I had a nice shock yesterday when I tried to mod my bow with a barbed bow string. First some questions for you guys.
1) Is the Barbed Bow String still a 'supported' bow upgrade or have they been removed?
2) Is it possible that modding with an upgrade can fail???..for example as when you are attempting to salvage something, there is a small chance that the salvage attempt will fail.
The following happened to me. I had managed to salvage a few months ago a Barbed Bow String upgrade from a bow. I kept this string in my storage waiting for the right bow to come along. OK. So I finally decided which bow to mod. The bow in question already had a Poison Bow String, so all I wanted to do was to upgrade this bow with the Barbed Bow String. Everything went normally in the beginning, I double clicked the upgrade and then clicked the bow to be modded. I got the message "This weapon already has an upgrade...continue?". I pressed 'yes' and that was it.
Surprise, surprise when I then checked my bow...NO, barbed bow string upgrade and NO poison bow string upgrade that I already had on the bow!!! WTF???
So the final result was that, the barbed bow string was removed from my storage and my poison bow string was removed from my bow. Again WTF!!!
One thing to note is that when I attempted to do the upgrade the bow in question was equipped on my ranger (i.e. he had it in his hands) and the barbed bow string was in my storage inventory.
Anyone else have something similar happen to them?
Bug in modding a bow with Barbed Bow String
Obsidian Stealth
I've modded a LOT of bows and I've never came across this, nor ever heard of it.
1- The Barbed bow sting is still in the game
2- Modding cannot fail
I will do a few experiments and see if this happens to me. Experiments being testing modding from storage to the equipped bow.
1- The Barbed bow sting is still in the game
2- Modding cannot fail
I will do a few experiments and see if this happens to me. Experiments being testing modding from storage to the equipped bow.
this happened to a mate of mine with a crippling bow string I think. He wasted 2 or 3 on it before he realised his bow was bugged. Knowing him it was probably a recurve bow. He'll probably check the forum out later with full details but for now its just so you know this isnt a isolated incident
Thanks for the responses guys.
No need to waste your bow upgrades though. I sent this question also to GW tech support team. Hopefully I will get an answer soon.
No need to waste your bow upgrades though. I sent this question also to GW tech support team. Hopefully I will get an answer soon.
Was this done on a clean bow (i.e. White/Blue (Non-Quest/PvP/Bonus Items)/Purple/Gold?
no idea on my mates bow! Probably a standard collectors bow with a 15% inherrent (in stance or enchanted maybe) Most of his bows are collectors or greens so it wont have been a green :P
There was another thread similar to this a while back where someone was having a similar problem. Not sure what the resolution was though. Go try and make something bleed in the test isle and see if it is lengthened and just not showing the mod on the bow.
A simple test, in theory, try to use another Prefix mod (ie Elemental/Poisoning). You should get another "Do you want to overwrite the current mod?" message... unless of course you really have ended up with an unmodded bow.
Just make sure you aren't trying to mod a green bow...THAT does not work.
Originally Posted by TwinRaven
Just make sure you aren't trying to mod a green bow...THAT does not work.