not sure if it has been discussed before, but ill just post in anyways.
so... how many times do u have to reroll to other builds? cmon, we need a prof changer in ha. Itll save us from going to great temple of baths
post in...
also just for a question how did that costmize your charictors looks thread go? thanks
prof changer in heros asent?
This has already been suggested many many times.
Use search please. I searched "Profession Changer in HA" and found several threads on it...
Brother Gilburt
Use search please. I searched "Profession Changer in HA" and found several threads on it...
Brother Gilburt
As Gilburt said. Next time, please check the stickied Index of Ideas and use search before you post a new thread, to check that your idea hasn't been brought up before.