Guild Wars Store - Storage Upgrade

big freddy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006



I was thinking about how I rarely have room for my stuff in my storage box. Even with the much needed Material storage box, the remaining 20 spaces gets pretty crampted when sharing between 6+ characters.

So how about there be an upgrade in the Guild Wars Store to buy and additoinal 20 spaces.
I'd gladly shell out cash for that. I've got too many dyes/runes/weapon upgrades in my 20 spaces right now and 20 more would totally rock!




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


More storage room is always nice. And I can't really think of any reason to not have that be an option.

I just saw this thread again and my first thought was "Yeah it'd be nice, but it shouldn't be something in the store." So... /unsigned. =\

As much as I want more storage (makes no sense that our backpacks hold more than a big chest)it shouldn't be available in the store.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006



I don't think that should be placed in store.

If you could pay gold for it in game it would be ok.

Brother Gilburt

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


Don't know whether it would be paid for in-game or in-store, but it certainly makes sense now that they're selling characters slots.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005



Watch out what you wish for, cuz it may happen.

If there is storage upgrade I would like it to be ingame feature that can be uptained ingame, not purchased by the online store. I know NCsoft control the flow and can really easly implent it for some little cash, but I don't want it that way. At the end people will scream out their rant again.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Maybe there is some grounds for selling more storage space or a whole 'nother storage to access through the game store. Afterall if you buy more character slots and have a lot of characters, the limited storage space we have now is really gonna bite. May as well buy another account, although that gets really complicated. Rather than complicate things, when people are getting a lot more characters per account, I think it's about time we got more storage available. Or have the storage grow according to how many characters are created in the account.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

in my room behind my pc

Guilty Guild [GG]

/notsigned for those people without the ability to pay with a creditcard like me. (i dont want one and will never get one either) make it possible in game for game money not real money. there are people who cannot afford everything from the store. just live with it for now and hope they give it to us for free.... (i do anywayz)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Well how about if they also sell then in stores like EB Games. It would be in a wrapping like a pack of trading cards and inside in some form would be a key code you add to your account for the storage expansion or whatever it is that's being sold.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Jersey, Channel Islands

Perfection Is Everything [PiE]


Weapon storage would be better.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

I like the idea of a weapon/sheild and other items/armor storage. But what about anyone out there who buys like 12 extra character slots and actually creates that many? He/she could have more than one gamer in the household or simply a lot of free time. But with that many characters, the regular storage would be hardly enough space even for misc items.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


As many times all of this has been suggested....



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Global friends


Dante the Warlord

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006



big freddy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006



Well I only suggested it being a Store item(IE paying real cash) because then you can buy more than one if you really needed it.
I kind of forgot how some people dont have credit cards yet.
I guess I was thinking more of myself than of the whole community. Glad to see a lot of people like the idea. =]



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]



Any upgrades to storage capacity should be provided to all players free of charge. A-Net can tie it directly to the release of the new chapter if they want (much like the materials storage upgrade), but I am very opposed to having to pay for additional functionality within the game.

Paying for laziness (i.e. PvP skill unlocks), sure.
Paying for additional character slots, sure.
Paying to be able to store all of your weapon/armor combinations efficiently, terrible idea.

In other words, if you decide not to purchase the extra storage, you are at a direct gameplaying disadvantage compared to other players, who would have the extra storage room to store their various weapon/armor combinations.

Again, a big /NOT SIGNED



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Shinigami Keys [SHIN]


No. No. No. They already selling too much for real money. It really is turning into a free for basic, pay for extra's kind of game, but with an upfront cost too. I don't want stuff like extra storage, reconnects, different guild halls, prebuilt 'heroes' to be in the In Game Store. This is just a way for people with more money to have more options. If they bring more storage, it should be something you purchase, or earn Ingame. Not something you have to pay more money for.

/notsigned emphatically.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006





malek the wise

malek the wise

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


Department of the Forest Walkers [DFW]


Originally Posted by frickett
No. No. No. They already selling too much for real money. It really is turning into a free for basic, pay for extra's kind of game, but with an upfront cost too. I don't want stuff like extra storage, reconnects, different guild halls, prebuilt 'heroes' to be in the In Game Store. This is just a way for people with more money to have more options. If they bring more storage, it should be something you purchase, or earn Ingame. Not something you have to pay more money for.

/notsigned emphatically.
Those /not signed are the most stupid reasons I have ever heard. What the hell would A-net benefit from ingame cash? Do you truly think they will make it a quest?

The storage has been upgraded enough for me, though a littkle extra space, maybe another bag for instance, couldn't hurt.

Anet will make the store better and better. If they start selling weapon mods and gold- I quit. Their ingame store is EXTREMELY convenient. You can buy a game duirectly from it- without having to pay $30 for goddamn gas to get into town if you live as far away from it as I do. I would not be surprised if they offered storage expansion at a fair price of about 3-4.99. It is something I would DEFINETLY invest in. With Nightfall just aroud the corner and me farming like hell- this could just be the big break we all need.

Not my fault if you guys are strapped for cash- get a damn job. I know 13 year olds that don't even have your damn attitude about money. You are willing to pay up to 90 dollars for a new saga in the series but you wouldn't pay a measly 5 bucks to get double (or more) storage?!?

What I'm trying to say here is that you have to think before you write STUPID things like you just did. Not only is it extremely annoying to see how greedy humans have become with their monies, but it's also frustrating to see how incredibly childish adolescents can be. Like I said- think about the company, what is the one thing they want other than a good title? MONEY.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


La Legion del Dragon [LD]


i'm willing to spend 10dlls on a char slot just for the solely reason to use it as a mule, i gladly would pay those 10 bucks on a double/triple storage feat


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


just buy a character slot and you get way more than 20 slots.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Meh, just make storage upgradable again, but with a tab specifically for that character. That way, you get the 45 slots in inventory(that's fine and dandy..but I have 3 sets of armor and 12+ weapons on me at all times), the 20 from normal storage, the nice amount of material storage, and finally another 20 for just that specific character.

As much as I need more storage...having it only available through the online store would turn me away from it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005


It will probably be overpriced (Like $9,99 for 20 slots). And once they put it in the store, there's no way they will introduce it without paying for it.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

They need to allow ingame currency purchase for character storage.

This way you have this
Storage slots = Account Storage Slots + Account Mat storage + numChars*(20 Character Storage + pouch + 2(bags storage slots)) Slots

much better than just adding 20 for the account.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Originally Posted by malek the wise
Those /not signed are the most stupid reasons I have ever heard. What the hell would A-net benefit from ingame cash? Do you truly think they will make it a quest?

Not my fault if you guys are strapped for cash- get a damn job. I know 13 year olds that don't even have your damn attitude about money. You are willing to pay up to 90 dollars for a new saga in the series but you wouldn't pay a measly 5 bucks to get double (or more) storage?!?

What I'm trying to say here is that you have to think before you write STUPID things like you just did. Not only is it extremely annoying to see how greedy humans have become with their monies, but it's also frustrating to see how incredibly childish adolescents can be. Like I said- think about the company, what is the one thing they want other than a good title? MONEY.

1. They provided materials storage, which was a first step in improving the storage situation. They did NOT charge for this upgrade.

So, let's see - they provided a content upgrade for "free". Why in the world would A-Net do this? Ahhhh....because they want to keep their EXISTING customers so that they'll buy upcoming expansions.

Not every upgrade in the game needs to have a real-life price tag associated with it. A-Net has every incentive in the world to provide upgrades to the game to keep its players interested.

2. You could easily flip your argument about the "greediness of humans" to the "greediness of corporations". Think about banks and "free checking". A while back, several banks tried to start charging their "free checking" customers some nominal fee - like $1 a month or so. It's not a lot of money in the long run, especially for the service you receive.

What was the result? A ton of checking customers bailed on those banks. Why? The customers had been promised something for free, and when they were "charged" for it, they viewed it as a greedy move by the bank.

This is the danger that A-Net faces. Yes, charging a little for a small upgrade here and would not seem like a big deal. But to the customer, it IS. And those customers are the ones A-Net is depending on buying their expansions.

Is a few thousand dollars today worth a few hundred thousand dollars of lost revenue in the future?

Again, malek, you need to take a look at the larger picture before making inflammatory posts, especially about those of us that are "too greedy" to quickly give up our hard-earned money that you seem to have in abundance.

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


Originally Posted by malek the wise
Those /not signed are the most stupid reasons I have ever heard. What the hell would A-net benefit from ingame cash? Do you truly think they will make it a quest?
Benefit? They make their long term customers happy. If the best stuff is always accessed from in-game, be it through a quest or expansion than it will keep people going. If the best stuff is available only to buy, then, as someone already said, it creates a distinct disadvantage to someone who doesn't have as much real life cash(or doesn't wish to invest it for casual play)
The storage has been upgraded enough for me, though a littkle extra space, maybe another bag for instance, couldn't hurt.
Its been upgraded enough for my purposes right now as well, but I play casually. I'm not about to begrudge others a little convenience, though I would prefer it wouldn't be in the store.
Anet will make the store better and better. If they start selling weapon mods and gold- I quit. Their ingame store is EXTREMELY convenient. You can buy a game duirectly from it- without having to pay $30 for goddamn gas to get into town if you live as far away from it as I do. I would not be surprised if they offered storage expansion at a fair price of about 3-4.99. It is something I would DEFINETLY invest in. With Nightfall just aroud the corner and me farming like hell- this could just be the big break we all need.

Not my fault if you guys are strapped for cash- get a damn job. I know 13 year olds that don't even have your damn attitude about money. You are willing to pay up to 90 dollars for a new saga in the series but you wouldn't pay a measly 5 bucks to get double (or more) storage?!?
/sarcasm Your comment about 13 years olds inspires great confidence in me towards the next generation /endsarcasm.
Look at it this way. You don't want to spend 30 bucks on gas to get to the store? Miser! Get a better job, or a better place to live! You don't want to spend 30 bucks to get to the store, but you're willing to spend 5 bucks on a virtual closet for collecting virtual dust?
See how it sounds? I have a full time job. Though 5 bucks isn't that bad, I think long and hard before getting anything to deal with this game. I spend my money wisely, and I'm still debating on Nightfall, just as I did for factions. If they are willing to give me stuff in-game to make it more fun to play, I can buy an expansion with confidence that I will get my moneys worth. Anet responds to their players, listens to us. They charge, they keep us short term. They give: they keep us long term.
What I'm trying to say here is that you have to think before you write STUPID things like you just did. Not only is it extremely annoying to see how greedy humans have become with their monies, but it's also frustrating to see how incredibly childish adolescents can be. Like I said- think about the company, what is the one thing they want other than a good title? MONEY.
Please try and look at both sides before you post next time. I realize that the company is there to make money, thats what companies are for. But it would be better (imo) to charge only for Campaigns and inconsequential bonuses(like the char slots, something which doesn't affect balance) in the online store. The real money should be made in the Campaigns. Because no matter how much money you make in the online store, it won't matter one iota if the game itself is worthless(either due to unbalancing because of the store, or other issues)
Off topic= As for your adolescents comment: Don't know how old you are, but I assume you are no longer a teenager. If you can't remember what that was like, then let me say this: some people just mature mentally sooner. Let them have their 'childishness' while they can still afford it. Let kids be kids.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006

I say /signed because ther are some people with super slow connections or super slow computers (and no, you cannot stop them from coming) that can't switch lightning fast to anthoer character like me to grab an item and smack it in the storage.
Also, I don't see how OMG this is going to make other peopel without a credit card crash!!!! Dude, it's storage, it's not some Super Duper Buffing thing. I mean like seriously, oh wow you got more space in your storage, like i should care anyway.
Also I must say that people are making poor connections for railing on this. I mean who cares about your personal life not to be rude or anything. It's not like we're going to compliment you on having $5.

Underworld Calling

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006



more storage couldn't hurt

id like an armor tab in storage though cuz that is what takes up most of my inventory


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Like I said, people without credit cards should be able to buy the code for this at video game stores. The codes can be packed like trading cards, sold on the counter at EB Games. Actually, more like inside the locked up glass case behind the registers so no one jacks them. For places like Best Buy, they can come up with a simple box to fit in with the shelves with other computer games with the usual tracking label inside to avoid shoplifting.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Originally Posted by Linksys
Like I said, people without credit cards should be able to buy the code for this at video game stores. The codes can be packed like trading cards, sold on the counter at EB Games. Actually, more like inside the locked up glass case behind the registers so no one jacks them. For places like Best Buy, they can come up with a simple box to fit in with the shelves with other computer games with the usual tracking label inside to avoid shoplifting.
Rather than buying the code in stores directly, they should just sell prepaid cards for the ingame store. They'd be like prepaid time cards for other pay for play MMO's and you could buy whatever you want from the ingame store.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

That would be an excellent idea, like the gift cards that need to be activated by the cashier for it to work. Infact, that's probably a better idea instead of having one card or product for every type of upgrade. Makes it more simple for the stores to sell them.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


/Not Signed

I rather have a new storage type implemented per campaign.

Only way I would sign if it's offered with new campaigns and offered as a seperate purchase.




Join Date: Mar 2006

Kentucky, USA

Team Love [kiSu]


Originally Posted by malek the wise
The storage has been upgraded enough for me...
Good for you. Now please read my thread:

I make the case that, for PvE characters used for PvP, there is simply not enough inventory space. Not "I wish there were more" but rather "I can't take the builds I want to because I can't hold enough armor and weapons. The storage account is insufficient, because I'll be sharing those 25 slots among my 5 PvE characters--that's only 5 per character. Big whoop.

Materials storage was a help--a big help for some--but I firmly believe that we need more slots in our inventory, not storage (though of course that would be nice too). ANet has allowed this problem to exist, and I should not have to shell out my real life dollars for them to fix their already gimped system.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


As was stated before this was something Anet already told us that we would be getting and not once did they mention it costing anything! So go ahead if you want to volunteer everyones money and say we will give you a huge tip for it because you fear it wont happen.

if it comes to real life gold I will NOT pay a dime for it.
malek, my husband and I both play, he has a job, college, and we've got 3.5kids to boot! Which child should I deny to pay for virtual storage? Or should I continue not to get any new clothes for myself?

I cannot and neither can my family benefit in real life from buying anything from the GW store. Anet totes itself to be "free" but now suddenly everything is: buy in the store!
I can understand buying the skills and character slots in the store.... But I refuse to volunteer hard earned cash for something that the "devs have been working on" for at least 9mths now. It's storage for petes sake not the next expansion/stand alone.....

I dont "need" the extra storage but I do know my husband does and a lot of my guildies do, but most of them are full time college students and cannot afford to throw money at a game that at the moment is giving no return! Also look at it this way:
Character slots = more playing characters you haven't yet played! (worth it!)
Skill unlocks = Quickly get to pvp without the grind (WORTH IT!)
Storage = space and just space... whether needed or not... its just some place to put stuff....

2things fun and worth the money effort cause it expands gameplaying abilities and the other is just there, not fun, convinient maybe, but I doubt I will be jumping for joy when my extra storage space causes me to win the next big gvg

(Alright so that concludes my post and being that I only woke up 20mins ago this post is likely crap and hardly worth the effort to read with the exception of maybe one or two good points.... In the end its safe to say I will not pay for something that was basically promised to us earlier before the store ever showed up)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Saints Or Sinners [SOS]


I'd like an armor storage, a weapons rack, a dye storage, a collectable item storage i.e for trading for weapons or armor, plague idols for instance.

Having all the collectable events, means you keep your halloween, christmas, tengu and dragon items, not just on one of your characters but several of them!

I wouldn't want to pay for it via the store though! As I feel that storage is an integral part of the game.

I'd like them to adjust the stacks in the storage as well, allow for larger than 250 stacks whilst in storage but you can only stack 250 in your bags.

They should also allow you to store your bags in storage!

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

/not signed

dont like the idea of buying stuff other than for pvp purposes



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Eviance
if it comes to real life gold I will NOT pay a dime for it.
malek, my husband and I both play, he has a job, college, and we've got 3.5kids to boot! Which child should I deny to pay for virtual storage? Or should I continue not to get any new clothes for myself?
Uh, if your budget is that tight, I recommend you stop paying $50 for new Expansions!

My God, if $10 (for a Character slot) breaks your budget, what are you doing playing computer games!?!

Sorry to be so harsh, but, really, I think you need to rethink your priorities here.

As to the OP's suggestion:

/not signed

As discussed, this would lead to unbalance for those who can afford extra storage on a single character, and those who can't. If you want more storage, buy a mule slot, and be done with it. That way, you can't use your extra storage to store more armor and weapons for PvP switching mid-battle.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




if anet keeps charging for every little upgrade this game will be more expensive than wow and its monthly fee. We as a community opened pandoras box, if we keep asking them to charge for storage, they will and what is the point of having the expansions with 9 characters and only 20 common slots without paying yet even more.

I buy 2 copies of every game one regular and one collectors edition. I think the nickle and dime approach to storage and character slots is too much.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

actually you can cross 3 things off your wish list for storage guaranteed.


the reason for that is bandwidth and processing cycles every time someone opens inventory and it has to identify and send to you every detail of each piece including type/runes/stats/modifiers /etc.

what we can expect for more storage tabs are the standardized items where all that has to be sent is a yes/no as to there being anything in the peppermint bow slot (event items) or yes/no to the number of items in dye position blue

also each of these standard slots freed up is another general slot free to use for whatever you want.

but forget the armor/weapon closet as it wont happen




Join Date: Mar 2006

Kentucky, USA

Team Love [kiSu]


Apologies to OP for this half-tangental post.

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Uh, if your budget is that tight, I recommend you stop paying $50 for new Expansions! My God, if $10 (for a Character slot) breaks your budget, what are you doing playing computer games!?! Sorry to be so harsh, but, really, I think you need to rethink your priorities here.
Step 1: Open mouth
Step 2: Insert foot.

Not every minute of one's day can be filled with work hours; and what's more, it's quite possible that having that many kids requires someone to be home anyway, so it's not like they could be doing a heck of a lot of work during the day anyway.

I think that if she rebelling against paying more for gaming purposes, then she HAS set her priorities straight; and she's saying that, as her kids come first, she's looking for a GOOD game that can cater to that low-budget need. That's why a lot of us gave Guild Wars a chance, right? No monthly fee?

That was very small-minded of you. Try judging people less.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by Loviatar
actually you can cross 3 things off your wish list for storage guaranteed.


the reason for that is bandwidth and processing cycles every time someone opens inventory and it has to identify and send to you every detail of each piece including type/runes/stats/modifiers /etc.

what we can expect for more storage tabs are the standardized items where all that has to be sent is a yes/no as to there being anything in the peppermint bow slot (event items) or yes/no to the number of items in dye position blue

also each of these standard slots freed up is another general slot free to use for whatever you want.

but forget the armor/weapon closet as it wont happen
um....maybe you might want to learn how memory is used, and the processes of programming and how memory is allocated. I won't get in a debate with you over it, just read up on it. But if you want to tell me Anet cant afford bandwidth for us to have more slots of inventory each time i purchase an epsidode/expansion/chapter or what ever you want to call them. Why are they even in bussiness using this model? If Anet cant afford to give me extra memory slots via gold sink or chapter purchase, they might need to close the doors. Cause they wont be around much longer.