Storage is an issue in this game, especially coming from Anarchy Online where I can put stuff in backpacks & put a backpack in any slot. You can't put the packs inside packs, but rather just a 'bank' slot or inventory there would be a max, but at least you have more flexibility.
It's not so much of a problem with the items I carry on me, as I like the challenge of determining what I should take with me & what to leave. My problem is with the shared Storage. It absolutely sucks. There are probably several methods suggested, and I'm not too preferential, I just want more storage space, period.
I will suggest a few ideas that may or may not have been listed, I'm new & don't have lots of time to search the forums, but here are some thoughts:
- Allow the slots in storage to hold bags with their contents in them & if the Dev's are feeling really nice, allow them to be labeled. This way you could put gear for a certain build/setup in a bag & label it. This would also be more flexible than adding tabs for everything under the sun. I think the players can carry enough gear at one time for the most part, I just think of the storage as this huge crate you should be able to put a bag in each slot in the crate, this would probably be the easiest way to increase storage.
- Sell extra storage. I don't care if it's real money or in game money, I'll pay either way. If I could pay $5-10 to add at least 10 slots per character, I'd happily pay it. It would have to be a 1 time fee that would just expand the Storage chest at least 10 slots for every character from then on out. Even if you deleted, you get the extra slots on the new character. The other route would be to sell extra space for in game money. Why not have a Superior Rune of Holding or something that would give you even more storage than the regular one. I'd happily pay a couple plat for each rune. I'd also pay a few plat to expand the shared Storage crate itself.
- Guild Hall storage. You could give extra storage via guild halls....this could be like 'your home' where you can store more items. A guild hall specific storage that can only be accessed while in the guild hall. I think this would be nice yet realistic. We have to have a 'home' somewhere & we would be able to store all sorts of gear at home.
As for the collector items & dyes, it should be pretty easy to just add them to a tab like crafting materials or just lump them under the same tab & call it the 'stackables' tab....have crafting materials, collector items, keys, & dyes all in that tab.....
I'm an engineer in the other game I play so I'm used to keeping all sorts of things that drop for future use. Sure I can sell it since I can't keep much & convert those items to gold, but then I have to refarm them when I need them, or buy them from someone which is hardly ever convenient with the crappy trade setup in this game.
On a side note, I've never seen such spam in game chat like there is here, but again, the Anarchy Online community for the most part uses the right channels for trade & those that don't are put on ignore or scolded & directed to the right channel.
Being new to the game, it sucks to have to sell things to make room. I've tried to keep some items that I can use on future characters since I love to roll alts & try out new classes. This includes collector items, weps, off hands & runes...that's a lot of stuff to store, I even tried to roll one of each class to use for mules, but it's just a pain having to log each one to find stuff....simple solution, just make the main storage bigger or let the bags fit into storage slots with items inside the bags.
The other thing that really is lacking in my opinion in this game is some sort of player shop where you can sell your items while not in game. My suggestion for this would be to have it as some sort of addition to the guild hall where you have an 'auctioneer' you talk to that you can put items up for sale. You hand him the item, tell him how much you want for it. Then you could also talk to him if you were looking to buy an item. There could be a text search as well as some drop downs that you could select for what hand the item goes in, and what stats it has as well as a price min/max for the search.
Not only would this drastically reduce all the spam in game chat since no one has a CLUE as to what the trade channel is for, it would help people sell items that could be of use to others & also make gold for themselves. Put some sort of limit on how many items can be listed at a time like 5-10 items max listed at any one time.