New Storage Tab Idea


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Trying to search on forum gave no answer, i know that storage request are boring ... but

what about a GREEN items storage?

Each place has his name (as for materials) and you can stock up only 1 each type ... probabily easy to implement... if they could track how much materials you have in storage what would cost to track a boolean for 1 object?

Obviously same name items (waywars wands, straw effigy and the like) could be omitted... atm i think there are less than 255 greens (i count ~241) prevent too small icons they could split greens "per chapter"...

PS : if this has been told before... i'm sorry for my bad search... please... delete this thread.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


I don't think anyone has suggested storage specifically for greens. But many many many people have suggested some sort of storage upgrade. I think it would be far more logical to just expand the standard storage vault rather than adding a tab for greens. If they make a tab for greens, they may as well make tabs for golds, purples, blues, and whites.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006


The Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


its really bad idea, one as far as we all know that most of the green are being sold to other players, two players use one or few of them with their characters for pve or pvp, and three whats the point of storing greens when their purpose is to be used.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Shields Up [IMBA]


Umm. Not a great idea. What I think needs to be fixed however, is any item with no variable properties needs to be stackable. Sigils, I'm looking at YOU. And what's with the dumb 250 cap on material storage. Seriously, what is THAT about. All that forced me to do is to make a storage CHARACTER to keep all my extra stuff on.

Chris Blackstar


Join Date: Apr 2005

United States

Originally Posted by dark
Trying to search on forum gave no answer, i know that storage request are boring ... but

what about a GREEN items storage?

Each place has his name (as for materials) and you can stock up only 1 each type ... probabily easy to implement... if they could track how much materials you have in storage what would cost to track a boolean for 1 object?

Obviously same name items (waywars wands, straw effigy and the like) could be omitted... atm i think there are less than 255 greens (i count ~241) prevent too small icons they could split greens "per chapter"...

PS : if this has been told before... i'm sorry for my bad search... please... delete this thread.
I can understand if you are a collector of green items, given that so many exist now, but most players would see it as another way to expoit the game and use as a money vault.

What your asking for would create more problems then you can possibly imagine, a collecters vault for green items, would then most likely leadt to another for armor, then another for something else so on and so forth.

Maybe what they should offer is a treasure vault, a new account that could be accessable only for players who buy them. make then pay about $25 USD each. then once active, an icon would appear on the map, and you go there to see your treasure agent. who has storage units for green items, weapons, armor, items, and gold(Up to 50 millon plat.).

Mr. G

Mr. G

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

S. Wales


^ hell no, Guildwars is slowly falling into a credit card game - Lets not push it

Also im pretty sure ive seen green storage quite a few times, along with more storage, higher material caps,Tresure rooms,Armour storage,Trophy storage,gold storage,weapon storage,customised storage....zzzz....sorry drifted off there



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Silver Millenium


i rather they made a new storage tab for Armor...i dont speak for everyone, but as for myself, i have almost every armor variation for my i can change armor accordingly against certain situations, but mostly cause i like to change it up every so often lol, of course thats just me


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


that's ok, that's ok....

as chris understood i'm talking of collecting greens... that's why i could think of a green storage... btw as many are saying i'm against all this money payment for more storage... i don't like game to be ruined by out-of-the-game payments...

armor tab is obviously more usefull but i've seen it requested a dozen time... so i would have only created a junk post (i've too 3/4 armor each... and supreme/minor cap for each type)...