Ebon Fiery Icy Shocking

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


I am going to mod my dagger to one of these dmg instead of piercing to bypass the armor's bonus +AL whick one should I chose



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


Ebon or Icy, lots of elementists have aeomancer or pyromancer armor...

Wartime Hero

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


I use Icy Dragon Sword, which is just a sword basically with a Icy mod on it, but if you want to deal alot of extra damage to warriors, Icy would be the way to go. Warriors have no elemental resistance so it does even more damage than say a Sundering mod.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dragon's Lair



Originally Posted by Wartime Hero
I use Icy Dragon Sword, which is just a sword basically with a Icy mod on it, but if you want to deal alot of extra damage to warriors, Icy would be the way to go. Warriors have no elemental resistance so it does even more damage than say a Sundering mod.
More than a 20:20 sundering sword mod?! I never heard that before. But what makes icy better than ebon, fire, or shocking sword hilts against warriors?




Join Date: Dec 2005




Sundering sucks. Only 20% chance to reduce armour by 20%.
Most pvp warriors use Gladiator's Armour. aka 80+20 vs physical. So sundering would reduce it to 80 al, but only 20% of the time.
Elemental mods, would hit 80 al, ALL THE TIME.

Ebon is the best handsdown. Right now.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Ebon: nothing is weak against ebon specificly, just rangers have a resistence to all elemental.

Elementalists and rangers (possibly dervishes too) have armour sets that give extra armour versus fire water and lightning (you will want to use a physical weapon vs them anyway meh)


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Equal Opprotunity Employers


icy ftw


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

The Midnight Hand


Vampiric FTW!

Horseman Of War

Horseman Of War

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

The Cult of Doom


arent spirits weak vs the Earth Dmg? I think thats why my dervish was cutting thru them in like 125+ dmg per hit @ pvp weekend.

aside from that, and in line with the above posters- icy would allow you to use 'conjure frost' while still being the "VS the least popular" in the armor department.

Fiery and Shocking, obviously, would also combine very nicely for any kind of "conjure element" skill and have a few more added perks than icy due to skills such as Mark of Trogdor, and Glimmering Mark, etc... but as they say, these are the two most common elemental armor types found in PvP elementals.

It all depends on your build- thats really the bottom line in it.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Fiery is the best for prophecies. If you fight someone who is good against fire, they are usually good against other elements anyway; just use physical in that case. While that, more creatures in tyria are afraid of fire (only few and fire island titans are well-built against fire).

In faction, I am not very sure. If I remember right, there aren't specific weakness in almost all of them. But places like urgoz etc, are afraid of fire, so I heard.

In Nightfall, I am assuming ice going to get better (desert after all).

This mean, fire is both good in pvp and pve.

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


what a tactical game



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006

The Edge of the World

[L] [GET]

Originally Posted by Yanman.be
Sundering sucks. Only 20% chance to reduce armour by 20%.
Most pvp warriors use Gladiator's Armour. aka 80+20 vs physical. So sundering would reduce it to 80 al, but only 20% of the time.
Elemental mods, would hit 80 al, ALL THE TIME.
It never fails to amaze me how many people still think 20:20 Sundering is actually good, and pay 30k+ for weapons with it.

*Shakes head*

Ebon FTW

Though I prefer vampiric + mending for my Sin.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dragon's Lair



Originally Posted by Livingston
It never fails to amaze me how many people still think 20:20 Sundering is actually good, and pay 30k+ for weapons with it.

*Shakes head*

Ebon FTW

Though I prefer vampiric + mending for my Sin.

Yeah, I just wasted 73k + trades for a 20:20 sundering mod. Should I change to earth still even though I spent all this money on sundering?

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I've been hearing alot of people say on the forums and in-game that ebon is the best mod. That has always puzzled me. I would thing fiery would be best in the shiverpeaks and icy would be best in the desert-but I haven't done any reaserch on it.

As far as vamp. mods go, I'd love tham on a sword or axe with a +attack speed boost + mending. But so many people make fun of mending warriors I havent tried it yet.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Cold dmg or Ebon dmg .

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I'll sum it all up and add a bit from my own knowledge for your benefit

Fiery: Pros - Good for prophecies (i think), look cool (FDS, i mean, you can't tell for other weapons), Elementalist spells like Mark Of Rodgort own with fire weps.
Cons - Most Elementalists + some Rangers have pyromancer/the ranger one (drakeskale?) so the damage is reduced.

Icy: Pros - 15k can get you a nice perfect, cool looking IDS, Spinal Shivers Necromancers will allow you to interrupt really fast, Not many Elementalists/Rangers have Hydromancers armor/the Ranger equivalent (frostbound/fur-lined?).
Cons - Um... ... ... Ah! They're not as useful in the Southern Shiverpeaks.

Ebon: Pros - No one likes (or really apprieciates) Ebon weapons, because Fire is so much more 'leet', and this makes them slightly cheaper, less Elementalists have Geomancers armor, and I don't think there is a Ranger armor specific to preventing earth damage (Although they still have a large boost to elemental damage in general)
Cons - Not many things are weak against it.

Shocking: Pros - Glimmering mark/thunderclap is good with shocking weapons, avicara (they're a big pain in the ---) are weak against it.
Cons - Many Elementalists have aeromancers armor, and Rangers have the eqivalent (studded leather?)

Well it's my Warriors first birthday today (September 30) and I got a Jungle Troll !!!!!! I'm happy.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Well said, But by the way ,Dwarves and Ice golems are weak against cold dmg.... god knows why ^^.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

also - eles have a bonus of 10 vs all elements now.
and an additional 10 vs one specific element.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

South Shields, England

The Psycho Titans


Sundering ftl

Ebon all the way

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


Vs Wars/Rangers: icy-because MANY ele's have geomancer armor
Vs Everything else: zealous or vamp


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2006



Ice golems are weak against ice? Really? Haven't ever tried that.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

You have four slots so use them. Crafters weapons are cheap and the mods are cheap.

Normally I just keep two weapons - a physical and elemental. I don't care which elemental, the vast majority of the time you oppenent either has physical resistance or elemental. The few times it matters it's not that much so I do not worry.

On the few characters I have all four slots filled I do so as follows (as long as the weapons type matters - casters aren't typically worried too much about wand or staff damage). Slot one is a physical weapon. When I face an unknown ranged or ranger mob I use it. Second slot is either a zealous or vampiric mod - this is build specific (I may even leave it empty - I try and keep all characters the same button mashing strategy if I can). Slot 3 is a fiery mod, slot 4 is an icy. Typically speaking you really only need an elemental mod, at best a mob will only be strong against a single element. Thus if I need an elemental damage modifier and it's strong against fire I switch to ice. Lightning or earth would be just as valid, just that fire and ice are opposites so mobs strong against both are typically not run into.

That's my 2 cents worth. Like I said I normally do not worry about it, I have a few characters that I did and I can not tell a difference in effectiveness between them.