Hey guys, first armour thread combo i'm looking for i was wondering what a female(or male) 15k Full luxon armor with a 15k ascalon helm, i don't care for dyes i just want to see what they look like
(remember either genders fine, i have 2 warriors ones male ones female thxs just leaning towards female prefernce)
The Humanoid Typhoon
Join Date: May 2005
Servants of Fortuna [SoF]
04 Sep 2006 at 21:46 - 2
Please note bumping a Request thread within a 24 hour period is not allowed. You must wait at least 24 hours from the time you posted it.
okay.. its been way more than 24 hours, and i don't want to make another thread, so bump, any help guys
also, it'd be nice if you guys could post 15k kurzick and 15k ascalon helm for female, i want to see the 2 sets with the helm included, thanks a ton (dyes don't matter again)
Academy Page
Join Date: Aug 2006
20 Mar 2007 at 01:20 - 4
I would also like to see 15 k lux and a 15k asc helm for a male. Any dye would be cool but white is preferred.
Join Date: May 2006
20 Mar 2007 at 01:32 - 5
If anyone wants to lend me the money ill buy that stuff on war (alraedy got helm) girl btw