Armor bonus questions, please help!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006

Elite Player Killer Killers [EpKK]

Does a bonus on one piece of armor give a global effect to the whole set that you wear, or just that one area?
I've noticed a bunch of warriors wearing mostly gladiators and an ascalon helm.
Does the total armor level benefit from having that one piece?

The reason I'm asking this is so that I can gain a much deeper understanding of how the armor works in this game before I make a major decision on which armor to craft.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


If you mean like the dmg absorption on Knight's armor, no they don't stack. It's specific to each individual piece of armor. Also, there is no 15k glad helm and a lot of people grab the ascalon helm just cause they like the way it looks together.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


it used to work, but style hasnt changed yet

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




It kinda works on a case by case basis. Used to be that 1 Knight's piece led to global reduction, but that's no longer the case.

The reason for the Ascalon helm is the +1 to tactics, I believe, for instance.