elemental weapon mods

Dutch Masterr

Dutch Masterr

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

Long Island, NY

Elite Knights [SWAT]


im finding that elemental mods on a sword, such as icy, seems to be more effective and does more damage than a sundering mod. which mod, shocking, ebon, icy or firey, would add the most damage, if there is even a differenece. i know some armor has extra protection against elemental, but which mod would be best to use? im thinking ebon or shocking...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Elemental damage mods do more damage to a Warrior than most other mods, because you ignore at least 20AL on his armour, his absorption, and some of his shield bonuses to boot. Watch any Treacherous Empire game and you'll see Im A Paladin pull out an Icy Dragon Sword when he fights warriors.

However, to casters it usually makes no difference and you're better of with Vampiric - and to rangers having ele damage makes you even worse than having no mod at all.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

COLD, Cold Snap

I personally use elemental mods against warriors and zealous against everything else.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Elemental mods do NOT add extra damage. Instead, you get to bypass any anti-physical armor (or anti-element-other-than-the-one-you're-using armor ) that the target has.

I've heard the some monsters in PvE are weak to certain elements but I have no idea if it's true.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


fire mods work well against things like ice golems and ice imps, ice mods work well against fire enemies.. thats how it seems to me.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



Shocking works well on (from what I've noticed): Trolls, Avicara (about a 10-20 dmg increase) Tundra Giants and Grawl.

Ice Golems, Tundra Giants and Ice Imps take the most damage from fire. Avicara and Trolls will take more damage from fire than Sundering mod. But Shocking does the most to them. Shocking also seems to do less damage than sundering to Plant type enemies, while Fire does more (obivously). Fog Shadows are also weaker against, Shocking/Fire than Sundering. Just like cold damage would work on Inferno Imps and Fire Imps and Hell's Precipice enemies. I haven't tried Ebon yet so I wouldn't know for that.

Since Shocking seems to do more to higher based armor enemies (In PvE), I have that on my sword. If I fight anything that is stronger against Shocking, I use my non ele modded sword or an axe.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Titans on Fire Island are weak against Ice, to add some more info. This is why Winter-Rangers come in use in the final mission.

Trolls take no extra damage from shocking, sorry to burst the bubble, but Avicara is right.

Ice Imps take no extra damage from fire either, but they are very resistant agains cold damage. Ice Golems do. Have to check Tundra Giants, did not know that. Also not about Shadows. BTW, Ebon works very bad on Aloe Seeds around Beetletun, they are earth damage resistant.

Rule of Thumb: All Warrior mobs have 20 more armor vs physical, so using elemental mods is your best choice against them.

This includes Sand Drakes.

For CANTHA I must admit there are little areas where mobs differ. Some stone creatures are vulnerable to blunt damage, use a Hammer or Jitte (they do blunt damage despite being swords).

But there are many Ranger mobs, and still most armor values seem to be fixed, including the afflicted. Takes out some of the fun of having the right elemental weapon for the job that Prophecies offered. But Cantha rewards using Shields Up, lots of Rangers and piercing damage dealers like Assassins.

I try to add confirmed and tested elemental weaknesses to the Wiki, but it requires some more people to do so.

If you want to contribute, this is your best bet to test different damage mods: Use Wild Blow (always crit hit - same damage) and compare physical damage and different kinds of elemental damage.

Marth Reynolds

Marth Reynolds

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Netherlands

The Lore Enforcers


ele mods are greta, but do keep in mind that for pvp ele's may just wield a armor with +armor vs a element (hydromancer armor etc),but overall in PVE i didn't see wich ele mod would be the best.
[i have heard some claims that ebon is the best though]


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Ebon is best only in the sense that items with armor vs Fire or Ice attacks are more common than armor vs Earth attacks.

Personally I carry an IDS and an Ebon Axe and Hammer with me.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Yakslappers


This is one reason why I believe in using Sentinel Armor on my warrior, 100 normal defense, no weaknesses to physical or elemental damage!

As for which one you go with, simply take what you think your foe will be least resilient to! I myself like The Ice Breaker for the Icy mod it has already on it as well as the awesome size it is compared to practically every other weapon in the game lol..



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


bottom line: basically ANYTHING or even nothing is probably better than a lame-o sundering mod heh



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


In my opinion PvE enemies vary far too much in their strengths and weaknesses it is dubious that you need to carry an elemental weapon. I simply use vampiric (or zealous in certain builds) on everything. However in PvP as you know that in 95% of cases elemental damage will deal more to a warrior, it is worth packing one then.