Pre-Searing Dye "Trader"
Since dye is the only semi-valuable item that drops in pre-searing on the south side of the wall, it would be nice if there were a dye trader in Ascalon City, possibly one that would only give quotes. Thanks to the fact that there is STILL nothing close to a workable trading system in GW, most of pre-searing is now so overrun with people scamming newbs out of their "1 gold black dyes" that it's hard to go into an outpost or town and not see at least two people flipping through the districts trying to compete for a victim.
I don't know about anyone else, but it wouldn't encourage me to become a long time player to go to post searing only to immediately find I'd been scammed out of 6 plats in my first day in the game just because there's no way to find the actual value of anything most of the time.
I don't know about anyone else, but it wouldn't encourage me to become a long time player to go to post searing only to immediately find I'd been scammed out of 6 plats in my first day in the game just because there's no way to find the actual value of anything most of the time.
In terms of game lore, pre-searing ascalon is doing much better than post searing is. So not having a dye trader in pre makes no sense in trems of the lore.
Gameplay wise, had I been lucky enough to of gotten a black dye my first time in pre searing, I would of probably merched it as I didn't know any better.
How hard can it be for ANET to copy the dye trader from elsewhere, then reskin and rename him ?
Gameplay wise, had I been lucky enough to of gotten a black dye my first time in pre searing, I would of probably merched it as I didn't know any better.
How hard can it be for ANET to copy the dye trader from elsewhere, then reskin and rename him ?
Pre-searing has a separate economy than post-searing. Placing a dye trader there will give you 10k flat in profit for just a black dye. We already had the problem of post-searing items getting sent to pre and selling at ridiculously high prices. Seriously, the average newbie simply won't be able to afford anything. I've played pre myself to lvl16 and it takes you AGES to get 3k. But to balance that, items are equally cheap so 3k is equivalent to 30k in post.
Pre-searing has a separate economy than post-searing. Placing a dye trader there will give you 10k flat in profit for just a black dye. We already had the problem of post-searing items getting sent to pre and selling at ridiculously high prices. Seriously, the average newbie simply won't be able to afford anything. I've played pre myself to lvl16 and it takes you AGES to get 3k. But to balance that, items are equally cheap so 3k is equivalent to 30k in post.
Dougal Kronik
/not signed if it's driven by the community.
Since it is pre sear and Ascalon may have a thriving industry and dye is manufactured, then a vendor who buys and sells at a fixed price would probably work.
If it was expensive enough to not upset the pre sear economy, but not cheap enough that players would buy in pre to sell in post.
Since it is pre sear and Ascalon may have a thriving industry and dye is manufactured, then a vendor who buys and sells at a fixed price would probably work.
If it was expensive enough to not upset the pre sear economy, but not cheap enough that players would buy in pre to sell in post.
Couldn't ANet change the pricing for dye in pre? I know that everything is far more valuable in post so that should hold true for dyes. They could put a dye trader in pre but have dyes like black only be worth 6k instead of 10k, or some other proportions.
Kool Pajamas
I dont understand whats wrong with someone finding a black dye in presear and selling to the trader for a nice 8k? It doesnt spoil anything. They take it right to post sear.
What is cheaper in presear? Unless they changed something since I've been there its not cheaper. ID kits and Salvage kits cost less but they also have less uses remaining. Its the same ratio as post sear.
I dont understand whats wrong with someone finding a black dye in presear and selling to the trader for a nice 8k? It doesnt spoil anything. They take it right to post sear.
What is cheaper in presear? Unless they changed something since I've been there its not cheaper. ID kits and Salvage kits cost less but they also have less uses remaining. Its the same ratio as post sear.
for some kind of dye price info in pre-sear, to many neewb sell silver and black to exp.players with out knowing it's value
for some kind of dye price info in pre-sear, to many neewb sell silver and black to exp.players with out knowing it's value
Originally Posted by Demesis
Pre-searing has a separate economy than post-searing. Placing a dye trader there will give you 10k flat in profit for just a black dye. We already had the problem of post-searing items getting sent to pre and selling at ridiculously high prices. Seriously, the average newbie simply won't be able to afford anything. I've played pre myself to lvl16 and it takes you AGES to get 3k. But to balance that, items are equally cheap so 3k is equivalent to 30k in post. |
Also, what weapons in pre searing are worth buying from other players there ?
Remember that this suggestion is for helping the new players avoid being scammed, when the players being scammed have had no reason to know any better. If the pre-searing economy gets screwed up, just put up with it or move to post like ANET intended.
Also, what weapons in pre searing are worth buying from other players there ? |
There's really no reason not to put a dye trader in pre at all. Even if you had pre players running around with 30k, what difference would it make? People already go to post with lvl 3 players, get 1.5k armor and uber weapons, then go back and start from the beginning, I fail to see why it matters if they prep to do that in pre or in post.
As it sits now, black dye drops in pre serve only as a benefit to seasoned players and a bonanza for people looking to screw new people.
While we're on the subject of crappy trade practices, wtf is the latest word on something approaching an actual trade system? Besides the dickheads scamming people, I'm also sick and tired of not being able to use the chat channel because both All and Trade are full of spammers constantly reposting their junk for sale.
Neo Nugget
Id love that......but it kinda deafeats the point of collecting dyes which lots of people do.
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
And how does that excuse people scamming newbs (anyone who, as it is their first time playing, will have no idea how much a black dye goes for in post) out of a black dye for 100, when it will be 10k if the newb holds onto it.
Also, what weapons in pre searing are worth buying from other players there ? Remember that this suggestion is for helping the new players avoid being scammed, when the players being scammed have had no reason to know any better. If the pre-searing economy gets screwed up, just put up with it or move to post like ANET intended. |
One of the first few things I noticed when I was a newbie myself is the dye trader in Post searing. |
Quid Pro Quo
Well like someone else said there should be a dye trader but he should buy all the dyes for 120g each and have dialogue that says dyes are getting harder and harder to make with some excuse like the char attacked the suppy storage where they made a lot of dye then the trader could say "If you were smart you would hold onto this dye until later" in red.
Phoenix Arrows
Maybe a person that listed the current value of dyes in Post-Searing, but did not sell or buy any dyes from players.
We don't necessaryly need a dye trader in pre-searing. It doesn't really make sense that the economy in pre-searing is the exact same 2 years later.
What I propose is they put a warning message when someone in pre-searing offers dye for trade that the actual value of the dye is such-and-such. It doesn't have to be too detail, otherwise it could give away the story. A warning message won't make dye sellable for lots of money, but it will help prevent scams.
You might say pre-searing has a separate economy from post-searing. That is true in the game lore sense, but in reality the post-searing econonmy has a large influence. You toss things away in pre-searing because you know later they're worth very little. You keep dye because you know later they're worth something.
What I propose is they put a warning message when someone in pre-searing offers dye for trade that the actual value of the dye is such-and-such. It doesn't have to be too detail, otherwise it could give away the story. A warning message won't make dye sellable for lots of money, but it will help prevent scams.
You might say pre-searing has a separate economy from post-searing. That is true in the game lore sense, but in reality the post-searing econonmy has a large influence. You toss things away in pre-searing because you know later they're worth very little. You keep dye because you know later they're worth something.
Curse You
It kind of plays into players learning from their mistakes. If they fail to ask an honest person the actual price of the item they are selling, then they sort of deserve to be scammed (sort of).
I was lucky enough to basically start off in the game in a Guild. I was told that Black dye is worth an lot by a honest person. As well, I knew that people commonly take advantage of newbs in MMORPGs, and so I shouldn't trust anyone but my guildmembers (who happened to be good friends).
So basically, it ends up being a bit of a lesson to the players that they shouldn't trust everyone.
I was lucky enough to basically start off in the game in a Guild. I was told that Black dye is worth an lot by a honest person. As well, I knew that people commonly take advantage of newbs in MMORPGs, and so I shouldn't trust anyone but my guildmembers (who happened to be good friends).
So basically, it ends up being a bit of a lesson to the players that they shouldn't trust everyone.
Ther is no reason to not have a dye trader, so my permant pre can't sell my mule account holds onto it untill the shuttle toon get to full and then I sear it. The only reason for not having a dye trader is to force people to sear with that stack of black.
Ther is no reason to not have a dye trader, so my permant pre can't sell my mule account holds onto it untill the shuttle toon get to full and then I sear it. The only reason for not having a dye trader is to force people to sear with that stack of black.
Kool Pajamas
Who cares if it makes sense if the economy should be the same 2 years later? Its better to keep newbies from being scammed. Just because you are new it doesnt mean you deserve to be scammed even "sorta kinda in a way maybe." There is no good reason at all to keep out dye traders from presear.
Scavenger Rage
/not signed
The thing i like most in pre is the simplicity. No storage, no traders....everything is just so rustic (for the lack of a better word) and thats the most charming thing about it.
I like the value of things there and adding traders would ruin it, so PLEASE dont do it. Let it be the way it is, pretty, shinny and relaxing.
Hell, i even bought an extra charr slot so I can be on pre - searing all the time, its just wonderfull how the things work in there and i would hate to see it dismantled by people farming arround to sell dyes. People have litle money, and items sell cheap, and there are actualy demand even for the crappier ones. Putting a dye trader would just make a whole new "WTS WTS WTS" spam back there and people rushing for big money instead of beeing satisfied whith the litle they can gather from their quests and missions.
The thing i like most in pre is the simplicity. No storage, no traders....everything is just so rustic (for the lack of a better word) and thats the most charming thing about it.
I like the value of things there and adding traders would ruin it, so PLEASE dont do it. Let it be the way it is, pretty, shinny and relaxing.
Hell, i even bought an extra charr slot so I can be on pre - searing all the time, its just wonderfull how the things work in there and i would hate to see it dismantled by people farming arround to sell dyes. People have litle money, and items sell cheap, and there are actualy demand even for the crappier ones. Putting a dye trader would just make a whole new "WTS WTS WTS" spam back there and people rushing for big money instead of beeing satisfied whith the litle they can gather from their quests and missions.
Robster Lobster
Originally Posted by Undivine
We don't necessaryly need a dye trader in pre-searing. It doesn't really make sense that the economy in pre-searing is the exact same 2 years later.
/signed for the idea, it doesn't seem like an unreasonable programming task and at the very least it prevents the need for experienced players exasperatingly saying below the scammers message "Keep your dye, it's worth more later in the game".
Originally Posted by Curse You
It kind of plays into players learning from their mistakes. If they fail to ask an honest person the actual price of the item they are selling, then they sort of deserve to be scammed (sort of).
Originally Posted by Scavenger Rage
/not signed
The thing i like most in pre is the simplicity. No storage, no traders....everything is just so rustic (for the lack of a better word) and thats the most charming thing about it. I like the value of things there and adding traders would ruin it, so PLEASE dont do it. Let it be the way it is, pretty, shinny and relaxing. |
Hell, i even bought an extra charr slot so I can be on pre - searing all the time, its just wonderfull how the things work in there and i would hate to see it dismantled by people farming arround to sell dyes. People have litle money, and items sell cheap, and there are actualy demand even for the crappier ones. Putting a dye trader would just make a whole new "WTS WTS WTS" spam back there and people rushing for big money instead of beeing satisfied whith the litle they can gather from their quests and missions. Latter. |
In pre-searing, since most people can't afford to buy it, there will be even less sellers.
As for the farmers, since they would be solo farming the dye, I doubt you would see much of them. They just farm the dyes, dump them to the trader, then repeat. Actually, if the farming of black dyes is worth it now, I'd be suprised if there aren't people who farm then while using a second character to shuttle them to post for selling now. The gold won't be useable till its transfered to post anyway.
Scavenger Rage
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
So you support scamming newbs out of their black dyes ?
BUT, in the other hand I will clarify my point just so other people like yourself don’t start misunderstanding things...
The pre - searing is a SIMPLER version of the game, and it is PERFECT the way it is. People are introduced in a small / slow paced environment that really shows how the life was wonderful before the charr ripped the land apart. Adding new features would just take away some of its glory, so i keep my idea, NO DYE TRADERS!
Taking advantage of some one else is bad, and that’s the reason why post - ser character CANNOT enter the pre - searing area. The same reason why you can´t access storage there, and also the same reason there are not specific traders in there, so no one can make "big money" by farming, that’s the way THAT economy (which is completely different from the post - searing economy) works, and adding new stuff won’t solve the problem of scams.
IF you implement a dye trader the farm will get insane and the noobs will spend countless hours in pre - searing without even knowing that there is only a tutorial, trying to get money for things they will never need. IF you try to reduce the sell price on those traders, then the scammers will still be there, buying the dyes for a little bit more money and making some bucks in return. ALSO, think about this, noobs will be spending thousands of their HARD ERNED money (making up 1k in pre takes time....) buying dyes and applying to no - where near max armors without even knowing that those armors wont help them at all on post - searing.
The way I see, the only way to shut all the scams for ever is simply taking out the black dye drops / silver dye drops from the pre - searing at all....I never really understand why to keep a such pricy item dropping on the "tutorial" and I still don’t.
Originally Posted by Ctb
Since dye is the only semi-valuable item that drops in pre-searing on the south side of the wall, it would be nice if there were a dye trader in Ascalon City, possibly one that would only give quotes. Thanks to the fact that there is STILL nothing close to a workable trading system in GW, most of pre-searing is now so overrun with people scamming newbs out of their "1 gold black dyes" that it's hard to go into an outpost or town and not see at least two people flipping through the districts trying to compete for a victim.
I don't know about anyone else, but it wouldn't encourage me to become a long time player to go to post searing only to immediately find I'd been scammed out of 6 plats in my first day in the game just because there's no way to find the actual value of anything most of the time. |
/Not signed
pre is 2 years before post, for that reason alone a dye trader would totally screw the storyline. Also, even when there is a dye trader in pre, newbs will still be scammed out of their blackies cuz they simply do not know black is that expensive. Believe me, there's a LOT of people telling black will be worth 7k later in the game in open chat whenever they see someone spamming 'WTB all ur dyes for 50g'.
I agree that it would be nice to do something about dye scammers but imho it's not worth screwing up the storyline for it.
Originally Posted by Scavenger Rage
The way I see, the only way to shut all the scams for ever is simply taking out the black dye drops / silver dye drops from the pre - searing at all....I never really understand why to keep a such pricy item dropping on the "tutorial" and I still don’t.
As for the seperate economy argument, what would you say to a dye trader that operates seperatly from the post-searing dye traders meaning that his prices are only determined by the supply and demand levels in pre-searing ?
For the argument about screwing up the storyline, well that is an issue, but I feel that preventing scammers is more important than the minor storyline issues this would cause.
Quid Pro Quo
If they took out black dye from pre then the black dye that would be left there on characters would become rediculously expensive.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by Quid Pro Quo
If they took out black dye from pre then the black dye that would be left there on characters would become rediculously expensive.
Signed for some sort of informational NPC about dyes.... Maybe another herald that talks about dye and how he is sure it will be worth a lot some day. Maybe just a dye trader withOUT the buy/sell option - he's there but just not ready to do business.
The major problem with actual newbs in presearing is that they don't know that presearing turns post.... I cannot even begin to tally the amount of people I have had the pre vs post sear talks with - I had a whole district that asked me mutiple questions and wanted info - I told those who didn't care if a small bit of their storyline was ruined to meet me in the last district of the Abbey .... From there it turned into a 45min lesson on presear vs post and the fact that they are TWO different places. Some post too soon, some are lvl 12 and never knew they could.
I think something should be done for sure - a little more information would be helpful and it would leave people feeling better about the game as a whole. Another thing.... The NPC that takes you to post... for goodness sakes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make his warning a little more pronounced.... I just took what he said to be story line for where I was and had no clue that once I went post I could never return. (Lvl 3 Ranger in post sear without half her skills FTL!)
The major problem with actual newbs in presearing is that they don't know that presearing turns post.... I cannot even begin to tally the amount of people I have had the pre vs post sear talks with - I had a whole district that asked me mutiple questions and wanted info - I told those who didn't care if a small bit of their storyline was ruined to meet me in the last district of the Abbey .... From there it turned into a 45min lesson on presear vs post and the fact that they are TWO different places. Some post too soon, some are lvl 12 and never knew they could.
I think something should be done for sure - a little more information would be helpful and it would leave people feeling better about the game as a whole. Another thing.... The NPC that takes you to post... for goodness sakes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make his warning a little more pronounced.... I just took what he said to be story line for where I was and had no clue that once I went post I could never return. (Lvl 3 Ranger in post sear without half her skills FTL!)
Scavenger Rage
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
That would also work, but depending on how GW is coded it might not be possible. I'll support eaither option.
As for the seperate economy argument, what would you say to a dye trader that operates seperatly from the post-searing dye traders meaning that his prices are only determined by the supply and demand levels in pre-searing ? For the argument about screwing up the storyline, well that is an issue, but I feel that preventing scammers is more important than the minor storyline issues this would cause. |
I am in pre every day on “Dolls to the Walls” and I see the dye scams every day.
WTB cheep black 4k
WTB all dye paying 75gold each
Why would a dye trader in pre be such a bad thing?
The only people who would object to a dye trader are the dye scammers as they will lose out on potential victims.
Dye prices in pre are ridiculous, red for 200gold silver 800gold black 8k+ for an item that has no game play value other than giving your character a personalised feel or fast cash if you are lucky to get a black drop.
Post yesterday 07/09/2006 the merchant was paying
30 gold for red dye
20 gold for yellow dyes
550gold for silver dye
A dye trader in pre would not affect the world economics as the dye is only taken directly to post by the players for a fast profit anyway.
The next negative I see is the players trying to help the new players by spamming messages continually an example that I see is “Do not sell dye in pre save for post silver sells for 700gold + black 8k +” that’s nice that you are trying to help but it can be painful when having a discussion interrupted every 2sec by the same message.
I am in pre every day on “Dolls to the Walls” and I see the dye scams every day.
WTB cheep black 4k
WTB all dye paying 75gold each
Why would a dye trader in pre be such a bad thing?
The only people who would object to a dye trader are the dye scammers as they will lose out on potential victims.
Dye prices in pre are ridiculous, red for 200gold silver 800gold black 8k+ for an item that has no game play value other than giving your character a personalised feel or fast cash if you are lucky to get a black drop.
Post yesterday 07/09/2006 the merchant was paying
30 gold for red dye
20 gold for yellow dyes
550gold for silver dye
A dye trader in pre would not affect the world economics as the dye is only taken directly to post by the players for a fast profit anyway.
The next negative I see is the players trying to help the new players by spamming messages continually an example that I see is “Do not sell dye in pre save for post silver sells for 700gold + black 8k +” that’s nice that you are trying to help but it can be painful when having a discussion interrupted every 2sec by the same message.