Best no req longbow (for pulling)

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



What is the best no req longbow and where/how do I get it? I'm sure it would be from pre-searing.

Duing my search, someone mentioned a longbow that actually works like a halfmoon eg. fire rate, arch, etc. If that's true, I'd like to avoid that one lol

P.S. I know this has been posted before, so I apologize, but I searched for about 10 minutes before I posted.




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


You don't need anything special on a longbow if all you're doing is pulling. You don't even need to do any damage, so it doesn't matter if it's no req or not. After you pull you just switch back to your normal weapon so just anything that's called a longbow would be all you need. If you're really set on getting a no req, run around Pre-searing ascalon or shing jea island killing things and see how much dmg you can get on a no req bow.

Phoenix Arrows

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If you need to pull, doesn't hurt to get a maxed damage longbow either. You would just need a longbow.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



Thx moses and phoenix. I don't want to seem ungracious and I know you're trying to be helpful, but I really do want to get the best no-req longbow.

Maybe someone can remember the original post. It listed many different pre-searing bows and where/how they could be acquired.

EDIT: Oh yeah I am already using a misc. plain longbow and it does fine for pulling. I just wanted to get the best longbow for a non ranger. Call it a personality quirk lol.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


Well, you're not looking for a green since you want a no-req weapon. Then my next conclusion has to be that since any monster can drop any "standard" weapon (to my knowledge... note, not refering to skins here) that you just farm/search around for a bow until you get what you like.

I have yet to hear of a "certain" non-req bow that drops in a "certain" place. So that's the best I can offer.

Just look for something with high damage, no req, longbow, and then whatever base mod strikes your fancy (probably will be 11^50, best I've personally seen.)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Area 52

I think 10-14 is max dmg for no Req bow

A friend of mine (you know how these things go) said he knew someone that had a gold 10-14, +15%^50%, but I've never seen a gold no req item.

I use a 8-11, 12^50 purple no req longbow



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

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It really doesnt matter if the bow has a req or not.

Fungus Amongus

Fungus Amongus

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You might consider a flatbow rather than a longbow due to the longer flight time. Their range is the same, but the flatbow has a higher arc and longer flight time. This will help you lob arrows over certain obstacles and give you an extra 1/4 second to turn and run.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006




Uhm... you just need any old bow for pulling, I mean your use of it isnt to do damage RIGHT? So why do you want high damage on it?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

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The best I can recall is a 7-10dam, no req, 15^50, +10hp longbow of fortitude you get in pre-searing from a quest.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

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My rit found a 8-12 purple flatbow. I think it was evern 13^50. No req, same range as a longbow.

But if you're pulling... there's no need to deal damage...

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



Thx all. I realize it doesn't matter what kind of longbow you use if it's only for pulling. Maybe I shouldn't worry about getting the best one. lol

But really I do want the best one. I'll either get the one Mournblade mentioned or the best no-req flatbow I can find.

Surely you guys can understand me wanting the best one----right? I mean if it's easily obtainable, why not use it? Basically, I didn't want to do every pre-searing quest in search of the best longbow. I think Mournblade mentioned the one I wanted.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

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The most damage a bow can do without a requirement is: 9-13. That 7-10 15^50% bow deals 8.05-11.5(not sure how amage is rounded). Do get a flatbow, as they share the fastest refire with shortbows, and the high arc is good for clearing obstacles, giving you extra time to pull. The best place to find these is from the Charr in Ascalon, they're not too uncommon. If you must, you could go to the North Wall in Pre-Sear, but Nolani and Diessa Lowlands are better.

And, yes, if you are wondering, I do have these on all my characters(besides the Ranger, obviously)for the same reason as the OP, just to have the best. I have never found more than an 11% modifier, but then I never tried all that hard.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Getting headache reading this..........
Your pulling...
Get a rock it would do the samething...

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


cc bow. nuf said


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by Mournblade
The best I can recall is a 7-10dam, no req, 15^50, +10hp longbow of fortitude you get in pre-searing from a quest.
from this quest ...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


candy cane bows aren't longbows or flatbows, so they aren't ideal for pulling.



Lion's Arch Merchant

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I have a Max Dmg Storm Bow that works great for pulling when im soloing.

Tetris L

Tetris L

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The following rule of thumb applies to all weapon types, not just bows or longbows: The best dmg you can get without req is 1/2 of the max damage. So for a bow it's 28/2 = 14.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

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Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
cc bow. nuf said
Not a longbow = bad for pulling



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

This is what I use to pull on my warrior. Works great!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

The only best I can fathom is maybe one with an "of enchanting" mod if you use enchants *before* battle and do not want to waste one of your weapons upgrade for it. Pull, cast enchant, swap weapon - that way you get both in a single weapon slot.

Other than that - just get a long bow. I tried to make a case for a vampiric (the extra life steal damage), but since you are pulling it is in the beginning (you did wait to regen before pulling right?) so the -1 health on the vampiric negates the extra damage on the single shot (you probably will not life steal enough to overcome it while pulling).

None of the "lengthen duration" skills are worth anything - your not pulling with a bow skill. Since damage is worthless - for the vast majority of the game even the squishies armor is high enough that max non-req and starter damage is irrelevant - any damage modifiers are also worthless.

Personally I use some crappy stat, but nice skinned, gold I found while playing (barring that gold - any nice skinned bow). For pulling I would consider the best longbow to be the one you look the best with - it's really the only variable that can change much at all. Plus if/when I found a bow that is worth too much to merch, to little to bother with the trade channel, and one my ranger doesn't want I might as pull with it.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Lure bow is sometimes good for example in Fort Aspenwood when an enemy is running at lower level with ~10 hp and you have only melee weapons. I don't know if max non req bow does more damage than 15-28 with req if you have markmanship at 0

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
What is the best no req longbow and where/how do I get it? I'm sure it would be from pre-searing.
Nope. The highest damage no-req ones are 9-13, and also drop from Charr around Piken Square.

But IMO you'd be better off with the quest reward you get for helping the Ascalon Settlement (Blankets For The Settlers, I think). It's not no-req, but it's got damage reduction.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

monsters inc


char farming ftw, in presearing.

ive gotten 9-13 bows no require all the time

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

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Join Date: Jun 2005




I made the mistake of spamming in Kaineng for a longbow for my new warrior.

Me: WTB cheap Longbow with cool skin and crap mods for pulling ONLY.
Them: *offers 20/20 +30 15^50 Celestial Bow* 55k ok???

Obsidian Stealth

Obsidian Stealth

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


You could use a 5/1 vamp on a 9-13 boosting it to 14-18


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

I forget if it was a quest reward or a collector's item, but one of my monks has an Ascalon Longbow with a 10% inherent skill recharge mod that I threw a 20% enchant on - it's req3, dmg 3-18 if I recall correctly. I got it somewhere around Ascalon-Piken area (post-searing). Other than that I've gotten 9-13 bows without reqs and 8-12's in pre-searing farming charr. Everything higher damage (10-15 etc.) that I've seen has had a req.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
cc bow. nuf said
I tried that when I first got it in the winterdays' event. They ran at me before I even fired a shot. My aggro circle has a wider range.

To OP:
If you are just using it for pulling as some people have already stated, any flatbow will do. All you're doing is getting their attention. Most of your damage will be done after the warrior has aggro.

If you're trying to finish someone off, that's an entirely different issue. Highest I been able to find is 9-13 no req bow. Add a vamp mod it and get the extra 5hp off them.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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Originally Posted by Mournblade
candy cane bows aren't longbows or flatbows
Nope. It's a shortbow. Otherwise it'd have been an uber-item.

Originally Posted by Obsidian Stealth
You could use a 5/1 vamp on a 9-13 boosting it to 14-18
Waste of a good upgrade - sell it to a ranger instead. If you're going to smack something on it, use a +armor upgrade (and, if you're a W/R and am going to use apply poison anyway, a poisonous upgrade). Pull-bows aren't supposed to do serious damage, they're only to plink the mobs and get them running at you.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

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Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by MONKEYSUGAR
There are a few Missions where you need a bow or ranged weapon to take out an enemy. Otherwise you just sit there and feel useless, even though you may only do 1 - 2 damage. This is why I carry a Candy Cane Bow and Longbow.
I can hear Kuunavang running for the heals as we speak.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005




Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
What is the best no req longbow and where/how do I get it? I'm sure it would be from pre-searing.

Duing my search, someone mentioned a longbow that actually works like a halfmoon eg. fire rate, arch, etc. If that's true, I'd like to avoid that one lol

P.S. I know this has been posted before, so I apologize, but I searched for about 10 minutes before I posted.

To answer your question...the best no-req longbow would proly be a 9-13dmg longbow with a +xx% while over 50% health...afaik I never seen any non-req longbows with better stats then 9-13. A 9-13 bow with damage while over 50% hp and a 5-1 vamp string is I reckon the best you could get.
Even better would be equipping such a bow with a poisonous string and poisoning the target you're pulling
