton), I bought another MB (Asus), another CPU(AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Barton), new DIMMs(Kingston), new power supply(Thermaltake), and new heatsink and fan(MassCool). Guess what? Guild Wars still will not run.
I have run the gamut with installing and uninstalling drivers and software.. I have played videos, run DirectX test on my graphics card (ATI All in Wonder 9800 Pro), sound card (SB Audigy 2), been inside of CMOS so much that I know it like I know the shape of my own teeth, and still GW continues to crash. Just because someone has the same hardware and has no problems doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't be having ANY. I wish I could pinpoint when this began to happen, but the only thing I can think of is that some part of my configuration doesn't like the latest GW update.
On a side note, my sister also plays GW, and she has no problems whatsoever. We have similar systems also, at least we're running the same video card. I can run my computer all day and night with no problems, but the minute I start up GW, it crashes.. either right at the start or a few minutes into a game. This evening when it crashed, I got the option of sending an error report to - here's hoping they get more out of the data than I have.
Last year I built myself a new PC. In June, I wanted to upgrade my processor (which, in retrospect, I shouldn't have ever done), so I bought a new chip and installed it in my old board, which was supposed to be able to handle the chip. It couldn't. I ended up having to spend, on top of the CPU cost, another $140 to get another MB. The computer was still acting wonky, and I made a decision last week that there was a slim chance my chip was messed up from the previous board, and not knowing if the current board had issues with my choice of CPU (AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton), I bought another MB (Asus), another CPU(AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Barton), new DIMMs(Kingston), new power supply(Thermaltake), and new heatsink and fan(MassCool). Guess what? Guild Wars still will not run.
I have run the gamut with installing and uninstalling drivers and software.. I have played videos, run DirectX test on my graphics card (ATI All in Wonder 9800 Pro), sound card (SB Audigy 2), been inside of CMOS so much that I know it like I know the shape of my own teeth, and still GW continues to crash. Just because someone has the same hardware and has no problems doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't be having ANY. I wish I could pinpoint when this began to happen, but the only thing I can think of is that some part of my configuration doesn't like the latest GW update.
On a side note, my sister also plays GW, and she has no problems whatsoever. We have similar systems also, at least we're running the same video card. I can run my computer all day and night with no problems, but the minute I start up GW, it crashes.. either right at the start or a few minutes into a game. This evening when it crashed, I got the option of sending an error report to - here's hoping they get more out of the data than I have.
I have a problem with Guild Wars as well... but I don't get any blue screen... the video just freezes... I can move my mouse cursor around... but it shows as my desktop cursor.. and I can still hear my teammates in TS. I can't alt-tab anything or use the Windows Task Manager.
My temp:
CPU Idle: 45-47 C
CPU in game: 55-65 C <---that's not good.
MB: 32-33
MB while in game: 32-33
System specs:
Motherboard: Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ overclocked to 3200(2.2ghz)
RAM: Corsair TwinX-LL 512MB
Video: Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9600 128MB with Catalyst 5.5
PSU: Antec 380W
OS: Win XP with SP2
My temp:
CPU Idle: 45-47 C
CPU in game: 55-65 C <---that's not good.
MB: 32-33
MB while in game: 32-33
System specs:
Motherboard: Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ overclocked to 3200(2.2ghz)
RAM: Corsair TwinX-LL 512MB
Video: Sapphire Atlantis Radeon 9600 128MB with Catalyst 5.5
PSU: Antec 380W
OS: Win XP with SP2
For people that have Asus videocards, download Asus Smartdoctor. Go to Fan control, go for manual mode and set it to 100%. My temp now remains about 50C and I just played guildwars for 2 hours without problems, where before it got near boiling point and made guildwars crash within 5 mins.
While I'd like to be able to post here and say that my problem is fixed, it isn't, but it's... much improved. So I wanted to tell others what I did incase the issue may apply to them as well.
Although I still don't know if my issue is heat related (which I don't think it is), I couldn't access GW for the past 2 weeks at ALL. I could stay in the game a few seconds - literally - before the PC would crash. I had codecs installed on my PC for when I play video media files, and on a hunch, I removed them. I was able to access the game again, but for only about 5 minutes before it crashed. So if you have any codecs packs on your PC, you might want to see if they're causing you any problems.
Like I said, not a fix, just a suggestion. I'm about to install video drivers (again) and see if I can access the game longer this time. If it works, I'll certainly post again. Also, as far as the CPU getting hot/warm during game play, the game uses nearly 100% of your computer's resources, so by nature you'll get an increase in temperature. My AMD chip isn't in the danger zone until it's 80 C or higher, and the game only boosted mine into the 50s and 60s.
Although I still don't know if my issue is heat related (which I don't think it is), I couldn't access GW for the past 2 weeks at ALL. I could stay in the game a few seconds - literally - before the PC would crash. I had codecs installed on my PC for when I play video media files, and on a hunch, I removed them. I was able to access the game again, but for only about 5 minutes before it crashed. So if you have any codecs packs on your PC, you might want to see if they're causing you any problems.
Like I said, not a fix, just a suggestion. I'm about to install video drivers (again) and see if I can access the game longer this time. If it works, I'll certainly post again. Also, as far as the CPU getting hot/warm during game play, the game uses nearly 100% of your computer's resources, so by nature you'll get an increase in temperature. My AMD chip isn't in the danger zone until it's 80 C or higher, and the game only boosted mine into the 50s and 60s.