It can be done, though I didn't make it.
Here's how to do it:
Go outside of Ascalon city, take the Elementalist test.
Kill one of the River Skale Tads at indicated position, you get 25xp.
Get quest reward, you get 500xp.
Walk to the ranger guy in Regent Valley, get stalker, don't kill anything allong the way (easy enough, they don't aggro). Get reward another 250 xp. Say yes to becoming a ranger.
775 xp total.
Now you go cap the bear, be sure not to kill ANYTHING allong the way. Get help from a friend with bane signet.
Take your friend with you to Sir Tydus, talk to him and be sure not to be anywhere in the PvP arena, you get XP for kills here.
After this, stay put while the rest of the group goes and does the thing, so you don't get any XP.
Why I didn't make it:
1- I took mesmer secondary (see screen below why that was reason 1 I didn't make it)
2- I killed two people in the PvP stuff, I couldn't resist me and 3 henchies v.s. 2 level 8's, 1 level 6 and a level 2. (also see screen below)
3 - I had 3 henchies, so in the part after PvP I had to get too close and got XP for almost every kill. Eventually I came out with 1200 XP or so.
Now the screenies (clickable tumbnails):
Why I didn't make it:
Though I don't get why you won't get a bear in the southern shiverpeaks if your getting run there anyway