I was in Piken Square and made almost 4k answering trivia questions. Of course I used Google but it was allowed and it was a nice simple learning experience. Would be cool if there was an outpost where people can volunteer to host trivia groups that will be displayed to the outpost. Kinda like the fireworks in the House zu Heltzer.
I always thought it was cool how aside from the battles, GW is like a live action Sims with the trading, chat, and emotes. Always wish there was some more freedom with armor appearances, maybe regular clothing displayed in outposts. And emotes that invovle direct participation with other gamers, like a handshake invite and accept. And more dance moves plz!
GW Game Show
Terra Xin
I see potential in having a place to host trivia... I just dont see the point in having a place to trivia... I think I contradicted myself, but I'm too tired to know that.
As I put more thought into it, I guess people can just do it on their own in outpost chat.
Knightsaber Sith
Somehow this reminds me of the old gambling parlors that forced Anet to remove the /roll emote from outposts