Originally Posted by Age
I would like to know more about Drascir and will we get to go there.The Former Capital of Ascalon.Good Thread Cynn Evennia.
You've already been there. Replay Ruins of Surmia and pay close attention to the cutscene where you release the last of the captive soldiers. Erol (captive soldier) tells you that more men have been captured and taken further north. Rurik replies with "Then we go to Drascir." The final part of the mission - defending Rurik as he opens the door in the obelisk chamber - is being fought
in Drascir. Where else would you have a teleportation device to the Nolani Academy if not in the capital?
I've never really seen Ascension as the ability to "visually perceive" Mursaat. I always understood "Unseen Gods" as a figure of speech rather than a reference to the inability of people to
see them. Remember, Saul D'Alessio - the first Krytan to ally himself with the Mursaat, the founder of the White Mantle - would have had to see them in order to bow to them, and he wasn't ascended at all.
The Mursaat are "unseen" gods as opposed to the
actual gods who created Tyria and whose avatars can be regularly seen at the shrines. The Mursaat, on the other hand, never come into contact with Krytans until the missions in South Shiverpeaks, and even then only the Shining Blade get to see them (as they're dying). The general population of Kryta deals with the White Mantle and the White Mantle
only, and since the White Mantle only "shows" Mursaat to the most devoted (think Scientology or the Vatican archives), to the Krytans at large Mursaat remain the
unseen gods of White Mantle.
I strongly hope that Nightfall is not the last game in the "original" Guild Wars, but even one of the NPCs in Temple of Ages says something along the lines of "the gods created other worlds after their Exodus from ours." If Nightfall indeed ends up concluding the Guild Wars "trilogy," I would expect to see the following in terms of the storyline:
1) The Underworld issue resolved. Though Dhuum is referenced directly in only one Underworld quest, "clearing" the Underworld involves destroying
things that are presumably there against Grenth's will. Only a rival, outcast god would have enough power to infiltrate the Underworld to the degree that his minions would spill into the Hall of Heroes as they did when the Tomb of the Primeval Kings entrance became unusable. Considering the progression of this invasion - from realms in the Rifts like Underworld and Hall of Heroes to the "real" world during the Dragon Festival - I'd say we'll be fighting these forces as part of the Nightfall storyline.
2) The "endgame" issue resolved. My guess is that ANet wasn't concerned with
ending Prophecies the same way they designed Factions to "end" in Divine Path because Prophecies was conceived as a much more open game while the Factions design team was pressured into making a shorter game people could complete in the 6 months before Nightfall was released. The downside, of course, is that there's no clear way to tell when Prophecies ends as the last storyline mission simply deposits players in Droknar's Forge again - though things might have been better if players were made to spawn at Glint's statue during the Titan quests update. Titan quests were a way for the design team to revisit the old, static locations in the game and provide the players with an update, but once again they left players wondering what happened in these areas
after player actions. If Nightfall ends up concluding the Guild Wars storyline, I would expect the developers to give players an "update" on the events, even if in the form of a cutscene somewhere at the end of the Nightfall storyline, so that there is a sense of a concrete ending (like in Factions) but applied to the whole storyline. Of course, Factions doesn't really need an update because it was designed as a finite game with a specific and definite ending, but I'd still expect this "update" to appear in Nightfall and apply to all three chapters rather than be introduced into old chapters as new content.
I do NOT expect that we'll learn more about Mursaat or Seers as their "alien" looks make it conceivable we'd encounter them on another world created by the 5 gods - in Chapter 4 if it chooses to focus on another world.
I do NOT expect to learn more about Shiro's "original" death and the Jade Wind as those things are supposed to have happened 200 years prior to Guild Wars events, which might be too far back for the outcast god to be strong enough to touch the actual world - though it's possible, considering the gods left Tyria 1072 years ago (1070 years before the Searing). If we do get a confirmation of the outcast god's involvement I highly doubt it will be more than an afterthought admission along the lines of "Oh yeah, and I did that too."
My guess for the Emperor's presence in Nightfall is that it relates to the way Nightfall will be linked with older chapters. Players will be able to travel directly from Factions to Nightfall without the need to go to Lion's Arch first, and a representative from each chapter in the "port city" would help players find out more about their native land and invite them if they can travel there (have a linked account).
EDIT: Totally forgot to put in my take on ascending since I don't consider it necessary to actually
see the Mursaat. My answer is simple: the Flameseeker Prophecies say that the Chosen will only defeat the Mursaat after ascending. The Vizier tells PCs they need to ascend because they're the Chosen who will take down the White Mantle's unseen gods according to the Flameseeker Prophecy - which means the prophecy must be followed to the letter in order to arrive at its completion (death of the Mursaat and defeat of the White Mantle).
The Flameseeker Prophecies are very much self-fulfilling: if you want to defeat the White Mantle, you have to destroy their unseen gods; if you want to destroy their unseen gods, you have to ascend and go to the Ring of Fire and open the Door of Komalie (notice how infusion is totally absent from the prophecy).