How much fame did you earn in the "Double Fame Weekend"?
I know a lot of people did non-stop ha for those 5 days, just curious as to how much fame various people earned. i know i did some ha, but not nearly enough to get the 700 i needed for my tiger. overall i earned only about 400, though i have heard people earning over 1500 fame this weekend. post yours!
english storm
two whole points
I played about 4 hours total and only got 100.
about 140-150 in about 5-6 hours.
The truth itself
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0 fame (didn't play in HA)
I have total 202 fame which has been same since July 2005
I have total 202 fame which has been same since July 2005

Honestly I don't even know what fame is!!!
yay for pve scrubs
lolz jk. i know after about the first 6 hours of nr/tranq pwnage i got tired of ha.
I only played ~6 hours the entire weekend, so I only got 200 fame. :\
I got 200, but know a few guys that got well over 2500. Also, Supernova Japan got a few of their members from r0-9...
O I have a total of 1 fame after 16 months.
Probably about 500 fame didnt note down how much i started with.
None, Hall of Heroes sucks now.
Ole Man Bourbon

130 of fame in 2days.
i made 14 fame in a few hours .-. yay for the suck
Around 600-650 fame
Soo...exactly what kind of builds were you guys using...because I tried various ones and none got me any fame at all...
Big Fat Zero, same as it has been for the past year and for the forseeable future
I went from 8 fame all the way up to.....
8 fame.
8 fame.
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(message too short >.<)
Only 2 points for me. My very first 2 fame in almost 1.5 years. I was on my pve WoH monk and spent almost the entire time trying to keep myself alive (or laying on the ground dead) instead of healing others. That's not my idea of a fun game. I just don't see how these other WoH monks manage to survive in there...
Chris Blackstar
I started with 3 fame, and after playing maybe 3 to 4 hours during the whole event, I ended up with 47 fame.
Neo Nugget
I got 18 Fame in like 2 hours.The 25 title doesnt even show up whats the use.
Shantel Span
I went from 21 fame to 283 - but only because some guildies were trying to get to r3 and needed more people. If you ran a distinctly anti-trapper ranger build (because those were so insanely popular, especially at peak hours when middle/high school kiddies get home) you can tear through the competition. It gets a lot harder at about 1 AM though :P
I went from 127 to 205 in about 5-6 hours, one match lasting ~28 minutes.. we lost..
, atleast i got to play monk instead of iway
, but told that I kinda sucked from some r6's +.. no worries.. atleast no one told me i suck at iway war

Around 350 :: <3 Barrage
i played for about an 1 hour and got 32 fame
Unlike many I didn't play it hardcore so only about 26 fame total I think (from 53 fame to 79)... However it was nice to run into some of the top guilds and check out their builds. We met No Opposing Party, lol and we thought we would be dead out of the gate but we did pretty decent taking out 2-3 of theirs I think before they finished us off. I don't think they were going for hardcore spike or super pressure but their build was rather odd (and they were very polite).
Best part was getting to try out different builds that I normally would never play.... Thumper for example is completely mindless, lol... I wanted to play some necro or warrior but alas I didn't get too. I got to play my trapper with a little different setup, cripshot with apply poison, and my favorite was when they made me go mostly interupt. There is nothing like shutting down monks <3 Granted with monks its mostly rapid fire to catch their skills but yeah interupting reversal twice in a row is GAWDLY!
Our builds were random so it never seemed like we were trying to do anything more than make it as far as we could and start over. *shrugs* Come midnight we couldn't win a thing to save our lives -_- (except the one henchway group >_>)
I think this was one of their more successful weekends to be sure!
Best part was getting to try out different builds that I normally would never play.... Thumper for example is completely mindless, lol... I wanted to play some necro or warrior but alas I didn't get too. I got to play my trapper with a little different setup, cripshot with apply poison, and my favorite was when they made me go mostly interupt. There is nothing like shutting down monks <3 Granted with monks its mostly rapid fire to catch their skills but yeah interupting reversal twice in a row is GAWDLY!
Our builds were random so it never seemed like we were trying to do anything more than make it as far as we could and start over. *shrugs* Come midnight we couldn't win a thing to save our lives -_- (except the one henchway group >_>)
I think this was one of their more successful weekends to be sure!
About 700 fame in a couple days, saturday and sunday mostly.
34.. last minute coursework cramming ftl
Juicey Shake
200 or so comp was dead and then only played for a few hours on 2 days
more then 600
I got about 200 fame, I didnt check how much fame I had before the double fame event and still havent checked, I love keeping it a surprise and will only check when I rank up, which is VERY soon, love the element of surprise. I played for about 8 hours total on the weekend, could have been more but this thing "life" kept interrupting everything, from work to going out to a family party. I enjoyed the event, but I dont love it any more then the usual 8 vs 8.
around the 150 fame,
I enjoyed it, was one of the best weekends I got.
I enjoyed it, was one of the best weekends I got.
40, i wanted to get my bambi but i guess now its worthless =(
200 fame.
None. Not my cup of chowder.
Still had fun though...
Still had fun though...
About 500... then the ViM weekend bored me into spending last 2 days PvEing.
Seriously, the metagame was probably the worst you'd ever see: In underworld, 75% of the time you faced a scrubway, 20% VIM and 5% something decent. In Burial Mounds, you invariably faced VIM (I'm assuming because all the scrubways got kicked out in UW) Broken tower = VIM about half the time, smite variants, with some scrubway sprinkled in. Scarred Earth = 2 degen teams (wow, someone else plowed through all the idiots yelling VICTORY IS MINE!! on the first three levels) and pretty much all degen and some smite from there.
Blah. If anet makes halls permanently into 6-man arena, I'm gonna fly to wherever their headquarters are, stab everyone in the face and shout "Victory is mine!"
Seriously, the metagame was probably the worst you'd ever see: In underworld, 75% of the time you faced a scrubway, 20% VIM and 5% something decent. In Burial Mounds, you invariably faced VIM (I'm assuming because all the scrubways got kicked out in UW) Broken tower = VIM about half the time, smite variants, with some scrubway sprinkled in. Scarred Earth = 2 degen teams (wow, someone else plowed through all the idiots yelling VICTORY IS MINE!! on the first three levels) and pretty much all degen and some smite from there.
Blah. If anet makes halls permanently into 6-man arena, I'm gonna fly to wherever their headquarters are, stab everyone in the face and shout "Victory is mine!"
Played only a few hours... started the 3rd of Sep. so yea I was kinda late... but around 125 fame nontheless. Went from r3 to r4 and that's all I wanted.