PvP Characters

The Millard

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

Kentwood, Michigan

ARGH Legion of Pirates


I don't know whether to put this here or in gladiators so if this is in the wrong place for this question, I apologize.

I was basically wondering what the heck a PvP character does.

Heres what I think they are about

1) You pick a level 20 Proffession/Secondary Proffesion
2) You have all the skills to start
3) All you do is play PvP

So if you could clear this up that would help me a lot.

Also I was wondering (because I think I have heard this before) if you can change your role playing character to PvP, and how do you do it if you can.




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


You take a pvp character if your pve of the same class isnt perfect. PvP characters are easily made perfect, while pve needs time and money to be perfect.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

Originally Posted by The Millard
I don't know whether to put this here or in gladiators so if this is in the wrong place for this question, I apologize.

I was basically wondering what the heck a PvP character does.

Heres what I think they are about

1) You pick a level 20 Proffession/Secondary Proffesion
2) You have all the skills to start
3) All you do is play PvP

So if you could clear this up that would help me a lot.

Also I was wondering (because I think I have heard this before) if you can change your role playing character to PvP, and how do you do it if you can.

1) correct

2) nope you start only with those skills you have unlocked

3) correct

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Also I was wondering (because I think I have heard this before) if you can change your role playing character to PvP, and how do you do it if you can.
You can't change your PvE character to match the stats and weaponries that a PvP character has, but you 'can' participate alongside PvP characters in PvP arenas. Head over to Lions Arch. Once there, press 'M' and look for the boat marker and travel to The Great Temple of Balthazar. Then head over to The Isle of the Nameless (which is just over a bridge... you'll see it) and then look for a boat that will take you to the Random Arenas. RA for short, is the first place people go to PvP, but it's best that you progress to lvl 20 first, otherwise you'll get flamed by angry little trolls...